Thursday, 22 September 2016

Yellowstone: Pole changing

Everything is much worse. Not for Russia - for the planet Earth.

And now I'll tell you why. No, it goes on the oil - although global energy crisis has not been canceled, it exists, it is unsolvable, and hurt (almost to death) hit even if all the other "horror stories" wrong author for the world economy. Speech on the other.

Most serious threat to the world does not see hardly anyone.

- Why? You, the author, such as eerie visionary? You need to be treated.

I was not alone. Somewhere half a percent of the people in the know. And thanks to this miracle, like the Internet. Otherwise, the information would have remained hidden - until the last day. We are facing a disaster. Such that the volcano - it is the strength of the fifth part thereof, of the process. And if the well-blow, "softened", and will be able to make a phreatic eruption, and the twenty-fifth.

- Author, you ohrenel? What do you mean, generally?

First, I repent. Information about the volcano were laid not completely. It is important to do not just put the Old, it is important to hear it. Yes, and I did not have then many of its aspects. Although a couple of times trying to insert a full cut, but the people in the majority did not accept. Here the author is not a rights cornerstones postulates (quite possible, of course), or this rejection, a defensive reaction. Oh very cheerless it is the rabbit hole. Unfortunately, the time for equivocation is left, so let it be as it is.

The author is not afraid to look ridiculous, err on the side "zryashnoe" warning. The author is afraid to remain silent, realizing additional death if he is right.

First strangeness. Tolerances. Inferences. And those assumptions on the basis of which the author invites the reader to do the same conclusion - or refute the logic circuit.

Guess the first (it is present in all of the basic hypotheses of the author).

Planet (the world economy, geopolitics) it is currently effectively controls a CC (Control Center). You can call it the world backstage, reptilians, the Masons, a Jewish conspiracy - the name, as well as the specifics of control, it does not matter for further discussion. The main thing is that the management is. And it is effective. I mean, these people (families, clans) Do not try to control, I do not think that they have something there to lead, but it is a COX effective processes. What tools it uses, again, it does not matter. What is the efficiency of management - too. It is significant, though, of course, is not 100%. The processes are very complex, can linings and serious crashes. One of them Russian and strengthened.

Accept, we passed. Those who do not agree with the postulate (I'm not going to prove it), are to call the author of all sorts of insulting words and stop reading.

Guess the second. (From the point of view of the author it is a proven fact).

On our planet before it existed and killed at least one highly developed civilization. (On the technological level is quite comparable to ours). In some ways superior, somewhat inferior, it is not essential. Annuaki it were shmannuaki, Atlanta or reptilians - pohren. It does not matter for further discussion. Just as the number of these civilizations. The main thing is that there was. At least one.

In what the author bases his "fact"?

Of course, on the artifacts at archaeological and historical finds, on the tracks of the very civilization (civilizations). The following sets. Just make a reservation, under the artifacts I do not mean objects which are declared strange, incomprehensible, and owned by another civilization. With acting now (in the past), the industry of fakes in anything can not be sure, so the test should be tougher. The basic artifacts are items that our civilization today is simply not able to do due to lack of appropriate technologies. I mean, these are things that in principle can not be fake. Such tens of thousands. Among the most famous: the Piri Reis map and some other ancient maps, including stone. Drawings of Nazca. Pyramids of manufacturing technologies. Obsidian wheels and "spool" - a lot of - the Indians did not know the wheel. The astronomical knowledge of ancient civilizations (inexplicably without the need for such knowledge). Numerous finds of civilization, grown into the coal. Crystal Skull. Buildings ancient, but supposedly "new" city. And so on. In principle, I will not give references, the Internet is full of. Of course, there's plenty of stuffing and fraud, in fact everything is done to cast aside "pearls" garbage. Many responding to obvious nonsense (stuffing), lose interest in the issue in principle. On then calculated. Captures the attention that actually has a huge evidence base SENSATION existence in the past advanced civilization in every way costs and silenced by official science and the media. The theme is not a trend, not "to grant" supposedly not interesting. On the contrary, strongly boned and falsified yellowness. Close this information it is impossible abyss. To refer to it something indecent in the scientific community - easily.

Noted. Let's go further.

Guess the third. On our planet was a flood that destroyed a large part of the population. These things happened once, or there were several, for further discussion is immaterial. The main thing that was at least one. The one Bible, of which dozens of stories from various people (if not hundreds). The author believes this fact is proven (seashells on the steppes, the ports on the high mountains, fresh water layer beneath the salt in the Black Sea, instantly vmёrzshie the ground mammoths, alternating layers of dead rock and fertile soil - who read, understand, I do not want to overload the reference, deposits "cultural layer" (lodging) in some modern cities, bridges, underground, "space" marks, visible only from the satellites, and much, much more). I draw the attention of respectable public that in fact these things are also amazingly little attention to modern science and the press. Some fragments of the truth burst - and then are thrown garbage information. You may think we are not talking about the history of the world (our planet) and about any specific squabbles zoologists in the classification of arthropods, to which, except for eggheads, no one cares.

THIS IS IMPORTANT, your mother !!!

And this information to us until now served under the sauce Legends of the Flood. Like the fable of some nomads. CERTIFICATE of the Deluge, that's how it should be. They are even in Russian epics abound. Collect them, organize, explore, restore motion of the waves, and so on. Not pohren. Not interested. But why?

I will assume that it is up there, to learn nothing is required. All you need, run by renowned Centre. And below is understandable.

Next, the fourth assumption is the author argued for a long time and in detail. We are talking about the transfer of the core, the reference center of power from North America to Southeast Asia without visible to the foundation. Technically daunting. Done (with shoals, but in fact has already been served). The authors explain this erosion of the volcano. Today I say - not just to blame the volcano. (Volcano is just one of the aspects of the disaster. Only part of it, unfortunately).

Next, the most controversial point. The author combines all these oddities in one, trying to explain the benign neglect Science (power) the sole and reasonable cause. Considering that the transfer of power from the US center called the same reason. Theoretically, each of these oddities can be their own explanation. But - they're all in the same "weight class" - the whole collection has a "planetary" levels, and should (could) be attributed to something one.

Suppose lost civilization were priests (archons, elders, scholars, does not matter). Some carriers higher knowledge. Why not? Of course, there were. These guys have taken a priori privileged position on the ruins of the ancient world and their descendants right now we rule. In varying degrees, they were doing it always. This is the UC. This is the normal course of things. They know about the cataclysm. They know that it is repeated. And it is not interested to know all the information. They need to hold the reins until the last moment. And if this cataclysm is cyclical in nature, it is an excellent way explains everything at once.

The date of the future events do not count, there are no hypotheses, assumptions and computer calculations that something suddenly arrive from space. This - the knowledge, as simple as a calendar. Once across the planet go wave. Space is quite a regular nuisance. Or, conversely, the cleansing of the planet from the people - there can be a matter of opinion. And there, at the top, the date is known. Not me, of course. But this date is near - or all of the above would not have been a taboo subject.

Again. Reluctance to discuss the facts of the flood, unwillingness to discuss the facts of the lost civilization, the center of the transfer of power from the ailing area of ​​the planet in a relatively safe, I explain the only reason. Soon there will be a wave, and the date is known.

Stop, accelerate, somehow affect this process one can not. It can only prepare for it. What we have seen in recent years. Storage of the loan of the day and shelter for the elite. Of course, this is all buttoned as preparation for other events. But in fact the actions are the same.

And - on the territory of a certain increase in demand. Strangely, the whole world does not like Russian ... Right, why would it? We tried to be friends, and the money paid, and the resources supplied, and children "adopt" gave (it was, it was ...) No, give us Siberia ... Already printed card, where it is not Russian. That give in international management. Do you need gas? Here it is cheap, the pipe will extend yourself, on your terms, that you do in Siberia, the cold we have - no, bitch like honey plastered ... Why? Why do they, for example, do not climb in India?

Because as soon as all this shit tolerant European wash away completely. And there is nothing to rejoice - will not find anyone.

- Author, stop raving. What kind of wave? What the tsunami? The bombs that will explode if? Ships Sakharov?

- It is too. (Executables, and probably harvested in dozens of marine "bookmarks"). This is possible before, during graters (not cosmic events) or during blasting volcano, under the "guise" of its seismic wave. But the unknown, biblical wave - a revolution of the planet. The so-called "pole shift" - the name is not very well, but what I'm saying, I think, understood everything. The process takes hours. And it has happened before. (Many times, to be honest. Many times). Who is not in the subject line - type "effect Dzhanibekova". There is a video and a detailed alignment. And do not be fooled by the fact that the nut was a lamb, and the Earth supposedly round. Firstly, it is not round. And far from being a monolithic ball. Secondly, on it there are mountain ranges and ice caps. And, most importantly, it is included in a certain range of space (repeated) events in our solar system.

Details in the fifth wheel.

And, on the appetizer, for skeptics. In 2008, mankind had the pleasure of watching the actual consequences of this revolution in the solar system. Rollover (exactly "on Dzhanibekov"), a moon of Jupiter, Europa. This is not the cobbles with rough edges, and almost the same planet Earth aki (less by weight, completely covered with frozen water). As the orbit of Jupiter is cool, all the wave picture, scientists have observed in the cracks of the ice. Astronomers had the pleasure to explore and describe the coup. Of course, these TRIVIA ALSO nobody was interested. It is clear where we are, and where Jupiter ...

- Wait, author. You're something very confused. The volcano that is not blowing? Already pole twist? And what have the US?

Read carefully, gentlemen. So far, the wording is not wrong (though sometimes proofreads devils that, of course). The promised and predicted crisis in the United States we are witnessing. Torn in the US elite to observe. Problems with finances observe. Teachings on the Elimination of seismic problems seeing. Warnings about the military situation (the officer's suicide at the pier in New York) and the appropriate police pumping observe. Preparation for force majeure are seeing already in Europe. The collapse of those countries, which pointed out the authors observed. Factual information on the volcano officially classified since the spring.

Of course, these facts may explain separately and differently.


So whether subversion? Yes, it is very possible. And it solves the problem of US debt. Weakens inevitably eruption (which is close). It allows you to control the process of evacuation and chaos (because the date is known performers in advance). Avoids World War II (total, everything will be reduced to a small set). And the - in terms of information about the coup, controversial for most (? A flood, you ohrenel author), it is also very desirable. Since the spreads in time these two events - the coming of the flood wave and the eruption of the Yellow Stone. Otherwise, one will provoke another, and the result can only survive Doomsday vault.

By the way, the new terminal will be approximately in the region of the US Great Lakes. This piece of information, unfortunately, very shaky.

- Yes, you still shaky, the author. Civilization some dead, CA ... Quite mad come down, poor fellow.

I agree. Take - or not to accept the author's conclusions - everyone decides for himself. Just - be prepared. Question volcano defined before US presidential elections. If they are, of course, take place))).

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