Thursday, 27 October 2016

ANALYSIS: Election outcome scenarios reveal 95% chance of widespread post-election violence... streets of America to run red with blood

Mike Adams

Analysis of the possible results of the upcoming presidential election shows that America has only a 5% chance to remain calm after 8 November. This does not mean that violence will start shortly on November 9 but probably events will unfold in the day, and this will lead to an escalation of violence (with veroyanostyu 95%).

Here are a few scenarios that I see how things will unfold, based on all available information:

Scenario number 1) Trump wins elections

There are three additional scenarios as part of the result:

1A (10% probability) scenario: Trump wins the election, but the Democrats steal votes to claim victory, blocking voters

Despite the fact that Donald Trump won the election, the Democrats have bribed enough representatives of the Electoral College in favor of Clinton, even in contradiction with the voters of his state.

If this happens, it is safe to expect mass protests, violence, bloodshed and many legal problems in those states where electoral votes do not reflect the popular vote. There is no doubt that Trump's support American citizens will not accept "rigged" election results, where the electoral votes, in fact, stolen from the people. This can very quickly escalate into armed unrest and resistance when we observe how citizens marching through the streets and occupy key government buildings for the purpose of armed revolution against corruption.

1B scenario (probability 60%): Obama declares victory Trump invalid, arguing that Russian broke Vote

In my analysis of the most likely outcome of the upcoming elections, and Democrats have launched a version of this in advance with the absurd statement that "Russian" work with WikiLeaks and that Trump is a "puppet of Putin."

The purpose of all this - to create an excuse the fact that Trump's victory can be declared invalid by Obama. Despite all the talk among Democrats that they love and respect democracy, the simple truth is that they are deeply hate it (and do not trust him). There is almost no chance that Obama and the Clintons voluntarily cede power to Donald Trump.

If Obama declares victory Trump invalid, all hell breaks loose around the country, leftists arrange "full of terror" and the Patriots take up arms to defend democracy against the anti-American traitors in Washington, DC.

Scenario 1C (5% probability): Democrats take victory Trump and agree on a peaceful transition of power.

Even if Obama and Clinton acknowledged defeat and agree that Donald Trump - the next president, the liberal voters go crazy and start to destroy the buildings across America. You will see the riots breaking out everywhere. Obama can then use this to declare martial law, and if he wants to postpone the transfer of power to Donald Trump (or blame him for all the violence).

Remember that the Democrats have launched the mechanism of mass violence and organized it all over America ( They can easily organize riots, arson, explosions, and more in order to increase the chaos in the streets.

Scenario number 2) Clinton wins elections

 On the basis of current information (and taking into account how "official" fully rigged polls), in my analysis, there is only a 25% chance that Hillary Clinton wins the election. Here the sub-scripts within these 25%:

2A scenario (probability 20%): Clinton wins the elections, but Trump has challenged the legality of the election results.

This scenario is very likely, begins with legal problems in mass election fraud, but can quickly escalate into a military coup or a rebellion of armed citizens, where outraged Americans organize a march on Washington to overthrow the corrupt regime in power.

We must expect a huge bloodshed in this case. There is no doubt that about half of America simply can not and will not accept Hillary Clinton as president. It is too corrupt too evil and too dangerous. (Hillary Clinton - a serial criminal who should be charged and put in jail if America is still a country that respects the law.)

Scenario 2B (5% probability): Trump accepts the election results and said supporters to those who supported Hillary Clinton

If Clinton wins Trump admits that she won fair and square (which seems very unlikely), then he can publicly call upon all to back down and accept the presidency of Clinton.

I see that the probability of this is only 5%. And even then, many conservatives and patriots are so angry at the outcome that they can decide on their own protests.

95% chance of mass violence in one form or another

The result of this is that I see only a 5% chance of a peaceful, non-violent outcome of these elections. In most conceivable scenarios, America plunges into mass violence in one form or another.

This is a direct result of the extreme polarization of political opinion in America today, where we have a whole class of uneducated, ignorant supporters of Hillary Clinton, who can only watch CNN and have no idea that Clinton is corrupt criminals. Evidence of the depth of the Democrats of corruption in the project Veritas Veritas (part 3), which has just been released:

On the other hand, we have reported that the Americans have woken up to realize how these elections - their last chance to restore democracy by voting against a corrupt establishment.

These two groups can not reason with each other. They can not find a compromise and to be honest, you can not even talk with the Democrats, because they are all so zapropagandirovany and brain-damaged that they have completely abandoned the concept of "facts." (For them, "the fact" that says Hillary Clinton, while "false" is what Donald Trump says.)

We are so far from the realm of the mind right now. Faith in a lie Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton almost became a mental disorder, because their ideas are turned into such nonsense that only a mentally ill person can believe (or vote for them).

In fact, the vote on November 8 th - is not just a vote to determine whether America really insane reject corruption, Hillary Clinton is a vote to determine whether the lost mind of the American people collectively.

If Clinton wins, it means that we live in a society of zombies and insane cultists, who are a danger to everyone (including yourself).

Global global debt collapse will be initiated regardless of who wins

It is important to note that no matter who wins, the world global debt collapse is not far off, which means that the whole scam Global Governmenta infinite growth and high payouts will come to a catastrophic end. And it is mathematically guaranteed, regardless of who wins the presidential election.

You understand that if Donald Trump wins and takes the position of central banks of the world are deliberately push the system to crash and obvenit around Donald Trump.

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