Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Yellowstone: Went events

About the upcoming eruption, there are many opposing views quite a volcanologists varying degrees of competence. Dates - from 16-18 years (just about), to 72 and further into the indefinite future. The author does not claim to geological awareness, points out that you can rely on any "authoritative" opinion in a significant spread layman almost equal degree of uncertainty. But a factor close anxiety is evident, and it is not confirmed by volcanologists statements and concrete actions of those in power. By volcano obviously attract attention, its ease energetically promoting media about him shoot movies in the park installed a huge number of sensors and surveillance cameras, conducted a straight line to the president, the soil is recorded rise - and so on through all the known list. The topic is clearly not related to the category of taboo, power beneficial to a volcano, its threat to the maximum number of people knew. Until a strange combination of official secrecy and materials they supply in parallel - line. This alone eliminates privacy and allegedly declared (it would not broadcast), and analysis of observations sorted - in due time will show exactly what we need to see from the point of view of the director of events. Who says that there is nothing special about this duality - that more text is worth reading. But the timing of the eruption NATURAL author to predict, of course, will undertake.

In all the articles it was a suicide bombing of a volcano. Yes, probably disguised as nature-mother. But the suicide bombing, that is the action of human, social (even if it is interested only in the most narrow, the upper stratum of society), and, therefore, at least partly predictable. What is required? Well, do not just train so slegantsa, set a date and Herak - "Let's in the middle of October, at 16? Yes, come on, like normal. " It is also not ruled out, but there must be preconditions, some in a position to events factors, the maximum to his training and so on. By October, had to turn the appropriate background, the financial crisis and political, to warrant this action from the point of view of common sense (over actual mobilization) and to prepare psychologically layman.

Do we see them today? Of course. The long list of training I will not even enumerate, he goes with the first petal. By what date he was preparing? The author suggests that originally planned for '12. (Then the author was not as "visionary", this retrospective analysis). But at the time it did not grow together, and mostly because of Putin's third term. Much of the calculation covered himself with a copper basin. Behind the scenes maneuver, sympathetic terms moved - at 15-16, adjusting "on the situation," but it was to perform five times harder - Russian All inserts spokes in the wheel design (mutual action). Here it is necessary to understand that the ideal level of preparedness does not happen. You can always improve something. But at least at the nodal points of the readiness to be achieved. But it was impossible. Until sheer nonsense - fashion moments disinformation September 11 was cast, having worked at 12 year - longer hide hoped, but it was not necessary, start to unravel along with the Lunar scam and America appeared quite false subject, and this is significant - when one of the main pillars are the media ...

Do we see today is the last preparations for the suicide bombing?

Hard to say. Partly - yes. Isteryaschy financial and political crisis, multiple seismological teaching, moving troops to the ports - it all fits in perfectly delusional picture of the author. But - it will be given the final order? I think it's still in question. Everything is ready for activation. Security forces mobilized to the maximum, warned the people (albeit in a different aspect, but the threat are identical), exercises performed, the capital withdrawn, the exchange could hardly keep financial strained, the renminbi in the basket - to wait for nothing more.

I hope the reader does not believe that the series (the mouth of several high-ranking officials) stating the desire to strike a pre-emptive nuclear strike in the near future, is really behind the scenes preparing a pre-emptive nuclear strike. To admit the existence of a frank idiot is still possible, but that such statements were bundles ... This is not the threshold of war. It DISCHARGE, mobilization, psychological preparation, elements of real threats and secret bargaining - but not the war. Imagine May 41 and the statement Manstein to the press that the Soviet Union range is not right, it's time Reich enter tanks ... But first, all of a sudden (preventively) bombed ... Then, in the same vein, expressed Guderian, Rommel and Canaris ... Like, yeah, yeah ... If you go on like this go soon exactly strike ... But this war florets in comparison with today's "nuclear berries." The US can not and do not intend in the near future Russian attack. There is no chance of success, or even benefit in the ghostly success. Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to discourage. The presence of a modern army at the borders and eliminates the possibility of such a scenario. The moral limits of such a step, "Democrats" did not zamorochili. Intense opposition carries risks of overlap and failure. But no more.

Even in the last article, the author argued (and this opinion has not changed), that all the recent movements (they may be accompanied by a multitude of deaths and a lot of provocation) - are the elements of a global bargaining losing side. And losing (so far) not Russia.

People, for the most part, poorly represent the functioning of the state in terms of systems theory. How does the army - in the same mathematical sense. For example, knocking out individual soldiers can inflict some damage, but determine the course of military operations only interaction units. That is to say, the opposition - it's not two hundred thousand on the one hand and on the other three hundred thousand, with a certain subtraction. This is the structure, each of which has its own systems and capabilities. Roth's two hundred people can take control of an enemy city. The same city will be more or less properly functioning, having within itself several thousand disparate "hostile elements." States are arranged even more difficult. They are fighting for their stability (in the first place), for the development - in the second, for this development resources (which include and the population), and informing the public about certain events in a certain way - a typical way to customize it to the specific actions. I mean, it makes sense not that what they say, but what pushes IMPLIED. Today we boost injection anxiety, there is a mobilization of security forces under the pretext of opposition, it is obvious change of the world centers of power. Allegedly threatens the third world. And the war will indeed be (local wars). As the collapse of the global financial system. Everyone will have to "tighten their belts" - primarily Europeans and Americans, there is much fat to tighten, everything is justified and the image of the enemy is drawn in every detail - with vodka and balalaika. From our side everything, fortunately, it is not a mirror. No piderasticheskogo lawmaking, family values ​​are preserved, stored personal freedom (yes, yes, this is not the only op on democracy, but also the right to host the house repair without coordination with the authorities and to grow potatoes on the country). The fact that still came with the filing of the West gradually uproots (I would like faster). For the Russian world is not a sin and to war - but, fortunately, a great war is not planned. Standard conflicts at the borders, suction protest electorate and every dissatisfied, leading away from the capitals of the most aggressive of the youth - it has always been. Even in the Roman Empire, from the citizens it was possible to enroll in the legions and gladiators - and some achieved phenomenal success; a kind of valve "steam" of the machine state. Otherwise, the structure is unstable. The same objectives, by the way, is the eternal struggle against drug trafficking. Unconditional personal harm from the point of view of the system almost a necessity - underclass, weak layer is fading fast "at his own expense," digesting in your own pleasure in its own juice opiate. Of course, there are costs - but no hassle with the revolutions and social sphere for the losers. Today this function more and more successfully take computer games.

Remains of social control in the West (they should not be overestimated, he briefly left), yet require a show. As a consequence, and Hilary Trump - frankly crazy shapes - claim the highest office of the state. Of course, the government there is not much greater than that of an entertainer - something that the president can, but "the concert program of" other people write ... And there is a serious cutting. And processes - in fact determine the fate of the planet.

From the very significant recent days. "Plutonium ultimatum" US Putin.

- Author, you and Putin to his version priplёl ?? Well this is our, Russian ultimatum, we taught a lesson Pindos, talking with them, as it should, tore enslaving deal ...

The author fully agrees - he himself draws the reader's attention to the plutonium technology just a couple of weeks ago, before the decree-ultimatum. Here we are really ahead of the rest. Yes, the trump card is a very important fact (that's only long-playing, real damage to the United States will feel in a few months, and the events are a lot ...) A "ultimatum" is composed in such presenting that to execute them, Americans will not be able, even if suddenly very wanted around repent. Impossible, almost abusive requirements. Something like Philippine characteristics obamovoy mother, executed in a diplomatic way. Yes, they wanted, they said there the aggregate Clinton finally ... (Finally, in the context of written together) ...

What for?

It seems like our in such "raids" have not been seen. Work on the audience - this is the Western style. It is clear that the application has a serious preferences. The world felt that there is no fear. It costs a lot. The world felt that Russian confidence. It costs even more. But maybe it was behind this, there is something else? (Or else the author thought: simply because of paranoia).

Let's consider the event from the point of view of the hypothesis of a volcano.

- Zadolbali you its volcano, the author. Everything to him lepish.

And how? We have already come to the conclusion that war is not scheduled (and the actual mobilization goes). Otherwise, there would be no idle talk. But this is a serious waste of resources. Just want to see the teaching? Yes, there is a sensible explanation of the process and in addition to the volcano. That's kurlyknetsya the stock market - and the world engulf wave of social chaos in which security forces came in handy. But seismic teachings then why? A FEMA concentration camps? Coffins? If any disturbances coffins are not required. Enough firing squad and a mass grave with a bulldozer. But to remove hundreds of thousands of bodies started to decompose, scattered haphazardly, creating a threat of the epidemic of plague rats and feed ... Here it is necessary zamorochitsya sympathetic advance. Waterproof, durable, quadruple ... ideal choice.

The author has written repeatedly that the United States before explosion have to close all (most) of their nuclear power plants. The seismic wave is forecasted bad and the effects of depressurization of several operating reactors can be fatal - to Antarctica, inclusive. They closed - a little bit sequentially decommissioning even modern station (there was an episode with a three-year). They did not build new ones. Now the US has a brilliant excuse to cover up all the excess. All that technology is not suppressed for half an hour. Actually, even Pindos is not an option to leave the operating nuclear power plant. The only question is timing.

I mean. That group of US forces, which stands for "move" in Southeast Asia - and acts in concert with China and Russia ...

- Is that the fifth column of the US?

- It is cosmopolitan, that the United States deeply on the drum. The territory, a common platform for the business. They have contributed to our support Assad ...

- What, are you the author? Well this was a brilliant operation of our video conferencing for all unexpected. US, even condemned, it seems ...

- Exactly. Condemned. A little something against vyaknula, and then strange "set up" the bombing of hospitals, officially recognizing it (very not typical for them). Remember, with some howling like "condemnation" was fulfilled 8.8.08 in Georgia, where some reason there was not a jot. As the world's media fumed and raged and a half months, not noticing the obvious things. And here - a real bomb on our part, and in the media - as something quietly somewhere farted. None came under fire girls with teddy bears or shell-shocked eyewitnesses - scattered emissions. Well, could not they give a picture at all friendly. Too strongly not to turn around. And our confidence that transports ammunition will Bosporus - AND WILL BE HELD ON, the operation is something needs constant supply of ... Otherwise would not have started. And Erdogan had not yet sipped pindosskie meanness.

It WAS backroom agreement.

The ability to find allies - this is normal. Boer shove "against all" has never been a sign of intelligence, or the margin of victory ... Stalin excellently used Lend-Lease and force a second front ...

I mean. It has long been forecasted newsworthy to the closure of nuclear power plants is created. And - obviously not for execution in October. And if this is true (yes, paranoia ...), it will take this action and much later - without any kind was important threats to Russia. That is, the auction took place - and the basic agreement was reached.

We were here a month left to hold - without martial law in the United States, continue they have nothing seriously Montana steer will not be able ...

- Something you're an author, hurt rosy picture on one edict built.

On three. But, I agree, is debatable. While it still looks like it is that we are taking the situation under control. Even woof that the Kremlin affects the election in the United States fall into the hand. Pay attention to the reaction - no denials. Our simply "pinned", they say, is never technically impossible, as you might think, but there is conceivable ... More like conceivable. Especially with TAM serious allies at the top.

Old center of power is rapidly degraded. Ours is no longer interested in the jurisdiction of The Hague. It will be necessary to answer tougher - we ask the President of the Philippines, what he thinks about the local officials.

- So what is it that will be this winter? The volcano that has already canceled?

Yes, come, gentlemen. How can I cancel a future eruption? The only question is when and who would undermine. To start up a similar process to chance - almost madness. Risks are still enormous - Clinton is a group fighting for power. This move can be activated.

- What about the coup? With the alternative history? What are you, the author, naissledoval?

I can draw the, so far as we have already touched on systemic issues, such as sprouting, growing stronger and is supported by "facts" the official version of the story (almost any).

By the way, yes, it is the canvas and the dating of the events that we are building in the chain in schools - can at best claim to "a version". Served as they categorically vein, there is no alternative and the final. What is fundamentally wrong. And then say - Scala and Pentavius ​​prescribed periods all major world events even at the dawn of printing ... and almost nothing had made a mistake, balancing on a tiny, local factual material)))) ... Let us remember the medicine of the 16th century ... Physics, chemistry, biology (well, , try to remember it all) ... as everything progressed as changed ... And then! Gorgeous guys buttoned version. All happy.

- But it is also supported by the facts?

Partly - yes. General outline, in some places, in some ways, corresponds. They're not the story of the whales in the Baltic wrote. And then - I went to work selection mechanism. Archaeological finds are divided into genuine and falsified (the latter always had many), because of the artifacts always well paid. Only prove that it is "real". The same thing we see, for example, in the painting - you need a "script."

As soon as the official version hit the press and publicized - a huge part of these artifacts, not laying down in the indicated direction, it has been recognized as forgeries - or simply ignored - and lost their monetary value. She then, at best, gathering dust in the abstract to abstract grandmothers attics. In reality it rotted and disappeared (decreasing quantitative). That corresponded to officialdom - migrated to the collections and storerooms, fell into rarities properly stored and become a model for a number of fakes - some of which, of course, remained nerazoblachёnnymi. That's all. This process is very fast, "outlines" confirm the official version, as metal dust - the contours of the magnetic field. Of course, the allusion is conditional.

Paradigm shift - will multiple acknowledgment in a new way, a part of which is (as in previous times) genuine, and some - remakes ...

The struggle for the past - and the struggle for the future - is the yin and yang ...

We will understand.

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