Saturday, 29 October 2016

Fears of "False Flag" to Distract from Hillary ordeal as National Guardsmen in multiple states get call-up for 3:30 AM tomorrow - Multiple Military Convoys departing Multiple bases throughout USA

Internet explodes from many eyewitness reports from all over the country about how to move numerous and very large military convoys began collecting natsgvardeytsev, they ordered to report at 3:30 am on Saturday morning started very strong and unusual activity in almost all the major military bases in all states USA.

Conspiracy theorists have said that preparing a terrible falshflag (false attack), to divert public attention from the catastrophic news today about Hillary Clinton. If the conspiracy theorists are right, some falshflag can distract attention of the entire country for a week or two? Something great!

Here is a typical example of the growing flow of messages about these sudden hostilities:

- Collection of the National Guard has been activated, so that everyone will be at 3:30 am. I can not say much, but I know that ........ all to see within 3-6 days.
The consequences will be terrible.

- It does not matter who "elected" after the event.

- I live near a major military facility, it began a strong movement, a huge military convoy moving through the Southern and Northern Kentucky, Tennessee.

If you live near a major US military base, and you see or hear an unusual activity that indicates the possible mobilization of troops, please write in the comments to inform the public, or use our e-mail address If you have a photo or video, you can attach them.

UPDATE 1:27 AM EDT 29 October 2016 -

Hillary, Obama and Biden has canceled all public appearances after 31 October. It looks like a war friends.

Yes, we know that the FBI has resumed business, Hillary. But it may already be too late.

There was a smell of war or state of emergency.

More. . . .

According to the hacker group "Anonymous" leakage implies Hillary and Obama of treason!

They may even be willing to start WW3, to divert attention, and not thunder in jail? Some people do not doubt it for a second.

Fasten your seat belts, we do not know exactly what's happening, but it is better to make sure your supplies in order.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Russia and the US can start fighting

Now conspiracy.

Options for a future war.

Here is our scenario, we do not want, what would it be prophetic, perhaps, something will bring you into a state of depression, but something fun.

From what you know, nothing will change!

From the last letter someone wrote that we ukry, someone said that fake, people understand we do not care how you die, survive than those who think that I have not sinned, will survive are those who will be with the spark of life and the animals will not.

Information comes and we only record.

In the near future we are waiting for 3 military companies, after which the world will never be the same as you know it.

The company first - Asian.

Time points out that the beginning of events is necessary.

West will be in every way to put a spoke in the wheel, and then take control of the oil production in Syria and Iraq.

Turkey will make another "mistake", the quiet consent of their overseas curators, and even then nothing will stop Russia from land-based operations, it will be a landing operation, from the Caspian Sea, through Iraq.

The group is divided into two parts, one part will go to Turkey, united with the Kurds, the second to the south.

For the Western world it will be a shock.

By grouping, as well to join the Iranians. Together they will take for themselves all the oil production of Iraq, and then a powerful blow to break away from the LIH in Syria, they will be in the ring.

Saudis urgently mobilize the army, and then the end will come, and the Saudis ...

About Turkey we wrote, and here and Armenians will take part, for 2 months we reach Constantinople / Istanbul.

In Turkey, will be the first major battle, a new war, when 50,000 were killed on the day will be the usual statistics. It will not last for a long time (about 2 weeks), the modern Turks are not warriors, they are cowardly, tremble, do not stand up.

Meanwhile ....

Company second - European.

To slow the Russian advance in Turkey handy slowly smoldering wick in Ukraine.

It Dmitry wrote extensively, so dwell on this, we will not, in the end we are again in Kiev.

Meanwhile troops after regrouping Asian company is converted into a European company (and this will be the southern flank), Kiev - Central and after shat Sweden, Norway and Finland, will be and Leningrad - the northern flank.

The Persians also want the Jews to put blood, you also know the result.

The European company is divided into two stages.

Step One:

Serbs raise revolt against the usurpation of the country, of course we will go to them for help, Greeks miss troops without any problems, the military will be greeted as liberators from the Anglo-Saxon domination, but the southern group in the back hit Bulgarians together with Nato, this step will cause great sorrow.

South group will be broken.

Simultaneously with these events begin action in the north.

Thus ended the first stage of a European company.

Field full of events in the war enters China (although small battalions will be earlier)

Pacific company, we will not describe, but still at an initial stage, in conjunction with the Pacific Fleet will complete neutralization MF USA.

Once in Europe will be lost southern group will undermine the H-bombs at the bottom of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Caused by this tsunami washed away coastal towns, and most importantly, wash southern England with London and his queen.

Few will flood France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden. In America, wash New York and California.

Then begins what we have seen only in movies. The flight of the rocket at us - the US, let it be written, funny, but produced 160 missiles, their goal is only achieved 9 !!! (We are referring only to those that fly from the continent, as will be more and others). After they had shot, get an answer, it will be only for military purposes. We will release a total of 20 rockets - 19 will fall into the goal.

China sends us his grouping. Several million Chinese guys will do a complete sweep of the whole of North Africa, and the second part will go back through Turkey, where finally finish underground.

Because guys will have a lot in Africa, there are also a couple of bombs will blow up, but it will not stop them.

The second part of a European company:

The Chinese will go in 3 directions, the Balkans, landing in Italy, and via Gibraltar. Dad in a panic, not knowing what to do, will wash off in the states (by the way it is, he will bring the news about the fact that Europe has fallen).

Northern Front sort out for a month with a rebellious northerners and the central front, as in May '45, after 72 hours will march through the streets of Berlin.

Yes…. with the NATO group in Bulgaria is very strictly will understand, and will, so that there were in fact all NATO forces.

A second front would be Muslim fanatics, they are also a lot of nasty things done, but not so much that would stop the army.

Amer decide as follows: - Europe, Russian again ?! This time they did not get!

And run another 20 rockets, this time we sobem only one, and that would be sure, Europe poison, so that everything there will die, and our troops and the Chinese the same.

So we gradually come to the next chapter.

The company third - American.

In this part, we will use the already written prediction, with minor amendments, as believe that it is as close to the actual events, we allowed ourselves to add only a few strokes.

Landed our troops, 3 months after the defeat of the southern flank.

But let's start with China, poor course will get 2/3 of China's die.

Chuck Yungbrandt fully described the course of the war in the United States, he wrote to the American position:

"On October 21 - 132 427 Russian soldiers to invade the United States in the East (Delaware). In just a few hours before their armored forces landed on the coast of Virginia, the purpose of this bold stroke, to cause confusion. Armored vehicles will rush like a fan across the state, wreaking havoc, destruction and fires in cities.

This force is designed to sabotage, to distract our attention from the main places of landing.

Russian division landed in the small town of Milford, Delaware. Hence, tanks and self-propelled artillery quickly moving around the 39 highway 13, take Dover. The capital of the State of Delaware will be taken within an hour, without a single shot.

October 23 - approximately 1.8 million American soldiers will be involved in the reflection of Russian forces in the area of ​​Wilmington, Delaware. Although US troops will attack and fight with courage and perseverance, Russian troops dig in and survive the attack. A week later, Russian troops will move in an unexpected attack in the United States' central defense and welling in the open country. Panic and confusion will sweep the army, and the sudden appearance of a large number of fighter-bombers (our) would be horror these days.

Using breakthrough, Russian armored units rushing to the west. While the bulk of American armored forces will be forced to defend Washington. However, the object of Russian forces is not Washington, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Disagreeing widely to the north, Russian Army will cover Philadelphia, surrounding about a million American soldiers, they all die.

The US military will not be able to stop the advancement of Russia. The US Army will be destroyed when the defense of the south. The Russian army will pass through Virginia to North Carolina. Slow movement of Russian troops after a series of bloody battles. With the arrival of harsh winter and lack of supply, Russian stop in the Appalachian mountain ranges, about halfway between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg ...

West Coast - a month after the invasion of Russia in the East to the West Coast in three different places to attack China (ally want to take revenge for the destruction of cities) and ex-Japan (the day of reckoning has come for Hiroshima and Nagasaki), with significant assistance of the Russian fleet. Some Chinese forces landed in the Gulf of Uillapa, the second somewhere in the south of what was left of San Francisco, and others, Japanese and Chinese troops, five miles from the US-Mexico border.

West Coast Defence has lost its air and ground forces, which were sent to the East Coast. Chinese army troops surrounded and cut off from the mainland by the US Army. The Chinese will be strong enough to drive the US forces to the East. The Chinese and Japanese were to the north of Los Angeles, and later come to San Francisco.

After a winter disrupted supply of troops and movement of troops stopped on all fronts. Although it was a difficult winter for the Americans, but no less cruel for the Russian, Chinese and Japanese armies. In yet untouched by urban war arose factories and plants. All of our technology directed at the production of a large number of modern warfare.

The government tried to take a desperate attempt, using existing differences with the red Chinese and Japanese, but it was even, they submitted a single command - Russian. Lead is a whole group, a person is not a military man, he was overweight, of medium height, he will accidentally General, before the war, he was filming a movie, oh, if only to take control of their film industry and to find it, we would have a chance to win, but it is a mystery. The wild and barbaric strategy, calculate it, we have not been able to, he fought against the rules. The complete lack of logic of his actions repeatedly lead us to a complete collapse.

Philadelphia used Russian as the main naval base for the delivery of fuel and food. I have seen a gradual concentration of forces between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, southern Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. In late winter and early spring, the US Air Force once again appeared and prevented the Russian Air Force. Thousands of guns and rocket launchers Shoot volley by Russian defense. Millions of soldiers attacked violently, and Russian were stunned. The gap in the hundreds of miles was broken in the Russian defense. Russia had no reserves, they were doomed, and we knew it. We hoped that they will hunger supplies run out, as the Russian surrender Paulus at Stalingrad, but they fought.

One of the US Army again take Washington, DC, and Philadelphia, which will be their main goal. The American troops were advancing, and Russian military forces were on the wane. They lost the battle, and the battle is constantly retreating, they had no more than 30 thousand. US troops attacked Russian waves, and often victory passed from hand to hand, but despite our valiant efforts, Russian soldiers still stood firmly, and their general was like a god to them, his soldiers were fanatically committed, and not one, even under torture did not betray him. They were fighting and playing for time, and we are not as they could not understand why they prefer death, and do not give up.

Then there was one of the biggest airlift of troops in history. Russian troops were brought from Russia to the United States in large numbers, and the onset of the US army halted, taking Philadelphia. Since then, the US army fought desperately and hopelessly.

May 14 began a counteroffensive in cooperation with the Chinese and Japanese forces, which will eventually lead to the destruction of the remnants of the US Army in the Midwest, in the fields of Kansas, Missouri and Iowa.

It will pee treaty of surrender. The United States will cease to exist by the summer. Die 200 million Americans. Russian soldiers will bring ancestral custom. They are to marry our women from 12 to 40 years, which would give birth to children. Occupation regime leads benefits for those who have children from Russian, and after 10 years, we will all Russian, the language of the conversation and will they, the English language will be dying.

The Chinese will go to women who can not have children, and they would please the soldiers, these will be very much. The Japanese will be sadists, they will torture and torment of our men, most men undergo castration. Then Chinese and Japanese troops will go to India and other parts of Asia to consolidate everything into one empire. Chief of the Russian will be honored by all, even by us, but he will not rule.

In America, there will be more banks, life will be different, I'm glad and I grieve for the dead ....

At the end we would like to tell you what will happen in Russia:

- Nuclear attack would get 16 cities: Moscow, Murmansk, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok ... Many will missiles from submarines and small vessels, many of them reach the goal, do not be afraid of destruction will be, but not so global. The radiation is only in the midst of a 5 km. from it will be relatively easy.

- Men are not to be missed sorely.

- Will fight adolescents from 13 years of age and women 15.

When the war is over, will start a new industrialization, but not the one that was at the Union, will be the new technology. Communication will be organized in a different way.

Europe again inhabit in 5 years, it will be mainly Persians, Indians and Chinese, we will not go, because that itself will have to settle in the void.

And then come and "new" religion.

Forgot to write about the displacement of the poles, it will happen at the end of the first European companies to help our explosions. Ocean and washed away a little make some noise of the coastal towns.

We also incur severe losses in the total population die half.

At the end of the war in the villages live children and the elderly, and for many kilometers one.

The war will be 3 years (proactive), so sit on the stove no one has come out.

- From the book should Afanasva that our prophets said, that Siberia will turn yellow. Possibly, but not before the end the major fighting.

- The Chinese never will not fight for Europe (here lies).

- 2/3 of the book really do not need to read, there are things that confuse people and catch up with fear.

- Not so pessimistic as it may seem, most importantly, that there will come a golden millennium of humanity after the war, where there will be bankers, moneylenders, hrestyan and Muslims, this war will give impetus to the development, unfortunately, no other way to reach us.

So for the bright future of our ancestors can die.

 But it is better that it did not happen!

Thursday, 27 October 2016

ANALYSIS: Election outcome scenarios reveal 95% chance of widespread post-election violence... streets of America to run red with blood

Mike Adams

Analysis of the possible results of the upcoming presidential election shows that America has only a 5% chance to remain calm after 8 November. This does not mean that violence will start shortly on November 9 but probably events will unfold in the day, and this will lead to an escalation of violence (with veroyanostyu 95%).

Here are a few scenarios that I see how things will unfold, based on all available information:

Scenario number 1) Trump wins elections

There are three additional scenarios as part of the result:

1A (10% probability) scenario: Trump wins the election, but the Democrats steal votes to claim victory, blocking voters

Despite the fact that Donald Trump won the election, the Democrats have bribed enough representatives of the Electoral College in favor of Clinton, even in contradiction with the voters of his state.

If this happens, it is safe to expect mass protests, violence, bloodshed and many legal problems in those states where electoral votes do not reflect the popular vote. There is no doubt that Trump's support American citizens will not accept "rigged" election results, where the electoral votes, in fact, stolen from the people. This can very quickly escalate into armed unrest and resistance when we observe how citizens marching through the streets and occupy key government buildings for the purpose of armed revolution against corruption.

1B scenario (probability 60%): Obama declares victory Trump invalid, arguing that Russian broke Vote

In my analysis of the most likely outcome of the upcoming elections, and Democrats have launched a version of this in advance with the absurd statement that "Russian" work with WikiLeaks and that Trump is a "puppet of Putin."

The purpose of all this - to create an excuse the fact that Trump's victory can be declared invalid by Obama. Despite all the talk among Democrats that they love and respect democracy, the simple truth is that they are deeply hate it (and do not trust him). There is almost no chance that Obama and the Clintons voluntarily cede power to Donald Trump.

If Obama declares victory Trump invalid, all hell breaks loose around the country, leftists arrange "full of terror" and the Patriots take up arms to defend democracy against the anti-American traitors in Washington, DC.

Scenario 1C (5% probability): Democrats take victory Trump and agree on a peaceful transition of power.

Even if Obama and Clinton acknowledged defeat and agree that Donald Trump - the next president, the liberal voters go crazy and start to destroy the buildings across America. You will see the riots breaking out everywhere. Obama can then use this to declare martial law, and if he wants to postpone the transfer of power to Donald Trump (or blame him for all the violence).

Remember that the Democrats have launched the mechanism of mass violence and organized it all over America ( They can easily organize riots, arson, explosions, and more in order to increase the chaos in the streets.

Scenario number 2) Clinton wins elections

 On the basis of current information (and taking into account how "official" fully rigged polls), in my analysis, there is only a 25% chance that Hillary Clinton wins the election. Here the sub-scripts within these 25%:

2A scenario (probability 20%): Clinton wins the elections, but Trump has challenged the legality of the election results.

This scenario is very likely, begins with legal problems in mass election fraud, but can quickly escalate into a military coup or a rebellion of armed citizens, where outraged Americans organize a march on Washington to overthrow the corrupt regime in power.

We must expect a huge bloodshed in this case. There is no doubt that about half of America simply can not and will not accept Hillary Clinton as president. It is too corrupt too evil and too dangerous. (Hillary Clinton - a serial criminal who should be charged and put in jail if America is still a country that respects the law.)

Scenario 2B (5% probability): Trump accepts the election results and said supporters to those who supported Hillary Clinton

If Clinton wins Trump admits that she won fair and square (which seems very unlikely), then he can publicly call upon all to back down and accept the presidency of Clinton.

I see that the probability of this is only 5%. And even then, many conservatives and patriots are so angry at the outcome that they can decide on their own protests.

95% chance of mass violence in one form or another

The result of this is that I see only a 5% chance of a peaceful, non-violent outcome of these elections. In most conceivable scenarios, America plunges into mass violence in one form or another.

This is a direct result of the extreme polarization of political opinion in America today, where we have a whole class of uneducated, ignorant supporters of Hillary Clinton, who can only watch CNN and have no idea that Clinton is corrupt criminals. Evidence of the depth of the Democrats of corruption in the project Veritas Veritas (part 3), which has just been released:

On the other hand, we have reported that the Americans have woken up to realize how these elections - their last chance to restore democracy by voting against a corrupt establishment.

These two groups can not reason with each other. They can not find a compromise and to be honest, you can not even talk with the Democrats, because they are all so zapropagandirovany and brain-damaged that they have completely abandoned the concept of "facts." (For them, "the fact" that says Hillary Clinton, while "false" is what Donald Trump says.)

We are so far from the realm of the mind right now. Faith in a lie Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton almost became a mental disorder, because their ideas are turned into such nonsense that only a mentally ill person can believe (or vote for them).

In fact, the vote on November 8 th - is not just a vote to determine whether America really insane reject corruption, Hillary Clinton is a vote to determine whether the lost mind of the American people collectively.

If Clinton wins, it means that we live in a society of zombies and insane cultists, who are a danger to everyone (including yourself).

Global global debt collapse will be initiated regardless of who wins

It is important to note that no matter who wins, the world global debt collapse is not far off, which means that the whole scam Global Governmenta infinite growth and high payouts will come to a catastrophic end. And it is mathematically guaranteed, regardless of who wins the presidential election.

You understand that if Donald Trump wins and takes the position of central banks of the world are deliberately push the system to crash and obvenit around Donald Trump.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Third Worldwar: the preparation is in full swing


As has recently been shown, it continues an active movement of military equipment for the destination which were different opinions in the United States. The most common: the technique of being taken to the ports. It is confirmed. If you google the topic about the war and about the ports - will be a lot of clips from the small port of insiders children and loaders, watching the maneuvers through smartphones:

Who was shooting a movie when - this question to the authors. The main thing that the video is, it a lot, the date of publication similar to the real.


In the glorious Montana ten days ago declared a no-fly zone over some circles drawn on the map.

For those who are not in the tank: the US has 150 Minuteman III ballistic missiles hidden near Malmstrom Air Base. This is Montana. Probably, if there will be some aircraft will be uncomfortable to shoot missiles at the course. Perhaps some other reason. But still strange.


USA was transferred to the Middle East planes to refuel in the air.

Probably at each air base in the world are flying tankers there. In any case, since the cases are known to be different. However, if we are talking about a mass transfer of tankers - so far assumed mass departures fighters. Where to fly?


 Diego Garcia, a wonderful small island in the Indian Ocean. Owned by Britain, leased by the US military base. In the early seventies of the last century all the natives were forcibly evicted: uncles in pith helmets robbed Papuans pet dogs and euthanized with gas. Then he showed his finger, and hinted that if not out - join the doggies. Since then, with insiders and valiant scouts on the island of tight, it is seen only in the Defense Ministry from space. At the same time no one report that we'll see in particular.

Fortunately for all of the good man was found from US government contractors - it is on the island is to build something, not digging (he Communication Specialist). With eyes round with fear brave scout specialist painted on any forum about the following:

- On the island of more aircraft than at any time in the last 9 years. They are so many that even the equipment put on the road

- The military base in space is no longer fit for them and built a tent-town shield.

- Usually on the basis of dusts several B-52s, but occasionally being moved to several new aircraft like the B-1 or B-2. More than one at a time, the contractor never seen. Who presented the basis of the entire fleet of new bombers.

- Airport runs at full speed, taking off and landing every minute. Departing from the base, the plane waited for the departure of the contractor in the queue, which was not previously had.

- All loading docks in the port busy, a lot of other ships is placed on the roads. Some contractor saw the bomb. Many bombs.

- On the basis of draconian security measures, the contractor demanded a pass to 8 times a day, which has never happened before. As he explained to friends the military - a test mode is entered if the job comes with a nuclear weapon.

By the way, in English-speaking blogs made by active consideration of the Russian post on Twitter

In the photo, allegedly made in Tatischevo area captured convoy, similar to transport nuclear weapons. Given that the Russian base located near Engels-2 bombers Tu-160 and T-95, it can be assumed where these cars were driving. So there are all reasons a little jittery.


Unknown US Navy officer threw one more reason to worry. In kindness he told local residents that Russian is not today or tomorrow embed Alaska. Local from the very shy a week sitting in basements.


And of course the biggest hit of the fall season - a statement Kremlin insider Markov on the war between Russia and the US will begin before the election on 8 November.

Makes the brand such a statement or did not do, there was healthy mentally, if still did - in this respect no one knows anything. But what is strange about the same time almost in the same way as if the Queen of England spoke - he said about the end times, and advised everyone to say goodbye to loved ones.

Many did not take this statement seriously strongly hinting on a yellowish news sources. However, these serious citizens for a moment forget that the Queen of England - it is also very serious. It is unlikely that the owner of a newspaper some will come to mind to attribute to the queen the words that she did not speak. Here and on the head can squeal, the British Empire and a fairly large hands MI6 rather long. But once wrote - then had a team more to shed light on the topic. A theme emerges quite grim: somehow sinister look, all these global military maneuvers. To put it in the style of a famous movie character - an unhealthy kind of a waste of time. It seems that today is not a big batch will begin tomorrow.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Official German extermination program and plans for World War 3, or undermining Yellowstone

P L E A S E S P R E A D A L L O V E R T H E G L O B E — L E T U S C R O S S T H E I R P L A N Comment of the translater: I’m translating this text because I think the world should know about the content. I’m personally of the opinion that this whistleblower report is absolutely true and authentic, as everything fits perfectly to what we are aware about. I do not care about how many institutions will claim it was a fake, because most institutions follow their own hidden agenda, while we are independent and working without payment just for the spreading of what we consider as truth. The world must know what is going on in Europe and especially in Germany, the evening news on TV will not report about. Even reading this content the first time was horrible, this is the reason why we call it “the face of the anti-Christ”. For those of you who cannot imagine that evil of that sort would really exist: Pls. educate yourselves about: The Morgenthau-Plan The Hotoon-Plan The Kalergi-Plan Super-lodges Must read: Gerard Menuhin: Tell the truth and shame the devil Phoenix-Journals #39, 40 and 41 I have personally looked over the email very critically, checking out style, grammar, possible contradictions and personal imprint of the author, who is – besides – in no way anonymous. She signs by her full name, Dipl.-Ing (adequate German expression for Msc or Meng., for Master of engineering) Dr. Austeja Emilija Dominykas, suffering from Leukemia since 2014, having nothing to loose and believing she will pass before end of the year. The text is the content of a German Youtube-Video by a producer calling himself “ZERBERSTER”. He is publishing the email he receives and this whistleblower email is #10. If you search for “ZERBERSTER” and “Zuschauerpost #10” you will be able to find the video. We have learned meanwhile that the producer had a wellknown youtube channel before, with a great number of followers, which youtube deleted (guess why). The name of the person ZERBERSTER is stated to be BRANDON LAKEFIELD on the video. His email is We consider it vital to save this material, so that it can be put on again in case censorship will hit again. If you for yourselves come to the conclusion that this report was true, then please help spreading this, put it into discussion platforms and websites, send it on to your friends. We – as humanity – are at the crossroads point and must make sure to take the direction which will not trap us but lead us upon the path of divine evolution. Humanitys destination is to be a blessing for the planet, nothing else. And this is the path we must take. Bolded words in the text marked by the translater. LEAKED: OFFICIAL AGENDA FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF GERMANY FACE OF THE ANTI-CHRIST VISIBLE Whistleblower report by Dipl-Ing. Dr. Austeja Emilija Dominykas Translated into English from the German original by Brainactivator September 2016 EMAIL titled: A life story of horror sent to Brandon Lakefield – on 19th September 2016 on 5.53 h (supposed a.m.) , data content 36 kb. by Austeja You can watch the header on the youtube. Dear Brandon Lakefield (nice pseudonym), at first, thank you very much for the many couraged videos you published, for adding sound to words of the people and for having the heart to publicly spread. And even without any balance, and on taking the full risk in our fascist German dictatorship, where anything becomes censored and distorted – this is a remarkable performance. Unfortunate that people like you have become so rare – most people duck down, in an illusive hope that it would get better someday. In advance I would like to ask you to regard me as a nutcase, conspiracy theorist, or what expression ever you best go along with, this way it is likely to become easier for you to buy into what I have to tell. Please excuse my missing paragraphs or one or the other typo, the remnants of my ability to concentrate have been taken by my latest chemo and I’m trying hard to keep myself together. My profession is an engineer for tunnel construction, especially gauge pressure/armor/reinforcement facilities. More clearly: constructor for deep bunker sites. My personal story commences in February 2001, when the BBR (Bundesamt für Bauordnung und Raumwesen, a German office for architectural control and compartment) was calling for tenders on seven locations destinated for building sites for area safeguarding of the population, in case of mass evacuation. My person as well as six further experts on that specific field were collecting at the planning office at Kassel, on 23rd March 2001. At first we had to sign ten different declarations of secrecy of ten different government departments, among them two which were classified as top secret documents, for the Ministry of Defence. (Bundesverteidigungsministerium) I was wondering why, as evacuation sites for the population are in no way classified top secret, generally they are public and you can even visit them after inquiring at the BBR. In the afternoon we were taken to Ramstein Airbase by helicopters of the federal armed forces where our complete planning staff collected. I was advised to take leadership of PG4 (planning group). At the dinner buffet taking place at the wardroom of the airbase we then were approaching each other, leading conversations on the goals. The next morning they presented to us the locations/areas as well as the master plan. We had to build seven deep bunker complexes, at seven different locations in Germany, with underground train connections, coves for stocking material, independant geothermic energy supply and water supply from deep wells. Every single complex was destinated to shelter 300.000 people. The locations are as follows KASSEL SUHL FÜRTH SIMMERN BERLIN-WEST LÜNEBURG GÖRLITZ (comment of the translater: strange that there is obviously no single site in the very southern part of Germany, Fürth is the most southern location, so the “most wealthy regions of Germany – BAVARIA and BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG would have abslutely “no base” of that sort.) The first drillings were “covered” as “road building activities” and remained completely “in the dark” – because of the secondariness of cities and rural districts. We were astonished that in my own project absolutely nobody in SIMMERN seemed to raise even the slightest form of suspicion, the population remained absolutely clueless and still is. In 2004 we had mined 12 chambers in bed three, depth of 70 meters in the rock of Hunsrück. In February 2004 we got assistance of an australian crew of specialists for diamond mining, as the extremely hard sediment layers had caused us delay in the schedule. In July we had finished 16 chambers. The planning staff of the ministry of defence then collected all of us in Berlin, end of july 2004, where we were presented changed plans. The plan had now added 16 further chambers for stocking of explosive goods as well as 4 large chambers with heavy-duty elevators for track vehicles / aircraft as well as two areas for simulators of urban territory. I was really astonished and there was even protesting among us, as we most likely would not have been prepared to be involved into a military bunker project, having been aware of THAT kind of information three years earlier. What really amazed me even more is the fact that the plan provided a chapel, or better A MOSQUE – to be more precise – while there was obviously no christian accomodation planned. In June 2005 we had finished the new chambers. However, there arose problems with waste dump. Common strategies like compaction and floating out – like on normal sites – did not bring us on, therefore the dump was pumped up with the help of deep well water and rock shredders and distributed in the environmental forests. That worked astoundingly well, but unfortunately floating out caused considerable dying of trees. The regional government covered it by a PR-campaign about pest infestation. On 14th November 2005 we were invited for a briefing, being introduced to the chief of the Federal Chancellary as well as to the new chancellor (Merkel). Afterwards we were being told that our progress was considered to be fine and our projects were furthermore subject to highest ageement. Just about one week later this mentally slightly disabled daughter of a priest then became the CEO of the BRD corporation, as the new german expression goes. This winter I was taking my first long vacation on MAUI (Hawaii), sponsored by the ROCKEFELLER CORPORATION. There I met several political operatives, informed about our work and trying to enthuse us about their building projects e.g. in Canada, Netherlands, Argentina or France, as soon as the “German sites” were operating. In April 2006 finally there took place the installation of the actual bunkers, we were using such high quantities of stress-strain steel and water resistant concrete that the quantities seemed to make up with the Liyuan-dam in China, as well as quite 100 tons of LWL (fiber optic cable for datatransfer, Lichtwellenleiterkabel für Datentransfer). Afterwards the technical crew from Israel came in, doing the installations of energy and light. All of that was so expensive that in 2006 alone we had to correct the specified budget upwards for 6 times. Politics got under pressure more and more by that, so that finally THE VALUE ADDED TAX was increased, as otherwise our projects might have become revealed. In addition we had to use our own energy suppliers, as the consumption of our generators working with low gravity oil was so massive that we permantely were facing problems with replenishment. By introducing the new law for optimizing HARTZ4 (social money for longterm unemployed people, which means the money was shortened under special circumstances), one was able to press further 200 Billion for use in our projects. I recite how the politician FRANZ MÜNTEFERING calls the receivers of HARTZ4 – “vegetables”, or “unworthy human material”, which is obviously a common insider term. In January 2007 the shell including electronics was finished, as well as two long distance tunnels leading to the complex KASSEL and FÜRTH. Then the rail was installed by french specialists – who also supplied the adequate trains including boxes for troop transport. These boxes are set up in a way that they can be transported by either one of the 34 VTOL aircraft or by the deep underground train. They can take 400 men with full equipment, or 16 men in tank battle equipment, or two tanks. The train can run 100 km/h and the rail is completely underground. The complete complex is hermetically sealed and closed in itself. Our complex comprises 16 elevators which can take 4 T14 Armatra-tanks and 60 men. The exits are fully camouflaged as water protection buildings or power transformer buildings or wireless sender buildings. The complex is completely safe against nuclear attacks, according to VNN22B, and will stand even a direct hit in the range of 500 kt, without suffering pressure loss. All of the quality control, innerpainting and the first supplies of equipment to be installed – like large capacity computers, sanitary facilities, etc, was done parallely. In 2008 we received order to drill eight further fuel slots for storing each 200.000 m³ diesel, heavy oil and kerosine. In addition fresh water tanks and a large size stock for freeze-dried food for 200.000 soldiers, 10.000 men staff and further 6000 clerks and professionel indoctrinated female entertainers (whores), all of that lasted until 2009. The installation comprised a complete mosque, in all locations. I noticed especially that in terms of the freeze-dried food one was extremely paying attention to it being “HALAL”suited and never contained pork. We had loudspeakers installed – in all locations – for morning prayers, the companyRHEINMETALL delivered shiploads of containers with ABC battle equipment, pistols, assault rifles with bayonets by H&K (HECKLER & KOCH), 10.000 tons of munition, 18 sleeping roomes were equipped with beds, 68.000 3 level beds in total, shower facilities for 14.000 men at the same time, ABC showers in the elevators, 4 hospitals with 6 fully functional surgery rooms each and giant stocks filled with medical goods. We had installed hundreds of flat screems for spreading arab messages from the wahabit quran, telling that CHRISTS are low animals which must be slaughtered and that nobody was to spare and that it was Gods will to teach a western woman respecting the god-warriors – endlessly, by infinite loop. All of these systems consumed so much energy that we had to look for a solution. The geothermic facilities did not supply enough energy to cover the need, the dieselgenerators were just destinated for emergency cases and the planned nuclear power plants had to be dropped due to lack of uranium – so we had to act quickly. (Translater: They seem to have never heard about Tesla, we are being told that the US bases run completely on free energy, but it can be supposed that the US occupiers of Germany do not want Germany to have the Tesla free energy. Comment of the translater.) As CEO Merkel was scheduled for a time in office of 16 years (2005 – 2021) there was a PR-campaign prepared – in all regions – which resulted in installation of windcraft and solar energy plants. Some corporate groups could be convinced to offer their roofs for that purpose, for producing more energy. By that we were able to suck a suffient quantity of energy out of the public net, to cover the need of our extremly energy intense bunker sites. 2010 the so called climate turn was started to be pushed and AFTER THE BLOWING UP OF FUKUSHIMA IN 2011 it was no more problem to keep it running. (comment of translater: The German original states the word SPRENGUNG in relation of Fukushima. This states clearly that there was a manmade act involved and she seems to know about. All the English expressions are not as clear as this German word.) In 2010 I was assisting at different ministrys to install collective bunkers below the cities BERLIN COLOGNE HAMBURG BREMEN KIEL DÜSSELDORF MUNICH and STUTTGART You may certainly have noticed that the new Berlin airport is a bottomless butt. And the reason for this is that 95% of the money is being derailed for our purposes. The airport will never get finished. Same with the project STUTTGART21, a suchlike project. Truely, in every single of the named cities there is a large building project which is consuming disproportionate amounts of money. This money is being used for projects as mine. In Berlin drilling was not possible due to the very hard structure of the ground – we had to blast. Especially the high security bunker of the “Wehrmacht”, officially called “Federal armed forces” – below the office of the federal chancellor was extremely difficult to build, we were always on the brink of blowing our cover. The popular edition house of distraction, KOPP, (I adore this edition house because of it’s courage), has reported several times – as well as others, too – of nightly sounds of explosions in Berlin-Wedding and Mitte. They have not failed to hear correctly, they were right with their supposals, it’s just that nobody will believe them, you will know by yourself how deep the Germans have their heads sticking into the sand bucket. For ourselves this was a great advantage. We were able to blast and build up the tunnels and nuclear security areas during day and night, overpressure was being gassed out via two storehouses in Wedding and three startup carriers in Berlin-Mitte, which enabled us to go on with the job until 2015 without delay. MY MENTAL RUIN!!! In June 2012 I was announced “project leader in the planning staff NEW EUROPE” and from then on my health started to fail. In 2012 the UN secretly announced the application of the migration weapon against Europe in 2015. Through resouces of the UN, the World Bank and the EU were installed five recruiting centres for workers in Africa as well as ten further centres in Middle East. Anybody matching the criteria was given a smartphone and 2500 Euro cash, then being integrated into the pre-defined “refugee-routes”, the German offices were informed about and became coordinated. Officially this started in 2015 but inofficially all of that was already kicked off in 2013, at first in lower numbers, only in 2015 the “ENTER OPERATION” SYRIA set the ball rolling. Suited candidates ideally had to be 20-30 years of age, procreative (was tested!) have an IQ of 90 at max, as uneducated as possible, (more violent and more easy to conduct) be Wahabit or Salafi and ideally disdain christs (MUST HAVE) Nice to have: especially welcome were men peaking out by abnormal sexual behaviour, like pedophiliac or homosexual, and whose tendency to violence against women was noticable. In order to tease them additionally, one arranged their being confronted with women having been recruited under pressure via jobcenters, paid just starvation wages, just having received a two hour crash advice about how to deal with these stinky and over agressive men not being able to speak any european language – this took place in France, Austria and Germany. It was hoped for an increasement of birth rates by resolute sexual actions (rape) – no joke. This is the exact wording of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. As often security personal was present it took some time until the security personal started to look away and it occurred in 576 cases that “sexual international understanding” happened, leading to procreation in 44 cases, the babies were taken away from the mothers directly after birth and given under custody of the State. In all cases the women were fired and indicted of ensnarement of underage wards. A diversity of high-paid Islam experts is being involved – who are not set up for supervision to find out if somebody is connected to IS, but to lead targeted actions of the “sleeper agents” under control of the protection of the constitution. In the accomodation facilities – especially in cities – muslims are becoming exercised to disdain female christs. I have gained knowledge of 48.323 covered cases of indictions of rape, country side as well as metropolitan areas – alone in 2015. While propaganda drum loves to present more and more impudent muslims on TV, behaving like NAZIs in years 33-45 (Translator: Pls. do your homework and educate yourselves on TRUE German History) – in order to elicit the Germans for coming out from behind their collectedness. As well left hand radical violence by autonomous and anarchists comes apart at the seams in a way which makes me wonder how media can ignore those over years – of course one needs to be aware of the fact that 99% of these people are in service to the State / protection of the constituion – from one of the many “troops for handling special situations” – paid by the CEO with 40 million/year, since 2009. These have been responsible for burned cars etc. Terror-tainment out of the pot of the GEZ payers. (GEZ is a fee every German has to pay to support the media, comment of the transl.) The GROUPS are being selected and sorted into 5 waves: Wave 1 harmless people and children Wave 2 sick children and elder people Wave 3 people with infectious diseases, infertile women, widows Wave 4 highly agressive teens and psychopaths Wave 5 Rebels and army members, able to handle weapons and indoctrinated. This latter group is the one residing in our bunkers by thousands already. We are up to 30 % at present, by mid of 2017 the remaining 70% will arrive by night-flights at the airports of COLOGNE DÜSSELDORF RAMSTEIN FRANKFURT-HAHN (Comment of the transl.; Edition house KOPP, mentionned above, has reported about these flights bringing in further muslims, and stated they would immediately be put in busses driving away with unknown destination. The newspaper “Junge Freiheit”, which is not a part of the mainstream news, but recently showing a change in this direction, has brought an article bashing KOPP for claiming the muslim arrivals by airplane at night, stating this was not proved and it was just tourist flights arriving – low priced and therefore at night. So, obviously they have been bought by some unknown agent.) End of 2016 the five Africa recruiting centers will start to send their 5 waves – comprising in total 8 million of highly agressive Arficans, as well as 2 million weak-minded – so the official expression, the inofficial one is “slaughter cattle” – to Germany. Meanwhile there have been built or rented supply/logistics bunkers below every larger city – stocking hundreds of thousand tons of freeze-dried food – for all who will be prepared to be RFID-chipped after the CRASH in 2017. There is no food reserve planned and stocked for HARTZ IV people and retired persons.These are officially set free to pass, more precisely to starve, this is what the state has planned – since they implemented ALG2 (=Arbeitslosengeld2, a social support people get if they remain unemployed for more than 1 year, comment of the transl.) They are expecting a lot of loss (dead employees) in the social offices and jobcenters. For these reasons these employees were selected accordingly, which means these people are preferredly outside the subject area, ruthless, weak, uneducated, envious, malicious, of bad character, migration background welcome, bad German language skills and physical handicaps, so that they cannot escape from their pursuers. One man security personal is just a security gap in the eyes of a veteran, not even a victim. This is wanted, for the coward employees should not be holding back with penalties and lean far out of the window, so that people are being driven into actions of desconsolation, for pure existencial fear. And besides, jail offers three warm meals, shelter and heating at no charge and you are in companionship. (sorry for my cynism) THE BIG CRASH IS SCHEDULED FOR 2017 CEO Merkel will then put into effect the changed emergency laws (origin 1968) and withdraw into the chancellor bunker, together with her crisis staff, in 160m depth below Berlin, offering a luxury letting every HILTON look pale. All being financed out of the pot of social performance. Cost of about 12 billion Euro. It is offering fully autarkic security to Mrs young pig (=word game, name Merkel, a young pig is a “Ferkel” in German) and her female spouse (?! Merkel has a husband, but who knows if this is not just a cover, comment of transl.) as well as to her chancellor office staff including families – for unknown time. (Comment: Some person has leaked pictures of luxury bunkers under Germany without stating the location, I have seen them and I can acknowlege it’s high class luxury) The chancellor office building owns bootable shields made of bullet-proof steel and air defence missiles upon the roof. 60 m above the CEO Merkel leader-bunker the federal army general staff has it’s emergency seat for 2000 soldiers destinated for special operation, equipment and mini-Pentagon central command, large capacity computer and directive central – being able to give orders to all 1,2 million soldiers waiting inside the subground bunkers. As soon as the social systems will have collapsed the schedule foresees a massive and mercyless attack against the German population of German offspring (bio-german). At first the police is set up to run an unpromising fight, afterwards the federal armed forces will be directed to slaughter each other, and then, when the pot is boiling at high temperature they are going to open up the subground bunkers and WW III will begin. According to the schedule at least 15 million citizens of german offspring – preferredly elders and economically weak – shall be eliminated without mercy. There are planned mass expropriations and the properties will be gifted to US american holdings at low price. The German population will not be having any rights until 2019, whoever will be up in arms against the government will be shot. This has already been legalized by the Contract of Lissabon. The US-troops will overfly Germany with their Reaper drones, intending to bomb every larger rebellion or mass gathring of people by Hellfire or Napalm and the press will talk about deviaters or enemies of the state. Whoever is against Merkel is against Germany. Is an enemy of democracy and freedom. The Third Reich is still here, it has been waiting in the shadow and is now showing up again with a changed crew. (Comment: Please do your homework!) 180 detention centers for bio-Germans and German offspring, “derailed artists” and dissidents, peace messengers and protesters are currently being built, and anybody revolting will be placed in such a camp for starving. (Comment: Eisenhower 2.0, see tag Rheinwiesenlager, or Rheinwiesencamp) It’s exactly as they told us how it seemingly used to be – who will resist to play their NAZI game is one of todays Nazis. Cologne was – by the way – just a set up orchestration for testing the reaction of the population. The press was receiving their concept papers only days after. Internal security had planned this in jund 2015 already, the testing balloon was SYLVESTER at COLOGNE. The indictions of the females from Cologne and everything around was just a PR-Show, as government intended to awake the rage of the Germans, but these are so full-up, vegan and meek as a lamb that there were just a few more reactions than some shitstorms. I recite: “whoever is suffering burning sensations in the own lap, caused by penetrating violence, still has no idea about half of Africa wanting to additionally fuck you.” This was recited from A. Schwarzer, who said this on a press-party, drunk as a skunk, I was standing next to her.) Perhaps a few harmless air bubbles went up, the usual stuff. The area around the dome would not even offer room enough for a flashmob. Also Nice, Brussels and Munich as well as the attack of Brewig was just “terror-tainment” for security personal, labeled as real terror-attacks – as usual. Just the same way as the blowing up the World Trade Center – maybe there will be a few civil victims having been at the wrong location by error – but since 20 years ALL OF THE TERROR SCENARIOS are being operated BY HAND OF THE STATE, otherwise it’s power would reduce. Fear runs the world and the business around makes about 90% of world economy. BE SAFE Keep away from the following cities COLOGNE DRESDEN BERLIN HAMBURG DUISBURG DÜSSELDORF OBERHAUSEN SCHWERIN POTSDAM ULM FRANKFURT BREMEN These are cities which will be 100% destroyed, when in 2019 after the German civil war the russian major offensive is scheduled. A nuclear hit will just be suffered by the USA, when China will be visiting them in 2020. NY will die down in 30 MT explosive force. This is – so far – for sure. After that a darkness will occur lasting for 3 days, caused by nuclear dust. Do not leave your home during these days, seal your windows and doors and just consume canned food and water from glas bottles, which you store inside. And keep calm, no matter how big the outside wailing will be. (Comment transl. : I do NOT believe that this scenario will strike. Things are about to chance, the power of the devil is reducing already. We have chanced to a much more positive timeline, but the author of the mail might not be aware of all of that – she was into the living room of the dark lord with obviously no chance to develop hope and mental skills.) AVOID FAST FOOD CHAINS, FROZEN PIZZA AND DEEP FROZEN PRODUCTS. No joke, in some fast food nutrition they implemented catalytic converters effecting mass dying – DESIGN BY BAYER. And DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINES, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES! ALL of the active components have been fully contaminated already! The KOPP edition house as well as others report about ASPARTAME and it’s side effects, these people unfortunately just know half of the truth. Aspartame is much worse than most of the people will be slightly able to imagine. NEOTAME and ASPARTAME are such catalytic converters being able to quickly knock you out. Aspartame was developed to make Kreutzfeld Jacob profitable and to make billions with Alzheimer, in case the people do fail the sugar/insuline trap. DO NOT DRINK WATER FROM THE MAIN and NO PRODUCTS by NESTLE, COCA-COLA and FANTA. These products are already contaminated. Uprisings will occur, which the police will brutally strike down, so people will start to act private revenge againcst policemen and so this will also boil up. Everybody will fight against anybody, so it will seem, and the industry of asylumn will go on bailing yield returns, with greed dropping out. For migrants they will build complete new serial houses, Halal-supermarkets, muslim kindergartens, equipped best of, to be attended no charge, complete new housing estates with first class infra structure, no charge cars, driving permissions and cloths by designer labels. Soon mosques will be built and old churches torn down for it. Within three years of time taxes will be so high that unpayable and the state will be mercyless – like always. The only chance the Germans have would be to pummel upon and to choke anybody not behaving germanlike or looking german, in principal anybody not being white, and from that strong fascism will grow in the end – which is – as per my understanding – also scheduled. Instead of jews (!!) one may amuse with 15 million new citizens – called “true Germans”, and the pile of dead bodies will be high. Afterwards noone will evermore accept a woman as a leader and democracy will be completely out. Same rights for women will again take hundred more years, until women will be allowed to protest. Women’s libbers will straight become hanged. Could be that people will become more respectful regarding God. MOST PROBABLY THERE WILL BE A MONARCHY WITH A VERY STRONG AND MOTIVATED ARMY OF CITIZENS, WHO WILL RADICALLY HANG EVERYBODY NOT BEING WHITE ON THE NEXT TREE, equal if guilty of not. This is the way things have always been in the past. So, let’s see if the Germans would prefer to allow their own slaughtering the vegan way or otherwise again become saxon warriors teaching fear to wide regions, considering “escalope gypsy way” cool or “whipped cookie” (direct german translation: blackamoor head) At last about myself My roots are from Lithuania, I’m 45 years old, a former blonde, now no hair. My grandparents were Germans living in Lithuania, after the war they were expelled from there by the Russians, as the Nazis had so poorly failed that our family became homeless. Formerly we had been a farmers family, rich of ground and friends. My parents grew up in the Netherlands, welcomed by signs stating: PISS OFF WE DO NOT WANT YOU HERE. I grew up in Nimwegen, went to school in Amsterdam, performed my studies in Hamburg where I got my diploma. The doctor title – which I never again used – was granted to me in Madrid, for a dissertation on the “operation Riese”, from the Nazi epoche 45 in Poland. The following years I spent working in the industrial branch, building first tunnels and later bunkers for bigger building companies, and this is how I got in. I have never been married and except for my dog Bedrich (died 3 weeks ago, named after Bedrich Smetana, my favourite composer) and a long period penfriend – a scientist researching in Antarctica, I never had any remarkable touch to the world. I have always enjoyed calm and silence, most probably because it was so rare in my profession. In 2014 I came down with leukemia, uncurable, am in the final stage and most probably I’m not going to see new years eve 2016. If a place like hell exists I would probably have earned a place in the first row for myself, and on every German wishing me death I might not even be angry. As I’m single I thought to tell my story to somebody, who might perhaps believe me a few of the insanity I have experienced. I hope you have found a save spot where you can last during the coming years of war. I’m wishing you all the best and plenty of courage for your further videos and topics. It would be nice if you published a part of this, I’m unfortunately already missing the power to do this, alone writing these lines seemed like a mammoth exercise to me. Kind regards, Dipl-Ing. Dr. Austeja Emilija Dominykas END

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Yellowstone: Went events

About the upcoming eruption, there are many opposing views quite a volcanologists varying degrees of competence. Dates - from 16-18 years (just about), to 72 and further into the indefinite future. The author does not claim to geological awareness, points out that you can rely on any "authoritative" opinion in a significant spread layman almost equal degree of uncertainty. But a factor close anxiety is evident, and it is not confirmed by volcanologists statements and concrete actions of those in power. By volcano obviously attract attention, its ease energetically promoting media about him shoot movies in the park installed a huge number of sensors and surveillance cameras, conducted a straight line to the president, the soil is recorded rise - and so on through all the known list. The topic is clearly not related to the category of taboo, power beneficial to a volcano, its threat to the maximum number of people knew. Until a strange combination of official secrecy and materials they supply in parallel - line. This alone eliminates privacy and allegedly declared (it would not broadcast), and analysis of observations sorted - in due time will show exactly what we need to see from the point of view of the director of events. Who says that there is nothing special about this duality - that more text is worth reading. But the timing of the eruption NATURAL author to predict, of course, will undertake.

In all the articles it was a suicide bombing of a volcano. Yes, probably disguised as nature-mother. But the suicide bombing, that is the action of human, social (even if it is interested only in the most narrow, the upper stratum of society), and, therefore, at least partly predictable. What is required? Well, do not just train so slegantsa, set a date and Herak - "Let's in the middle of October, at 16? Yes, come on, like normal. " It is also not ruled out, but there must be preconditions, some in a position to events factors, the maximum to his training and so on. By October, had to turn the appropriate background, the financial crisis and political, to warrant this action from the point of view of common sense (over actual mobilization) and to prepare psychologically layman.

Do we see them today? Of course. The long list of training I will not even enumerate, he goes with the first petal. By what date he was preparing? The author suggests that originally planned for '12. (Then the author was not as "visionary", this retrospective analysis). But at the time it did not grow together, and mostly because of Putin's third term. Much of the calculation covered himself with a copper basin. Behind the scenes maneuver, sympathetic terms moved - at 15-16, adjusting "on the situation," but it was to perform five times harder - Russian All inserts spokes in the wheel design (mutual action). Here it is necessary to understand that the ideal level of preparedness does not happen. You can always improve something. But at least at the nodal points of the readiness to be achieved. But it was impossible. Until sheer nonsense - fashion moments disinformation September 11 was cast, having worked at 12 year - longer hide hoped, but it was not necessary, start to unravel along with the Lunar scam and America appeared quite false subject, and this is significant - when one of the main pillars are the media ...

Do we see today is the last preparations for the suicide bombing?

Hard to say. Partly - yes. Isteryaschy financial and political crisis, multiple seismological teaching, moving troops to the ports - it all fits in perfectly delusional picture of the author. But - it will be given the final order? I think it's still in question. Everything is ready for activation. Security forces mobilized to the maximum, warned the people (albeit in a different aspect, but the threat are identical), exercises performed, the capital withdrawn, the exchange could hardly keep financial strained, the renminbi in the basket - to wait for nothing more.

I hope the reader does not believe that the series (the mouth of several high-ranking officials) stating the desire to strike a pre-emptive nuclear strike in the near future, is really behind the scenes preparing a pre-emptive nuclear strike. To admit the existence of a frank idiot is still possible, but that such statements were bundles ... This is not the threshold of war. It DISCHARGE, mobilization, psychological preparation, elements of real threats and secret bargaining - but not the war. Imagine May 41 and the statement Manstein to the press that the Soviet Union range is not right, it's time Reich enter tanks ... But first, all of a sudden (preventively) bombed ... Then, in the same vein, expressed Guderian, Rommel and Canaris ... Like, yeah, yeah ... If you go on like this go soon exactly strike ... But this war florets in comparison with today's "nuclear berries." The US can not and do not intend in the near future Russian attack. There is no chance of success, or even benefit in the ghostly success. Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to discourage. The presence of a modern army at the borders and eliminates the possibility of such a scenario. The moral limits of such a step, "Democrats" did not zamorochili. Intense opposition carries risks of overlap and failure. But no more.

Even in the last article, the author argued (and this opinion has not changed), that all the recent movements (they may be accompanied by a multitude of deaths and a lot of provocation) - are the elements of a global bargaining losing side. And losing (so far) not Russia.

People, for the most part, poorly represent the functioning of the state in terms of systems theory. How does the army - in the same mathematical sense. For example, knocking out individual soldiers can inflict some damage, but determine the course of military operations only interaction units. That is to say, the opposition - it's not two hundred thousand on the one hand and on the other three hundred thousand, with a certain subtraction. This is the structure, each of which has its own systems and capabilities. Roth's two hundred people can take control of an enemy city. The same city will be more or less properly functioning, having within itself several thousand disparate "hostile elements." States are arranged even more difficult. They are fighting for their stability (in the first place), for the development - in the second, for this development resources (which include and the population), and informing the public about certain events in a certain way - a typical way to customize it to the specific actions. I mean, it makes sense not that what they say, but what pushes IMPLIED. Today we boost injection anxiety, there is a mobilization of security forces under the pretext of opposition, it is obvious change of the world centers of power. Allegedly threatens the third world. And the war will indeed be (local wars). As the collapse of the global financial system. Everyone will have to "tighten their belts" - primarily Europeans and Americans, there is much fat to tighten, everything is justified and the image of the enemy is drawn in every detail - with vodka and balalaika. From our side everything, fortunately, it is not a mirror. No piderasticheskogo lawmaking, family values ​​are preserved, stored personal freedom (yes, yes, this is not the only op on democracy, but also the right to host the house repair without coordination with the authorities and to grow potatoes on the country). The fact that still came with the filing of the West gradually uproots (I would like faster). For the Russian world is not a sin and to war - but, fortunately, a great war is not planned. Standard conflicts at the borders, suction protest electorate and every dissatisfied, leading away from the capitals of the most aggressive of the youth - it has always been. Even in the Roman Empire, from the citizens it was possible to enroll in the legions and gladiators - and some achieved phenomenal success; a kind of valve "steam" of the machine state. Otherwise, the structure is unstable. The same objectives, by the way, is the eternal struggle against drug trafficking. Unconditional personal harm from the point of view of the system almost a necessity - underclass, weak layer is fading fast "at his own expense," digesting in your own pleasure in its own juice opiate. Of course, there are costs - but no hassle with the revolutions and social sphere for the losers. Today this function more and more successfully take computer games.

Remains of social control in the West (they should not be overestimated, he briefly left), yet require a show. As a consequence, and Hilary Trump - frankly crazy shapes - claim the highest office of the state. Of course, the government there is not much greater than that of an entertainer - something that the president can, but "the concert program of" other people write ... And there is a serious cutting. And processes - in fact determine the fate of the planet.

From the very significant recent days. "Plutonium ultimatum" US Putin.

- Author, you and Putin to his version priplёl ?? Well this is our, Russian ultimatum, we taught a lesson Pindos, talking with them, as it should, tore enslaving deal ...

The author fully agrees - he himself draws the reader's attention to the plutonium technology just a couple of weeks ago, before the decree-ultimatum. Here we are really ahead of the rest. Yes, the trump card is a very important fact (that's only long-playing, real damage to the United States will feel in a few months, and the events are a lot ...) A "ultimatum" is composed in such presenting that to execute them, Americans will not be able, even if suddenly very wanted around repent. Impossible, almost abusive requirements. Something like Philippine characteristics obamovoy mother, executed in a diplomatic way. Yes, they wanted, they said there the aggregate Clinton finally ... (Finally, in the context of written together) ...

What for?

It seems like our in such "raids" have not been seen. Work on the audience - this is the Western style. It is clear that the application has a serious preferences. The world felt that there is no fear. It costs a lot. The world felt that Russian confidence. It costs even more. But maybe it was behind this, there is something else? (Or else the author thought: simply because of paranoia).

Let's consider the event from the point of view of the hypothesis of a volcano.

- Zadolbali you its volcano, the author. Everything to him lepish.

And how? We have already come to the conclusion that war is not scheduled (and the actual mobilization goes). Otherwise, there would be no idle talk. But this is a serious waste of resources. Just want to see the teaching? Yes, there is a sensible explanation of the process and in addition to the volcano. That's kurlyknetsya the stock market - and the world engulf wave of social chaos in which security forces came in handy. But seismic teachings then why? A FEMA concentration camps? Coffins? If any disturbances coffins are not required. Enough firing squad and a mass grave with a bulldozer. But to remove hundreds of thousands of bodies started to decompose, scattered haphazardly, creating a threat of the epidemic of plague rats and feed ... Here it is necessary zamorochitsya sympathetic advance. Waterproof, durable, quadruple ... ideal choice.

The author has written repeatedly that the United States before explosion have to close all (most) of their nuclear power plants. The seismic wave is forecasted bad and the effects of depressurization of several operating reactors can be fatal - to Antarctica, inclusive. They closed - a little bit sequentially decommissioning even modern station (there was an episode with a three-year). They did not build new ones. Now the US has a brilliant excuse to cover up all the excess. All that technology is not suppressed for half an hour. Actually, even Pindos is not an option to leave the operating nuclear power plant. The only question is timing.

I mean. That group of US forces, which stands for "move" in Southeast Asia - and acts in concert with China and Russia ...

- Is that the fifth column of the US?

- It is cosmopolitan, that the United States deeply on the drum. The territory, a common platform for the business. They have contributed to our support Assad ...

- What, are you the author? Well this was a brilliant operation of our video conferencing for all unexpected. US, even condemned, it seems ...

- Exactly. Condemned. A little something against vyaknula, and then strange "set up" the bombing of hospitals, officially recognizing it (very not typical for them). Remember, with some howling like "condemnation" was fulfilled 8.8.08 in Georgia, where some reason there was not a jot. As the world's media fumed and raged and a half months, not noticing the obvious things. And here - a real bomb on our part, and in the media - as something quietly somewhere farted. None came under fire girls with teddy bears or shell-shocked eyewitnesses - scattered emissions. Well, could not they give a picture at all friendly. Too strongly not to turn around. And our confidence that transports ammunition will Bosporus - AND WILL BE HELD ON, the operation is something needs constant supply of ... Otherwise would not have started. And Erdogan had not yet sipped pindosskie meanness.

It WAS backroom agreement.

The ability to find allies - this is normal. Boer shove "against all" has never been a sign of intelligence, or the margin of victory ... Stalin excellently used Lend-Lease and force a second front ...

I mean. It has long been forecasted newsworthy to the closure of nuclear power plants is created. And - obviously not for execution in October. And if this is true (yes, paranoia ...), it will take this action and much later - without any kind was important threats to Russia. That is, the auction took place - and the basic agreement was reached.

We were here a month left to hold - without martial law in the United States, continue they have nothing seriously Montana steer will not be able ...

- Something you're an author, hurt rosy picture on one edict built.

On three. But, I agree, is debatable. While it still looks like it is that we are taking the situation under control. Even woof that the Kremlin affects the election in the United States fall into the hand. Pay attention to the reaction - no denials. Our simply "pinned", they say, is never technically impossible, as you might think, but there is conceivable ... More like conceivable. Especially with TAM serious allies at the top.

Old center of power is rapidly degraded. Ours is no longer interested in the jurisdiction of The Hague. It will be necessary to answer tougher - we ask the President of the Philippines, what he thinks about the local officials.

- So what is it that will be this winter? The volcano that has already canceled?

Yes, come, gentlemen. How can I cancel a future eruption? The only question is when and who would undermine. To start up a similar process to chance - almost madness. Risks are still enormous - Clinton is a group fighting for power. This move can be activated.

- What about the coup? With the alternative history? What are you, the author, naissledoval?

I can draw the, so far as we have already touched on systemic issues, such as sprouting, growing stronger and is supported by "facts" the official version of the story (almost any).

By the way, yes, it is the canvas and the dating of the events that we are building in the chain in schools - can at best claim to "a version". Served as they categorically vein, there is no alternative and the final. What is fundamentally wrong. And then say - Scala and Pentavius ​​prescribed periods all major world events even at the dawn of printing ... and almost nothing had made a mistake, balancing on a tiny, local factual material)))) ... Let us remember the medicine of the 16th century ... Physics, chemistry, biology (well, , try to remember it all) ... as everything progressed as changed ... And then! Gorgeous guys buttoned version. All happy.

- But it is also supported by the facts?

Partly - yes. General outline, in some places, in some ways, corresponds. They're not the story of the whales in the Baltic wrote. And then - I went to work selection mechanism. Archaeological finds are divided into genuine and falsified (the latter always had many), because of the artifacts always well paid. Only prove that it is "real". The same thing we see, for example, in the painting - you need a "script."

As soon as the official version hit the press and publicized - a huge part of these artifacts, not laying down in the indicated direction, it has been recognized as forgeries - or simply ignored - and lost their monetary value. She then, at best, gathering dust in the abstract to abstract grandmothers attics. In reality it rotted and disappeared (decreasing quantitative). That corresponded to officialdom - migrated to the collections and storerooms, fell into rarities properly stored and become a model for a number of fakes - some of which, of course, remained nerazoblachёnnymi. That's all. This process is very fast, "outlines" confirm the official version, as metal dust - the contours of the magnetic field. Of course, the allusion is conditional.

Paradigm shift - will multiple acknowledgment in a new way, a part of which is (as in previous times) genuine, and some - remakes ...

The struggle for the past - and the struggle for the future - is the yin and yang ...

We will understand.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Yellowstone: The matter coming to a head.

The author was not satisfied can say that the whole logic of his version (yet) supported by the facts. No statements to the press, did not argue politicians, news review, namely the facts. And those that are not close. - one of the many testimonies of how the United States derive from their continent most combat-ready units. Why, in the name of what, to what end - it's all assumptions (including the interpretation of the author). But - output, as predicted. Something to Europe, closer to the rest of Southeast Asia. In Europe - under the ridiculous declaration of confrontation with Russia, confrontation with Russia and almost the war with Russia. It remains well-trained for the last time, to break old ties to the community, the people hated the police (it is important that citizens will soon have to drive into the ghetto), and FEMA, ready to do his duty. Of course, the author exaggerates a little, it's not completely displayed, but - it would be too obvious, so it should be. Ballistic missiles from the area of ​​Yellowstone was taken back in 2014 (actually, a volcano can be activated at any time 2015 - 2016), only with a different chain of elaboration and follow-up respectively, with a different probability. Now she is at the maximum. I would have appreciated it - over the next 4-6 weeks in the range of 15-20 percent. What terribly much for an event of this level. This is slightly less than the respect to my previous assessments (comb preserved, but has become less "cool"), as the party, which now plays Russia, quite hearty - and slightly reduces the overall risk of force majeure.

- Does it follow from all of the above, that the volcano is about to blow up?

No. It follows from this that the possibility of undermining (or something similar, will appear as a natural disaster), it is still relevant and is considered the United States behind the scenes as one of the possible options. Author arrogantly believes that his prediction has come true, "the ten" (but not yet in the "bull's eye"). Alarm bells about the seismicity in California - one more "impingement", which gives the possibility to activate any geozakladok.

And, once again. The trick is not to guess something. It was about the logic of events, that in September - October 2016 everything will be ready, planned, and "nakrucheno" so that the world will accept the undermining of the volcano with a certain inner relief. That is what we are now witnessing. Everything (including finance) hung, nabryaklo, and at any moment ready to detonate. Today in the US is not an ordinary election quarrelsome, but actually the mortal combat of two groups of elites (in their life anymore, it already costs the voting system), calling for different ways of solving the accumulated contradictions. In the air "smells of war," and under that feeling swiftly unwound the mobilization of law enforcement agencies in different countries (Europe, Southeast Asia, BV, Russia, United States). Of course, all this can be - according to the media - to explain it is the impending war. But perhaps the volcano version, for which the war is only a screen, unwanted, casual, faulty script (action mobilization are almost identical). Although the specifics of a certain reversal of specific parts of the evidence is in favor of the volcano. For example, NATO battalions in Europe can perform police, guarding, punitive, to take control of the territory - but not on your nelly not fight Iskander. A large number of special forces to the BV does not imply a future exchange even tactical nuclear strikes. Arctic Russian troops are preparing to not clash with the polar bears, but simply a war at low temperatures, and so on. By the way, I remind you, the author argued for this scenario since last August, when such a strain and not nearly in sight. Moreover, the pre-election period is traditionally very quiet in the United States. And I think those who have listened to the warning, and somehow made secure within the family feel at least sympathetic prepared for future events. Who decided to neglect - are now at risk of more. And let the training will be a seat belt, which is not suitable. The author will smile along with those who will laugh at his "unfulfilled" predictions, go to church and put a candle there ...

- And what now for the chopper in Syria? What we are seeing there? After all, states have directly threatened to use nuclear weapons!

Enough. How would say "dragon" Jankowski in the parable of "Kill the Dragon", "The real war begins suddenly" ... No one will be warned about their actions, if any, plans seriously. No disassembly of the level. There is no one and no one to be on the total appeal of violations. So all this legal chatter about anything. It is, in fact, has always been about anything, but now it is particularly clearly.

East understands only force. And the East is wise. And bloody mess right now there. For now.

It bids, gentlemen. As cynical as it may sound, it trades. Extravaganza of our (hopefully) future victory. States (not quite States, but let us call this force so), show the remains of teeth, growl and bare their teeth. They are really still very capable of much. For that not to activate the so-and-so, they want to so-and-so. With such safeguards in such a mechanism of enforcement. Of course, details are unknown to me. Our (not only and not very Russian, but the style and substance of the, let's call this force as), accentuate their negotiability and negotiate, while not forgetting to tighten the noose around the neck of the American eagle. Putin's reputation in this area is phenomenal. He really keeps his word and, as a result, large blood is impossible to avoid.

And what awaits us ahead?

Not in some distant future, in the next 4 - 6 weeks? "Endangered time zone" It finishes in this period.

There are already four scenarios. The first - the undermining of the Yellow stone (or something similar), as a consequence, global shuffle "decks" and change the rules of the game themselves. It is now very profitable Anglo-Saxons, especially because they are accused in the incident, including the results of the trade, or Russia, or China, or the Arabs ... Will be activated at the same bookmarks in the Atlantic? It can be (there is not one country tried) ... But - a global war in this scenario should not be.

Second - tightening the active period (Obama remains in power under any pretext). This may be the military situation (for example, internal terror attack), a serious conflict with China (Russia), something else is not important. If they want to - will draw. In this scenario, the guys will be a few more months to prepare. sorely lacking time it is now. Probability - 10-15 percent. (Subjective assessment of the author).

Trades and drain the US position, the gradual strengthening of Russia's position. At the same time the possibility of local wars, terrorist attacks, and the financial crisis (he generally is present in all versions). These things do not happen in 4-6 weeks. Look, it would be something like today. Voltage calls - answers, conflicts, focal outbreaks of violence. Regular change of presidents in the United States. Who would there not win - they lose.

The probability of 45-50 percent. A couple of years can turn into a serious increase in the standard of living in our country.

Finally, the saddest situation - the situation is not possible to keep under control. Parties give effect to all new power argument, and at some point the process becomes avalanche. Fraught with pandemics, nuclear exchange, the same erosion of the volcano - just in a different capacity, activation of bookmarks in the Atlantic, the terrorist attacks in major cities (in particular, almost inevitable EMR), incapacitating electronics. Overall it will be Armageddon (unlikely), or local hard problems is not clear. The chances of Russia "leg it" very bad. The total probability of hateful gruel 20-25 percent.

http: // ... article that the royal family chose to disappear from London during September (before October 1), allegedly in Canada fishing (with children 1 year and three years ). Where they really left? Returned it? Not tracked. Maybe it really fishing. But it looks exactly like the sudden disappearance of Putin this morning in March - with the phrase "the people need to gossip."

This is abstracted from the volcano, and move on to a more "fantastic" theme - the deluge. What to do, if the author of the "storyteller". Those who are for life in the tank, so I recommend this text and accept. Scarecrow at night.

However, a couple of links - almost casual, ordinary (albeit good) selections. There - the darkness. Published for those who still doubt that the wave was. Or, as my friend on jogs (historian), tries to explain the tunes clay floors, "the growth of the cultural layer" ... In some cases, it is possible. But - to put it mildly, not everywhere. And - I can not imagine the cultural layer, clogging floor inside.

chain of logic. This many seem too long and unconvincing. I give this a full report - but appeal to those who are able to grasp the whole chain of reasoning in the wholeness - or just take my word (an undesirable option, I prefer to understand).

The Bible testifies to the strange people of longevity first. Church that does not explain the modern science or deny the source itself (the seriousness of the source), or trying to "count" the number in the "allegory". They say that meant, of course, the months, not years. Then everything converges. Of course, there are no indications that implied the months in the Bible and there can not be. the narrative logic of the replacement for months as swimming, because, for example, the reproductive age of kings moves "childhood", but this is not a criticism of theological interpretations. There is a little known fact - our body is really meant to live in several centuries. Why? At birth, a girl, there are about five thousand eggs. The ability to bear children - about 13 years. The unnecessary nature reserve does nothing in vain does not consume resources. Assuming that (roughly) per year dozen ovulation, reproductive age have more than 400 years! Then, for the fifth century, the biological aging starts (egg ends). Brad (but not the author, but the actual biology), and it fits with the biblical terms of ancient life.

So what has happened since then?

Since the flood happened. Geological disasters, to change the conditions of life for human beings. It makes the environment more aggressive "on the brink of survival." In other words, it was a slightly different atmospheric pressure at that time. The air was close to the water for consistency.

Again nonsense? Of course. But that's where the legend of the ancient giants. (By the way, remember the first heroes, to Ilya Muromets - Svyatoslav was of gigantic stature, but, like most ancient people, caught in the new conditions, almost could not walk ... However, it's epic, what to take (the author did not agree with them) , turn to the other facts Unearth dragonflies with a wingspan of about one meter -. and other insects around match prints on coal, of course not the animals themselves is impossible now Chitin as a building material, gigantism can not withstand Otherwise, we will be with you..... You could easily find a spider from a horror movie - other reasons to limit its size in insects, but no -.. now with a maximum of palm and that is enough to povizzhat girl, and more and not have But before that they existed..

And now the dinosaurs would have died instantly. Not everyone, but those that are larger. Exactly for the same reasons. Physics. No wonder now the largest land animal - an elephant. And he was not jumping, heavy. Most simply do not grow. There are limits to the strength of the bones and muscles of the ability to bear weight. But mammoths and woolly rhinoceroses recently been much larger. Now - on the hopelessness - the existence of many of the dinosaurs Diplodocus explain their permanent stay in the ancient marshes. Like, just the neck sticking out. Perhaps, of course. And then there is the dragonfly, between hummocks, swimming ... Wings raked ...

In order to neutralize the new biological conditions (pressure) on the planet, all living beings are forced to use salt. She used the human metabolism is not included.

But who in their thought the egg? Who saw those dragonflies? You, the author, a direct link to YouTube to show the flood. And an interview in November in Aramaic, and that was dubbed translation. Otherwise, all your bullshit evidence. Sol some ...

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