Sunday, 9 March 2025

The US Air Force and Northrop Grumman reach an important milestone in the development of the Sentinel ICBM


The US Air Force and Northrop Grumman Corporation have announced significant progress in the development of the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Full-scale static fire qualification tests of the solid-fuel rocket engine of the first stage of the rocket have been successfully conducted at the Northrop Grumman facility in Promontory, Utah.

These tests are crucial to verify the engine design and bring the program closer to the production and implementation stage. The successful static fire tests confirm the reliability and effectiveness of the developed technologies, which is an important step towards creating a modern and safe nuclear deterrent system.

Technical Details

1. Solid-fuel rocket engine:

   - The tests included checking the operation of the solid-fuel rocket engine of the first stage. This type of engine provides the high reliability and power required to perform the tasks of an intercontinental ballistic missile.

2. Full-scale tests:

- Full-scale qualification tests allowed all key engine components to be tested under conditions as close as possible to real conditions. This includes checking ignition systems, fuel cells, and structural materials.

The successful completion of the tests paves the way to the next stages of the Sentinel ICBM development and production. The US Air Force and Northrop Grumman will continue to work together to improve the missile and integrate it into the existing nuclear deterrent system.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles play a key role in ensuring the national security of the United States. The development and deployment of the Sentinel ICBM will strengthen the country's position in the field of nuclear deterrence and enhance the overall combat capability of the armed forces.

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