Friday, 29 April 2016

The Third World War through the prism of the Yellowstone supervolcano

In recent years, the media is actively being discussed topic probability of World War III. Speakers analysts and specialists of all kinds: political scientists, sociologists, all kinds of semi-face and person, "approximate", futurologists, fortune-tellers, diviners, and so on. Called specific dates. The attention of people that a possible armed conflict is bound to be fraught with the use of nuclear weapons.

Scenarios likely developments. There have charges and accusations against those or other heads of state in the discharge of the already complicated international situation. All this leads to an increase in the wave of hysteria in society. Population is preparing for the upcoming events: build underground caches, bomb shelters, and sometimes the whole citadel. Stock up on food, drinking water, medicine, communications and so on.

Meaning, of course, in all this bustle is - enrichment of enterprising Delco, which are always promptly respond to market needs. But seriously, the oddity is that for some reason, no one bothered to think about the reality of such statements.

It's no secret that the US economy is in a terrible state. External public debt is rapidly approaching the mark of US $ 18 trillion. Pay that no serious external financial injections is not possible. The history of the twentieth century has shown that the US is well learned to "solve the problem" of external debt, unleashing military conflicts on the territories of other states. Confirmation of this I and World War II, as well as a list of local armed conflicts provoked by the special services of States. But America remains outside the conflict, acting as a "peacemaker" or included in the final stages of the war on the winning side, so as not to miss the redistribution of property and territories of the defeated parties to the conflict. And, as a rule, it remains the only "reliable partner" for placing capital at the time of the war. The result is always the same: the whole world is on fire, and the United States are thriving.

What are the prospects of such a scenario in the XXI century? Currently, only two states exist in the world, having sufficient capacity to conduct full-scale military action - Russia and the United States. Together they own 90% of all nuclear weapons in the world.

In an interview in the spring of 2014 the Spanish edition Lainformacion Major General Jesús Argumosa Pila, deputy director of the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies Athena Group, tried to explain the possible scenario of a large-scale military conflict between the US and Russia. According to him, to date, had the following balance of forces and means in the armed forces of the United States and Russia:

The number of soldiers in the United States amounts to 1.492 million in Russia - 845 000.

Strategic aviation planes, capable of carrying nuclear weapons: US - 154, Russia - 141.

Nuclear submarines: US - 140, Russia - 110.

Missile systems capable of carrying nuclear warheads: US - 450, Russia - 356. (Note: on January 2014 in Russia there were 489 standing on duty ballistic missiles and 2,038 nuclear warheads for them.)

The NATO General states that currently between US and Russian nuclear parity was formed, so imagine a military conflict between these two states in its pure form is almost impossible. If we take the ratio of nuclear power so-called "triad" - intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and strategic aircraft (heavy bombers) - it is about the same.

In turn, the US Department of State 1 September 2014 published a report, which states the fact that Russia for the first time after the collapse of the USSR has reached parity with the United States in the field of strategic nuclear weapons. Thus, Washington has acknowledged that Russia has regained the status that the Soviet Union achieved by the mid 70-ies of XX century at the cost of enormous efforts, and which seemed to us irrevocably lost after the collapse of the Union.

Also, the State Department report shows that at the moment Russia has 528 carriers of strategic nuclear weapons, which deployed 1,643 warheads, while the United States - 794 vehicles and 1652 nuclear warheads. By the way, in this case the Americans "modestly silent about" the fact of 5500 nuclear warheads, which allegedly "did not have time" (in 42 years!) To dispose of, and which are on standby. However, it turns out that the Russian strategic nuclear forces today is much more high-tech than in the US, as it provides the final parity in warheads significantly fewer strategic nuclear weapons carriers. And in the light of the adoption by the Russian leadership program of modernization and development of the armed forces by 2020, Russia's strategic nuclear forces will be 100%, rearmed with a new generation of missiles. And the Moscow detachment from Washington only increase.

As for the probability of nuclear conflict, the prospects he had no no matter how hard some nedolyudyam not want to. And everything is clear as ABC. To the United States won the nuclear standoff Americans will have to apply at the same time scoring strokes in several hundreds of targets on the territory of the Russian Federation. Russia, in turn, needs to be applied one effective strike in one place. And this place is Yellowstone National Park. Of course, both sides have nuclear attack warning system, detect enemy missiles, radars and many other means of protection. But you must admit that hundreds of targets and binding scoring attack on them, against one effective attack on a single target, do not go in any comparison. Russia is enough to concentrate its nuclear capability in a single point, time to make a start at least a couple of dozen rockets and the existence of the entire continent of North America will go into the past.

Yellowstone caldera - it is already a time bomb. The White House tries to keep the leakage of information associated with the real state of affairs in the National Park. But the situation is so critical that about it in the open, at their own risk, began to assert themselves employees of the reserve. So, January 29, 2015 geologist Hank Hessler said that may soon happen irreparable natural disaster - the eruption of Yellowstone supervolcano. Since 2013, the beginning of the activity of the volcano is constantly growing, and it became apparent that he wakes up.

According to officially published information in 2014 on the territory of the park it was recorded about 1,900 earthquakes of different magnitudes, the soils in some places up to 5 meters. The strength and number of shocks increases, which together with the fact that lifting the ground level on the territory of the caldera indicate impending disaster.

It has recently published the refined information on the volume of volcanic masses, ready to break out of the bowels of the earth. Thus, the total length of the volcano chamber filled with magma, sometimes mixed with hardened rocks, is about 90 km, width is 30 km, the depth ranges from 2 to 15 km.

By the degree of threat to US security probable eruption Yellowstone supervolcano government of the country was given the highest degree of danger, the so-called code red. By and large, Russia can be philosophically observe the scene, guided by ancient oriental wisdom, which calls for serenity: "If you want to win, sit quietly on his doorstep and wait until the past cast out your enemy's body."
For the same, to Yellowstone caldera woke magnitude of 6 points is enough earthquake. With regard to a nuclear strike on the territory of the national park, it should be noted that the seismic energy released by a nuclear explosion capacity of only 1 megaton is equivalent to an earthquake with a magnitude of about 7.2 points. What to speak of the consequences, which could result in a direct hit Russian missile "Topol-M".

Yellowstone supervolcano eruption will lead to irreparable consequences, it would be a global catastrophe on a planetary scale, which, however, almost touches the territory of Russia. From a military point of view, Moscow suddenly win the final and irrevocable victory. Since the force of the eruption is so powerful that, firstly, North America will cease to exist, almost completely disappearing under the waters of the two coupling oceans - the Pacific and Atlantic, and millions of tons of ash and rocks thrown from the bowels of the earth. Secondly, the tsunami caused by the eruption and earthquakes that will accompany it, will lay the British Isles, Western Europe is completely up to the Carpathian Mountains, Africa will suffer greatly. From the Pacific significant damage will be done in Australia, the countries of Indo-China, in fact to China and Japan. From the Russian territories affected by the tsunami struck the Kamchatka Peninsula, Sakhalin Island, to a much lesser extent, the Khabarovsk Territory, the Primorye Territory, the Chukotka. After a disaster, the only "island" of absolute well-being stay in Siberia.

Thirdly, during the eruption in the sky for a few hundred kilometers to take off millions of tons of pyroclastics, which are not only almost completely encompass the planet, resulting in abrupt climate change on Earth, but also in a few years will make it impossible to use aviation. In addition, in some areas live without a respirator masks for the face to be impossible, as the inhalation of volcanic ash is equivalent to the inhalation of tiny glass particles. That is, military action will stop and come to the forefront of the global nature of the rescue operation.

That eruption of Yellowstone volcano occurs naturally in the next 10 years - the science-based fact. And it's a real problem in the first place for the American society and the challenge for the United States Government. The leadership of America it must be occupied by the head, not the imperial ambitions of seizing new territories and expand markets. The President and the Congress should be concerned about the salvation of ordinary Americans. Because otherwise, millions of people remain one on one with the elements and will be doomed. Or throw them again to their fate, as it was done in January of this year, when, after a series of small earthquakes in Yellowstone Reserve, the government and the Office of the President Obama with families to save their skins, secretly and quickly enough left the country? Then, however, came back ...

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