Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Yellowstone: Scheduled crisis

September - October crisis came on schedule. States really are in a situation of internal irritation, and one possible solution - a long-prepared to undermine the volcano. Of course, such a radical measure is not adopted unanimously - part of the elite, mostly those whose business is inextricably linked to the US territory, trying to find a less painful way to correct situation, but it's hopeless. There are other ways of "force majeure", but they are more painful. And for the US and for the world.

Just do not need to tell me what a great volcano, and as we all would be terrible if it explodes, and so noble uncle in the United States will never will not do. These guys are not interested in any of your problems, not mine, nor good-natured American hard workers, or there the sitting on the dole, niggas ... sorry, afronigerov ... They are only interested in their own troubles. And they are resolved by undermining brilliantly. And in this situation, we were more than a decade (see. Past "petals").

By the way, according to my own estimates ... (usually avoid such language, because they do not consider myself a volcanologist. The conclusion is not based on some deep level of understanding of volcanic processes, rather on a psychological evaluation of numerous expert statements and opinions of all, so to speak, Yellowstone background) ... So, judging by the fact that I "recited" in the last two years, or to a planetary catastrophe will not lead to undermine and close. Trouble - yes. A couple of cold winters - probably. VERY possible. Physical destruction (ash and other shnyaga) two to four nearby states - as is likely. But not more. If this yellow lava abscess is opened as it should be surgically meaningful.

But what GUARANTEED - so this planetary panic and the complete collapse of the market. Reformatting of everything in the peace option, cancellation of US debt and the final transfer of power centers in Southeast Asia without any serious complaints about the process organizers. Well, with the nature to take? We're worried about you, Caldera monitor. We Avon, every September anxious months are working ... (navyazshee in the teeth warning Obama about the nation's disaster preparedness).

To volcano theme and PR tirelessly in movies and a variety of articles (please do not confuse with my cycle, I am not writing about the eruption and of undermining), in order there and organized multi-angle observation with the live broadcast - the time comes, this picture show - hair stand on end five years zalakiruyutsya ...

I will not repeat. The situation nabryakla and overripe as boil ... By the way, and the volcano is not Humorous move. How many years are left "without raskovyrivany"? Three years? Twenty five? Or three months? No one knows, of course. And if you can not cancel the event, try it at least controlled. I mean, try to set a date for himself ...

Why are the other options are worse? Because guys are losing a great game. Lose by their own rules. Sadly for them there - in the extreme. But doing nothing is impossible. The party continues involves expense. Continuation of the party in the current mode - defeat. Almost inevitable defeat. (Below I will show you how it should be out of energy. And why not have a fifth column jiving on account of the fact that Russia is an energy superpower). The only way out from the boys - not by the rules, but in life, is to mix the deck. The newly re-take the card, or change the game at dominoes. Just start a fight. Analogies unpretentious, but are they exactly represent.

Will it be a volcano, or something else, we will know very soon. Look, it is completely natural. As no one would suspect (first) blew himself up in the towers of the New York Trade Center ...

In the meantime, the ubiquitous US, everywhere sought his interest gradually become vezdessuschimi ... It is possible that local gentlemen regret his chubby Teles, informed at each other, that is in bitterness for the common people, that is, about us, and simply merge. Having lost power, but after passing the factor deadly fight. That would be ideal, but ... In the last centuries of Anglo-Saxons looked tenacious guys. Therefore, something unexpected will happen in these two months. In a worst-case scenario, it will be a war.

- Why do not they just choose war?

First, win it will not work - honor and praise to the Russian military-industrial complex. A simple "participate" in the apocalypse is not comme il faut.

Secondly, the aim is not otforshmachit opponent (this is kindergarten, emotions), and does not even capture his territory (which is not possible today, Somalia once failed to keep, where there are up to Russia). The goal to preserve the foundations of the modern world order, keep the base, the foundations, the ability to solve all questions of money. Just for the money, which there the guys almost unlimited number, and "poverty", even several times on the fact they do not notice it. But the translation of society in the plane when the issues are "on the concepts," according to the laws of war by religious laws, or even on tribal traditions - this is a disaster for the gentlemen. That is why the option of volcano so tempting. It is peaceful. How something inevitable conflicts not developed into a world war does not count.

- Do they know about this Russian? (Well, if you suddenly take seriously the arguments of the author).

Of course, they know. Indirect evidence of this set. One of them - the Russian constantly hold exercises in the Arctic. Fulfills the interaction forces are building up troops ... There's a group opposing NATO? Someone seriously threatens the Russian Northern Sea Route? Yes, its protection and securing a good thing, but paranoia tells me that the troops are preparing for combat operations under conditions of abnormally low temperatures ... And it can be useful in any event form?

The West, as a preventive measure, a seismic fulfills teachings ... The population is not more than a resource, but the resources for them are cost-conscious ... Pensions and benefits then will not pay, but the physical life skill you need as far as possible, to keep.

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