Wednesday, 5 March 2025

The F-22 Raptor Will Finally Get A Helmet-Mounted Display: An Era of New Visualization for Leading U.S. Fighter Jets

F-22 Raptor pilots will receive helmet-mounted displays.

In addition to equipping Hawaii-based F-22s, Thale's Scorpion system will now be standard on all F-16s in the U.S. Air Force fleet.

The contract replaces JHMCS as the dominant HMD on the USAF F-16, and one type of HMD is now standardized for the entire Air Force Viper fleet.

The fact that the F-22, the world's most powerful air-to-air fighter, does not have an HMD has always been a matter of debate. It was originally planned that Raptor pilots would receive it, but this was cut out during development. It was discussed that JHMCS, in particular, had problems integrating with this type.

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