Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Yellowstone. How and why will the tsunami. The death of the US and Europe. The main threats to 2016-2017 years. What and when do ordinary family.

From the combination of the US signs fall under the powerful blow tsunami on the Atlantic side. It will probably be activated seismic New Madrid fault in the Great Lakes region (Rust Belt) .and - the undermining of the Yellowstone volcano, from which all should start. West Coast will suffer from "ordinary" conventional seismic and tsunami (not weak, but not catastrophic), and its own faults - a problem which is greatly exaggerated. Given the constantly ongoing there preventive measures West Coast stand as a complete infrastructure, although it will lose a lot of people (in this regard, except for the blank coffins - epidemic - no bother). (Roughly the same threatening Southeast Asia). At the east coast of the US chances are minimal. Well, yes, the Appalachians and all that ... After a wave - chaos and anarchy for decades. What will be in the central part personally I do not understand. It is flawed. Threats are listed by severity. Now, it will go chronologically.

1. Activation of the volcano. According to the calculations of the explosion must destroy one state completely (of course, we are not talking about exactly as administrative boundaries). Maximum explosion, which fear a "normal" scenario should not happen. Although the ash cloud, lava flows, seismic activity and other factors will not leave anyone indifferent. Those who are "stocked up popcorn" will not be disappointed - but is unlikely to be able to safely eat it. Do not expect to release the ashes to 50-70, sometimes predict (a key parameter for the duration of the "nuclear winter") are likely to "normal" 20-30. I mean, cooling to 2-4 years to 5-15 degrees. Sorry for the large spread, or rather does not work.

2. Activation of bookmarks in the Atlantic that will work, mimicking a conventional seismic.  It is very likely to continue. Hence - GIANT AIMED tsunami, several hundred meters (on the coast, of course, the ocean below), that the blow to the eastern part of the United States and Europe. Not only them. The wave goes and Africa, and in the Arctic, the echoes come to us. There are many aspects - suggest a counter-wave damping undermining smaller charges closer to the coast (in some places). So extinguish wildfires.

3. Activation of the New Madrid fault. Will this "man-made action" (nuclear charge), or is there still, and so on incense breathes, it does not matter. Based on many years of preparation of the US government, adjacent to the lakes area is doomed. Of course, the same applies to Canada. That time has taken out the most valuable for the elite - gold reserves ...

4. As an inevitable consequence of even only the first paragraph - the collapse of the global financial system.

5. Likely beginning of total war (not nuclear). Much will begin to work on pre-emption. Enabling EMR bookmarks disabling computers and accompanying crap most cities. And do not think that they are not in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. The consequences for cities, I think, obvious.

6. Possible activation of biological bookmarks. Home pandemics. Multiple simultaneous. Activation of other weapons of mass destruction.

7. It is unlikely a conventional war escalating into a global nuclear.

8. A partial (complete) failure of the satellite constellations (the ashes and the ashes not only) with all the consequences. The weakening of the technological capabilities of the army. The collapse of the survivors of the regional centers of power - with the use of nuclear terrorist attacks (and other WMD).

9. Trying to maintain control over the situation in the new civilization assembly points - and get it under control, where chaos reigns. I suppose that they will be completely successful. The time intervals are omitted.

10. Indeed, not until Christmas ...

Further. I'm not going to tell you how to do the oil lamp, filter the water and make fire by friction. These skills probably not superfluous, but my task is to minimize the risks of an ordinary family to slide into a situation where they will be in demand. All hands,. With all major threats. Sorry, stone, probably a farewell, so you have to short.

In cities.

VERY important to be able to sit in the apartment troubled period, if any, occur. (By the way, the likelihood that Russia pass this cup is high enough). It is a kind of concrete tower with a separate entrance - in the Middle Ages in these years kept the siege. Have a good door, Firearms and water storage solve the problem is almost guaranteed. Yes, plenty of inconveniences, but these things are not critical. No looters storming your door will not be - it is troublesome, dangerous and unprofitable. The same recipe helps with pandemic - a kind of internal quarantine. Of course, it is better (for all) to prevent the situation sliding into chaos. Much better. Therefore, any buildup of the state is now idiocy.

History shows many past emergencies, regaining control in cities happens pretty quickly. (Although today may be decomposed when it is not guaranteed). US in New Orleans were busy for almost a month. With that came under attack a single city the strongest country in the world.

Filters, respirators, water catchment, fats - that they are usually not enough - condensed milk, bleach, medicines, tools, means of communication (radio), diode lights with manual recharging. Heating - (Armenia lived as two years) in the flat tent and a candle. Firewood stoves for you is not enough. Warming of course. Separators (curtain). Polycarbonate instead of glass knocked out. Monocarbonate better, but it is more expensive glass triple. The stock of products on the balance the fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Usually there is a rabid bias in favor of carbohydrates. Instead of fish oil - someone within your means - natural cod liver oil. The same fish oil, only three times cheaper and tastier. Honey. Drying (electricity will not be for some time). Canisters round plastic for cereals - the duct run mouse. Do not be greedy, think about how you will maintain and update, if postponed. Books. Receiver.


Individually, but they are generally not suitable for shelter in troubled times. Crime is increasing, aid will not be big risks. In the situation to a level of 90 (for which, perhaps, nothing pops) - giving very much in demand in its traditional quality. But - do not try to make it the main "base". (Of course, the cottage cottage discord).

Townhouse. Great. The principle is the same as in the apartment. But - pay attention to the perimeter and communication with neighbors.

House near the village. Same as the cottage, plus neighbors.

The house is in a distant village, the village. Perfect option. Usually, it is impossible. Or what is it good for nothing. A sober assessment of their capabilities.

If you are able - Plant goat, geese, chickens. With a cow you do not manage (well, I am an ordinary urban residents). The animal should not compete with man for food resources (so little chickens).

All of this - on the option at the situation. She, unfortunately, also be taken into account.

IMPORTANT - KEEP PERFORMANCE OF THE STATE. Then all these troubles we will not be affected.

Simple, but working principle of prediction.

There are areas where the war (distemper) occur constantly. There are areas of relative stability. Most likely, this will continue (with some negative adjustments for the upcoming Cataclysm). The same applies to mudslides and floods. Amber and bones of mammoths very bad sign.

According to the Black Sea. With the rise of hydrogen sulfide layers can not only fire, but also the suffocating effect. In Africa, the "layered" lakes in similar situations, entire villages perished to the last inhabitant.

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