Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Yellowstone:The wheel of fate

News by the volcano. fresh. April, but I used it did not spread. the same source. Not everything can be attributed to the factual material, but also ignored not worth it.

Nothing, you see, a good - all this can be very troubling signs, and specific troubles Gdańsk relief, and even disinformation. Those who believe that poke in Yellow sensors show the real picture, may be disappointed. They do almost always show the real picture (even though it was also lying preizryadno, tracked on spets.saytah). Along the way, sometimes there would be tested as the opportunity to lie. But in general - yes, it corresponded. This is only once - before the day of the X - Well, if the paranoia of the author is correct, they will show the picture, due to which the customer once upon a time the whole system and disburse, and installed and tested on-line ... If one believes that everything is "just so", let ask yourself a simple question as to why such a system (hundreds of sensors) and not close to other super-volcanoes, why there is not established a public relations and broadcasting ... and each disturbing news - and there they happen - really hurts and almighty dollar and the Pindos, and they all broadcast and broadcast ...

Simple - it's not yet time to drop tubes doping ...

Distracted by the seemingly extraneous factors ...

Sport has always been part of the policy, but now it is its quality rolls.

By American "baton." The feeling that the United States (as a state) deliberately drained from these "merrymaking" only intensified. Accidents are rare at this level - and at the Olympics went bright trend arrogant, terribly arrogant fraud. Do not these things can not be noticed, no bonuses except undeserved US "branzuletok" to not receive. Rather, they devalued those medals that earned honestly. So pointless shit all on the general holiday sports ... All translate into dirty politics, juggling with honest mien ... This creates the image of a common enemy. People reckless. juggling element in the game touches a nerve is very painful. Almost everyone. Vybeshivaet, and not just football fans. The same China, whose team wrongly moved the "special case" with the American relay race, long since banned in his gambling, as people lost everything - there guys reckless genetically ... And in their team now spat just such indelicate way ... Plus, people with disabilities - here at something beyond ... Even by their own values ​​of tolerance - a crappy move. On a subconscious level, all the United States the world finally started roguish, petty, podlovatym huckster, constantly changing its own rules. Duplicity, lies, falsehood and arrogance. Is it worth it?

Of course yes. If we assume that the US is felled.

Prepare to place an outcast. Moonlighting "American flavor", adding it feces. There is, of course, and so reeked, but especially now ... Give the people of the world the moral justification of the already cheerful classes - kick weakened and fallen monster. And not every Philippines dёrneshsya ...

So emasculated propaganda communist values ​​coffin Soviet Union in recent years, it ...

- For what it's author, the Americans sculpt the enemy of the Americans?

- It wrongly posed the question, it implies unity of America. Unity there is long gone. (Yes, ever, by and large, and it was not). In America, disorder, discord and quarrel ... The author suggests that triggered the collapse of a volcano processes (back in the 90's), but I will not repeat.

The fact that the bulk of there the tops of supports - or has initiated the process of moving in Southeast Asia - does not change the fundamentals, huge stable structure that about nothing unaware, has a centripetal inertia and does not want to fall apart. And in convulsions, and a chance to survive in the former as it does not have any, it is able to bury the whole world - but this definitely no plans to ...

Of course, the Olympic scam (EXPLICIT) - this does not solve the problem. But sympathetic decision helps ...

One of the most frequent objections to the "conspiracy theory", is focused on the fact that such a long-term planning impossible. It is impossible, they say, to nurture and implement plans for the decade ahead - this is contrary to human nature.

I would venture to exert some apologists for this relaxing argument.

It is not possible at the level of our joint capacity for self-organization. I realize today, momentary.

At the level of the unconscious to this method, anyone - I am not referring to a specific conspiracy, I otchёrkivayu incorporated into our flesh and blood of the biological program, due to which a person's behavior is changing (and very predictable), depending on external stimuli or simply by age . This is something that works right for all, and at the same time, a kind of combination of social instincts. No one coordinates specifically their actions and not subject to anyone's diktat. Just - in his youth, we are maximalists, aggressive and tend to erode - with age comes the ability to create and the desire to do so (often completely meaningless in terms of commercialism).

This program, which is executed in every living organism. And it is also self-organization - almost on the level of instincts.

What prevents the existence of a nadprogrammy for some particular human community? What a kind, nationality? (A nation very different from each other, although, of course, all are equal)))). What prevents to fulfill the goal of the third order in any way they are not discussing on implicit, unmarked scheme? When people (even without knowing their action) in unison, like insects, like everyone in itself and quite willingly build common cell - or ant - or on the contrary, destroy, parasitizing? Nothing strange in terms of biology, it is not. No denial with the argument - "but it is impossible in principle" - the author rejects. Because it is not only possible, but also occurs in the same social insects, which, for a moment, behavioral programs differently simpler man ...

Even more sad is the assumption that this agreement possible and at the level of meaningful, conscious, civilization. For example, the savages are unlikely to be able to understand that the white man is looking for iron ore to produce metal cast alloys to make high-tech items on special machines, in parallel to develop and create the ammunition, and get a Kalashnikov ... It's beyond common sense savage. Like, where the benefits at each stage? Here - I threw a spear at a deer, fried, eaten, everything is clear. Skin removed, warm, walk in the shoes, meat stuhshee scraper scraped, so as not to stink, that's all the technology - to the tanning of hides has not got ... And then nitrate geologists looking for ... Brad. Conspiracy theories. They just deer hunting (and they are there to hunt deer, too). Why would they nitrate, which generally have nitrate connection with a magic gun? There is no such level of organization in society. We are a society know very well all together sitting around the campfire ...

That's the whole argument on logic "is not possible, because we have such a plan does not work ...".

Of course, this does not mean that conspiracy theories are true. (Especially that nonsense out there enough. Some even throw a specially.) But as soon as we remove from the picture of the world of man as "the navel of the Earth", they immediately become possible ... and consider themselves the center of the universe, unfortunately, very typical of any sapiens - this sin is not only every single nation, religion, government, and even some tribes ...

Well, this is so, the lyrics. Returning to the controversy.
Many countries have read the phrase that the greatest amount of oil in the 19th century went to Russia and the United States. A surprisingly large number of well-wishers of the author enlightened about the Middle East and even Nigeria. I am grateful for your leisure look for these areas on the globe))). Of course, implied the territory of developed countries, the subjects capable of mastering the industrial production of oil, and the context is unambiguous on this point. We have to balance the reproaches "yes you're the author of the water lёsh and infinitely still chew" and so that's neponyatki - although no words do not need to change the text, everything is written as it should - but - not all get a grasp ... II found many psevdolyap associated with excess normal number of people - from the natural base of the pyramid - 100 000 times (approximately, of course), along with pets, that is the translation of the pyramid in an unstable state. Somehow I cited the example of the number of people who are able to feed the Earth (on modern technologies) as the desired figure. Again, the context is unambiguous. It was about the equilibrium state of nature - whales - primates - rabbits - termites, and examples of sustainable abundance human counterparts - it's all great apes. Even savages already receive certain social bonus, however, I will not be repeated. The idea was that in the 'natural' basis of civilization for several millennia, we slowly increased to 1 billion people - about, of course. But over the past century and a half (at the expense of the oil bonus, coal and gas), this number increased by another order of magnitude. Objected totally to what the author claims. However, the claim is presented only to itself - it was necessary to focus more clearly (formulated correctly, but you read the same) ...

Once again, bodren'kiye phrases like "the Earth is able to feed and 20 billion", it is, first of all, it's not about which debated the author - does not it, and secondly - not finding fault with the figures, and not challenging the calculations unknown to me - all these calculations are based on the existing recharge energy, which has already begun to decline ... and will not be not what 20 billion without oil - and 7 left. Why? Because each food calorie needs to spend 5 - 12 calories of fuel. And three-quarters of the world and so are in a constant struggle for existence, it is to you and me (and the West), there is much to retreat, not at all so kindly ... We will come back to equilibrium earlier technologies just podrihtovannoe nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants. It is about two, two and a half billion people. And this inevitably will catch everyone reading this text, because the process is absolutely no alternative. The only question in the form in which it will be implemented. And in the territories that will remain civilized. Timing - very soon.

Those who accuses the author of Darwin's theory of preaching, are mistaken. The author does not consider it valid. But to the calculations it has nothing to do - just as an example cited the orthodox scientific paradigm, it's easier. Otherwise I would have more and Darwin's theory of criticism, and to oil reserves, it is not relevant. In the actual state of balance in the world does not affect how the balance is formed.

Sublime alternative to eating grain and meat ... The transition to the use of prana, vibrations, to the origins, Solntseedy, vegetarians and other lovers of gourmet delicacies ... All this just does not matter to a conclusion. Who is an expert in this field - the health, as they say. In any case, the vast majority of the population will not be able to follow your example, and therefore, on reducing the number of fatal (and social unrest) such adjustment has no impact.

More reason many thought unlikely that a barrel of oil year replaces manual labor (eg, rat) - energy, of course ... by various shots reproached for lack of grounds for such a conclusion, incorrect calculations and so on. I did not think the figure took on memory, decided to check out - here's the link to the cartoon movie

(Good), which is the ratio of children is defined as one barrel to three years of manual labor. In any case, the order is not less than a year. And here it does not matter the number. Importantly, it is large.

Thirty-three billion of invisible servants today vkidyvayut their energy into civilizational projects, or only twenty-nine or forty-four ... - this is not essential. In any case, this is a huge FREE STUFF to which humanity is accustomed. And it ends.

Well, the most important thing. Somehow, some felt that the author changes his outlook. Like, the guy delicately blends, nothing will be another four years - as long as the article appeared this number. I sometimes wonder how people do not read what is written and what they want to read. And then on the illusion of mind.

By the way, if something has changed in the world (and the year it was quite possible), I would have really corrected the forecast, and it is normal. But so far nothing has changed. Everything is clearly moving in the indicated key and autumn terms.

So, the author has not "predicted the eruption of the Yellowstone" - is nonsense. The author does not volcanologist, and never tried to predict the eruption. This makes him the specialists in a variety of articles (and many other experts have expressed the opposite opinion))). This is par for the course for any significant event on the planet - be it global warming, stop the Gulf Stream or jumps in exchange rates. Author emphasized (since August) in the most severe crisis, which will have a peak this fall. And that is one of the most comfortable for the elite of ways to resolve the crisis is the Yellowstone volcano blew himself up. Now accustomed to the idea, and this decision seems quite rational. It is rational. And all to ready. Will it be implemented? Soon we find out. Once again, predicted political decisions, crime, actions of the US elite, stroke closes a lot of problems in the relatively peaceful format ... Yes, and removed from the territory of the swollen boil volcano (he's really on the verge of ...). And drives the argument is not in the form of speculation, but in the form of factual material that can check anyone, and which consists of a well-defined picture - well, traditionally explained by stupidity in power ... By the way, factual material is incomplete, many relatively weak arguments I simply voiced - that by virtue of their controversy, there "is not so clear." For example, the Kyoto Protocol on emissions - a very strange document. Passed it just in these years - SUDDENLY 97. Developed countries have decided to limit their own development quotas - destroying its industry objectively - then this action is loosely explained some fun trade these quotas that was elegantly designed, but "did not grow together ..." Yes, United States did not ratify, the mechanism did not work, the design of almost zeroed out ... but for something to create her own? And savvy person could not find me in all this pandemonium. But very well fits in the framework of Kyoto volcano hypothesis - only then some of the "unwilling" to undermine the United States was able to push the opposition to ...

"Wheel of fate" option does not cancel detonation. "Wheel of fate" is added to this option - even in the case of successful situation - a crisis, energy, get out from which it can not. NOT AT ALL. (Although it is not as showy and a bit less is urgent - it lays down very soon the global economy). HIGHLY.

And if all the economic, political and social realities of today's trick still possible (in theory, it is theoretically) somehow overcome, to change the energy balance, the energy base of civilization is not humanly possible.

(By the way, the volcano also drastically reduces this problem - with the main consumers))).

- Is it possible to circumvent the current crisis?

- At the political level - yes, of course. If the world does not frustrate the war (or some other drastic solution) within the next four months - that the United States will not remain a technical opportunity to stir up something serious. It will be too late - they will lose their grip on the planet ...

And - yes, Russia is hope - and the world - is not oil - during which finishes - and nuclear power. We move on to a new way of energy, and life will go on. That's only for the time of the transition of the Earth population decline in two - three times. That's right - up to minus five billion. In the next ten to fifteen years.

(Yes, I remember, in a previous article, I talked about the four-year maximum, but there it was about the beginning of the process, but here their stabilization in the new formation).

There are a few essential for civilization crisis - each of which is individually capable of killing her. In a couple of phrases cutting water.

The severe shortage of fresh water is very unpleasant - but then the US, with its barbaric extraction of shale oil, are absolutely right. The water crisis simply will not have time to take place in its maximum quality (although in some places of the planet it is an occasion to war). The world, the global system will develop much earlier, the shortage of this resource simply does not have time to go to the peak of the contradictions ... the method of its resolution is a common reformatting (the inevitable downsizing), which has already begun.

- Why are all part of the US elite is playing against his?

Because they are also the principle and nurtured - "man is a wolf." When a private individual distances himself from society so that it complies own selfish interests as it perceives them. And with the interests of the country they are only partly the same - or not at all the same. This is well illustrated by the example of Ukraine, plyunuvshey towards Russia and the unfolding of the EU ... I do not know what it unfolded. But the EU, after several frictions welcome, refused to pay the money - and the past turns out to be in debt. Nor for kormushechnaya there the "elite" did not read the contract? Of course, reading. But their own questions guys closed brilliantly, carrot zatarilis on the ears. US is not more patriotic. Each clan their interests - and to feed the population and fattened on ... Why?

The population in general becomes no use to anyone, this author also repeatedly wrote. We have increasingly dropped out of the production chain. A strange argument that the need to stimulate demand ... This means that you are someone to be fed for free, so you stimulate demand? Really?

In matters of the state and manipulate the population - including the United States and foreign countries fairly adept. We're kind of like for a healthy lifestyle - is very welcome, rip themselves from all this western shit that came here in the '90s, go to kvas, and it is wonderful. Previously, from the words of a murderer, a drug addict, pidaras any juggle. Then he went - killers, gay ... Well, to parades are not sunk like Square ... Reach finally to the formation of - I mean the last reshuffle. Hopefully, I will get to the juvenile. In this regard, a provocative question - from the author to the reader, I really interested. In terms of our general and comprehensive drug control.


- You're very stoned, the author? Eat?

- Only natural tobacco))).

To allow the sale of individual portions of the dope on prescription GP. Yes, after proper medical examination of the suffering - and with partial restriction of rights - as the disease. By registration and relatively low prices. ALL.

1. The drug mafia is almost deprived of cash flow. There is no incentive for narotorgovtsev and drug dealers. There is a huge price that pays for everything.

2. Fashion on drugs inevitably subside. Position yourself sick and dependent unpleasant.

3. A normal person does not begin and incremental - (prohibitions and now does not work, only provoke and inflated prices).

4. drug disappears incentive to engage in the crowd of new customers.

5. addicts disappear animals must be in search of money for a new dose of robbing old ladies on the entrances.

6. Those who "has sat down" under a doctor's care is relatively safe until a total of up to - or jump into the framework of the new trend in healthy life ...

Of course, this is true, raw, to discuss the topic. But the dry law in the United States once canceled - and they benefited from it. From the series - have no real power to ban - organizes. Now ... We've still no ban. There DECLARATION ban. And a great breeding ground for abuse on all levels. Multi-storey feeder - due to squat on the needle ...

Oh, and a little about oil - a detailed analysis is necessary in the third turn of events ...

To get started, why it does not resume. (This bike goes through the network for a long time and badly adhered to the ears. The old well pump oil again, and so on).

Oil does not shake (except for rare situations spouting that for a long time in the past). Her draw impingement of rock soaked it up like a sponge, from specially harvested tanks. A kind of pit in the wet sand, where water accumulates. The degree of permeability of the rock, the composition of the particular oil fields - all this is unique as fingerprinting. Almost always, to displace the oil from the rock using fresh water (salty quickly ruin mechanisms). And very often the well operation is completed when water mixes with oil so (specifically clarify, is not dissolved, and mixed), which draw on it becomes impossible. This can be removed, for example, only 30 percent of the reserves of the deposit. (Everything is in principle impossible to remove).

It takes several years, advocated a mixture - under the ground, but is defended, the lighter petroleum fractions raised up, and the process may be initiated again - otcherpat 10 percent more - 15, and a new preservation. Of course, the loop is not infinite. But it was he who gave birth to numerous legends that oil renewable resource.

The above phenomenon does not prove that oil is not a renewable resource. Theoretically, And this opportunity is preserved. And the author is not so geologist to something here to argue.

- When you are the author, have everything to tell the end? Always you have something for later postponed. And by the way, if the oil is so little, why is it suddenly start to become cheaper ??? E ??? It destroys the root of your flawed logic of the author. This exposes the ... Well, and so on.

Unfortunately, planetary pricing mechanisms are far from common sense. And simply put, are speculative. And the oil price fluctuations in the number of times (as in the one or the other way), excellent actually prove it. Linking the same price directly with its number in such a market organization at all funny. Then we have to admit that from time to time gold somewhere disappears from the planet - and then comes back, well, and so on))). Although, as one of the pricing factors - of course. But he does not dominate. So, sometimes it played out in the news trends.

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