Friday, 28 October 2016

Russia and the US can start fighting

Now conspiracy.

Options for a future war.

Here is our scenario, we do not want, what would it be prophetic, perhaps, something will bring you into a state of depression, but something fun.

From what you know, nothing will change!

From the last letter someone wrote that we ukry, someone said that fake, people understand we do not care how you die, survive than those who think that I have not sinned, will survive are those who will be with the spark of life and the animals will not.

Information comes and we only record.

In the near future we are waiting for 3 military companies, after which the world will never be the same as you know it.

The company first - Asian.

Time points out that the beginning of events is necessary.

West will be in every way to put a spoke in the wheel, and then take control of the oil production in Syria and Iraq.

Turkey will make another "mistake", the quiet consent of their overseas curators, and even then nothing will stop Russia from land-based operations, it will be a landing operation, from the Caspian Sea, through Iraq.

The group is divided into two parts, one part will go to Turkey, united with the Kurds, the second to the south.

For the Western world it will be a shock.

By grouping, as well to join the Iranians. Together they will take for themselves all the oil production of Iraq, and then a powerful blow to break away from the LIH in Syria, they will be in the ring.

Saudis urgently mobilize the army, and then the end will come, and the Saudis ...

About Turkey we wrote, and here and Armenians will take part, for 2 months we reach Constantinople / Istanbul.

In Turkey, will be the first major battle, a new war, when 50,000 were killed on the day will be the usual statistics. It will not last for a long time (about 2 weeks), the modern Turks are not warriors, they are cowardly, tremble, do not stand up.

Meanwhile ....

Company second - European.

To slow the Russian advance in Turkey handy slowly smoldering wick in Ukraine.

It Dmitry wrote extensively, so dwell on this, we will not, in the end we are again in Kiev.

Meanwhile troops after regrouping Asian company is converted into a European company (and this will be the southern flank), Kiev - Central and after shat Sweden, Norway and Finland, will be and Leningrad - the northern flank.

The Persians also want the Jews to put blood, you also know the result.

The European company is divided into two stages.

Step One:

Serbs raise revolt against the usurpation of the country, of course we will go to them for help, Greeks miss troops without any problems, the military will be greeted as liberators from the Anglo-Saxon domination, but the southern group in the back hit Bulgarians together with Nato, this step will cause great sorrow.

South group will be broken.

Simultaneously with these events begin action in the north.

Thus ended the first stage of a European company.

Field full of events in the war enters China (although small battalions will be earlier)

Pacific company, we will not describe, but still at an initial stage, in conjunction with the Pacific Fleet will complete neutralization MF USA.

Once in Europe will be lost southern group will undermine the H-bombs at the bottom of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Caused by this tsunami washed away coastal towns, and most importantly, wash southern England with London and his queen.

Few will flood France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden. In America, wash New York and California.

Then begins what we have seen only in movies. The flight of the rocket at us - the US, let it be written, funny, but produced 160 missiles, their goal is only achieved 9 !!! (We are referring only to those that fly from the continent, as will be more and others). After they had shot, get an answer, it will be only for military purposes. We will release a total of 20 rockets - 19 will fall into the goal.

China sends us his grouping. Several million Chinese guys will do a complete sweep of the whole of North Africa, and the second part will go back through Turkey, where finally finish underground.

Because guys will have a lot in Africa, there are also a couple of bombs will blow up, but it will not stop them.

The second part of a European company:

The Chinese will go in 3 directions, the Balkans, landing in Italy, and via Gibraltar. Dad in a panic, not knowing what to do, will wash off in the states (by the way it is, he will bring the news about the fact that Europe has fallen).

Northern Front sort out for a month with a rebellious northerners and the central front, as in May '45, after 72 hours will march through the streets of Berlin.

Yes…. with the NATO group in Bulgaria is very strictly will understand, and will, so that there were in fact all NATO forces.

A second front would be Muslim fanatics, they are also a lot of nasty things done, but not so much that would stop the army.

Amer decide as follows: - Europe, Russian again ?! This time they did not get!

And run another 20 rockets, this time we sobem only one, and that would be sure, Europe poison, so that everything there will die, and our troops and the Chinese the same.

So we gradually come to the next chapter.

The company third - American.

In this part, we will use the already written prediction, with minor amendments, as believe that it is as close to the actual events, we allowed ourselves to add only a few strokes.

Landed our troops, 3 months after the defeat of the southern flank.

But let's start with China, poor course will get 2/3 of China's die.

Chuck Yungbrandt fully described the course of the war in the United States, he wrote to the American position:

"On October 21 - 132 427 Russian soldiers to invade the United States in the East (Delaware). In just a few hours before their armored forces landed on the coast of Virginia, the purpose of this bold stroke, to cause confusion. Armored vehicles will rush like a fan across the state, wreaking havoc, destruction and fires in cities.

This force is designed to sabotage, to distract our attention from the main places of landing.

Russian division landed in the small town of Milford, Delaware. Hence, tanks and self-propelled artillery quickly moving around the 39 highway 13, take Dover. The capital of the State of Delaware will be taken within an hour, without a single shot.

October 23 - approximately 1.8 million American soldiers will be involved in the reflection of Russian forces in the area of ​​Wilmington, Delaware. Although US troops will attack and fight with courage and perseverance, Russian troops dig in and survive the attack. A week later, Russian troops will move in an unexpected attack in the United States' central defense and welling in the open country. Panic and confusion will sweep the army, and the sudden appearance of a large number of fighter-bombers (our) would be horror these days.

Using breakthrough, Russian armored units rushing to the west. While the bulk of American armored forces will be forced to defend Washington. However, the object of Russian forces is not Washington, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Disagreeing widely to the north, Russian Army will cover Philadelphia, surrounding about a million American soldiers, they all die.

The US military will not be able to stop the advancement of Russia. The US Army will be destroyed when the defense of the south. The Russian army will pass through Virginia to North Carolina. Slow movement of Russian troops after a series of bloody battles. With the arrival of harsh winter and lack of supply, Russian stop in the Appalachian mountain ranges, about halfway between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg ...

West Coast - a month after the invasion of Russia in the East to the West Coast in three different places to attack China (ally want to take revenge for the destruction of cities) and ex-Japan (the day of reckoning has come for Hiroshima and Nagasaki), with significant assistance of the Russian fleet. Some Chinese forces landed in the Gulf of Uillapa, the second somewhere in the south of what was left of San Francisco, and others, Japanese and Chinese troops, five miles from the US-Mexico border.

West Coast Defence has lost its air and ground forces, which were sent to the East Coast. Chinese army troops surrounded and cut off from the mainland by the US Army. The Chinese will be strong enough to drive the US forces to the East. The Chinese and Japanese were to the north of Los Angeles, and later come to San Francisco.

After a winter disrupted supply of troops and movement of troops stopped on all fronts. Although it was a difficult winter for the Americans, but no less cruel for the Russian, Chinese and Japanese armies. In yet untouched by urban war arose factories and plants. All of our technology directed at the production of a large number of modern warfare.

The government tried to take a desperate attempt, using existing differences with the red Chinese and Japanese, but it was even, they submitted a single command - Russian. Lead is a whole group, a person is not a military man, he was overweight, of medium height, he will accidentally General, before the war, he was filming a movie, oh, if only to take control of their film industry and to find it, we would have a chance to win, but it is a mystery. The wild and barbaric strategy, calculate it, we have not been able to, he fought against the rules. The complete lack of logic of his actions repeatedly lead us to a complete collapse.

Philadelphia used Russian as the main naval base for the delivery of fuel and food. I have seen a gradual concentration of forces between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, southern Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. In late winter and early spring, the US Air Force once again appeared and prevented the Russian Air Force. Thousands of guns and rocket launchers Shoot volley by Russian defense. Millions of soldiers attacked violently, and Russian were stunned. The gap in the hundreds of miles was broken in the Russian defense. Russia had no reserves, they were doomed, and we knew it. We hoped that they will hunger supplies run out, as the Russian surrender Paulus at Stalingrad, but they fought.

One of the US Army again take Washington, DC, and Philadelphia, which will be their main goal. The American troops were advancing, and Russian military forces were on the wane. They lost the battle, and the battle is constantly retreating, they had no more than 30 thousand. US troops attacked Russian waves, and often victory passed from hand to hand, but despite our valiant efforts, Russian soldiers still stood firmly, and their general was like a god to them, his soldiers were fanatically committed, and not one, even under torture did not betray him. They were fighting and playing for time, and we are not as they could not understand why they prefer death, and do not give up.

Then there was one of the biggest airlift of troops in history. Russian troops were brought from Russia to the United States in large numbers, and the onset of the US army halted, taking Philadelphia. Since then, the US army fought desperately and hopelessly.

May 14 began a counteroffensive in cooperation with the Chinese and Japanese forces, which will eventually lead to the destruction of the remnants of the US Army in the Midwest, in the fields of Kansas, Missouri and Iowa.

It will pee treaty of surrender. The United States will cease to exist by the summer. Die 200 million Americans. Russian soldiers will bring ancestral custom. They are to marry our women from 12 to 40 years, which would give birth to children. Occupation regime leads benefits for those who have children from Russian, and after 10 years, we will all Russian, the language of the conversation and will they, the English language will be dying.

The Chinese will go to women who can not have children, and they would please the soldiers, these will be very much. The Japanese will be sadists, they will torture and torment of our men, most men undergo castration. Then Chinese and Japanese troops will go to India and other parts of Asia to consolidate everything into one empire. Chief of the Russian will be honored by all, even by us, but he will not rule.

In America, there will be more banks, life will be different, I'm glad and I grieve for the dead ....

At the end we would like to tell you what will happen in Russia:

- Nuclear attack would get 16 cities: Moscow, Murmansk, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok ... Many will missiles from submarines and small vessels, many of them reach the goal, do not be afraid of destruction will be, but not so global. The radiation is only in the midst of a 5 km. from it will be relatively easy.

- Men are not to be missed sorely.

- Will fight adolescents from 13 years of age and women 15.

When the war is over, will start a new industrialization, but not the one that was at the Union, will be the new technology. Communication will be organized in a different way.

Europe again inhabit in 5 years, it will be mainly Persians, Indians and Chinese, we will not go, because that itself will have to settle in the void.

And then come and "new" religion.

Forgot to write about the displacement of the poles, it will happen at the end of the first European companies to help our explosions. Ocean and washed away a little make some noise of the coastal towns.

We also incur severe losses in the total population die half.

At the end of the war in the villages live children and the elderly, and for many kilometers one.

The war will be 3 years (proactive), so sit on the stove no one has come out.

- From the book should Afanasva that our prophets said, that Siberia will turn yellow. Possibly, but not before the end the major fighting.

- The Chinese never will not fight for Europe (here lies).

- 2/3 of the book really do not need to read, there are things that confuse people and catch up with fear.

- Not so pessimistic as it may seem, most importantly, that there will come a golden millennium of humanity after the war, where there will be bankers, moneylenders, hrestyan and Muslims, this war will give impetus to the development, unfortunately, no other way to reach us.

So for the bright future of our ancestors can die.

 But it is better that it did not happen!

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