Saturday, 30 April 2016

Yellowstone - point of no return is passed. Scientists are fleeing the US

With the constant growth of the dynamics, the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, which are already taking place in the world several times a week, there is a complete information vacuum. In addition to reports on the scene, the scale of destruction and the statistics of human victims, the media do not provide us with any information. Even seemingly natural in such cases, the public's expectations to receive the comments of scientists and specialists with detailed explanations of what is happening in the world remain unsatisfied.

All attempts to delve into the study of this problem run into a blank wall absence of any intelligible information. No statements of scientists, no reports of scientific conferences, no large-scale studies in this area to find the impossible, they simply do not. One gets the impression that the problem does not exist. But let me now only a blind man would not see what is happening and do not realize that civilization is on the verge of a grand disaster.

The only topic that is more or less media coverage, and that is largely due to the virtual impossibility to limit the leakage of information, because the situation is really critical - related events Yellostounskim reserve. Subject to the hearing so that even the Russian military openly participate in the debate on this issue. Since March 25, the newspaper "Military-Industrial Courier" published an article by Doctor of Military Sciences, the first vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Colonel Konstantin Sivkova, from which it became known that the Russian law enforcement agencies not only closely monitoring the situation around Yellowstone National Park, located on the territory of our overseas partners, but they included it in its strategic defense plans. In particular, the expert said that at present the supervolcano is a guarantee of security and peace in the world, as in the case of the United States nuclear weapons against Russia, our troops will be enough to hit one target to the conflict from the military point of view, has exhausted itself. And this goal - Yellowstone. Interestingly, the article caused serious resonance and panic in the Western media. In particular, journalists, the British newspaper Daily Mail highlighted the scientific validity of the threat of the existence of North America and Western Europe in the case of alleged Russian Sivkov scenario enactment.

So, research is carried out, the state of affairs relating to natural phenomena on the planet is monitored and studied. The question arises: why the general public does not know anything about this? Why scientists are silent? Or is it the powers that be are doing everything to not leaked? If so, then this fact can only say that the situation is absolutely uncontrollable.

Still, I look for one fundamental report "about the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems ", which were published in November 2014 on its website the International Public Movement" ALLATRA ". link this scientific work - the result of an international group of scientists whose names are for obvious reasons not disclosed. In it provides information about the real situation on the planet (in the field of seismology, volcanology, climatology, etc.), analyzes the prospects of the development of events, reported on developments in the field of management of natural phenomena, which are supported by specific examples.

To verify the veracity of the information provided to me as a pragmatic and distant from this subject, comments of experts required. Luckily in Russia turned out to be my old friend, the scientist with a world-renowned specialist in the field of geophysics. During our meeting, it became clear that it is part of an international group of scientists ALLATRA SCIENCE and is co-author of the aforementioned report. We had a very interesting and informative conversation. With his permission, quote some excerpts from it:

- Our group was established in 1996. And now, almost 20 years we are engaged in full-scale research in the field of geophysics and geoengineering. Glad you pulled away from its military themes and paid attention to our report. In fact The situation is quite severe. As you know, over the past two decades have seen significant changes in the planet's geophysical parameters, the number and variety of anomalous phenomena, the frequency and magnitude of natural disasters. Striking spasmodic gain disasters in the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere. And this leads to a sharp release of huge amounts of extra energy, both external and internal. Since 2011, these processes have entered an active phase. Just look at the statistics of earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes over the past four years. Natural disasters increased considerably and very seriously gained in strength. Also, there is the acceleration of the movement of tectonic plates, the growth rate of the seismic, volcanic and solar activity, changes in Earth's magnetic field, the magnetic poles of growth of drift velocity, displacement of the Earth's axis, changing the albedo of the planet, its orbital parameters ... What I tell you? The report you have learned and understand the seriousness of the situation himself, so to me it makes no sense to repeat. Humanity has never faced similar challenges. And now we are rapidly approaching the peak of the event.

- Please tell us in detail what is actually happening on the territory of Yellowstone National Park? This information is now more than urgent.

- Attention of our group, which includes many prominent scientists, experts from different fields of science, focused on the Yellowstone Park in 2000. Since 2002 we have marked the formation of new geysers, deformation of the earth surface, the soil temperature increases to boiling point, the emergence of new cracks in the earth's surface, through which the emission of volcanic gases. The given observation, as well as the frequency of seismic activity, which since 2011 is constantly growing, they say that at this point the magma with increasing speed is rapidly coming to the surface. That is supervolcano awakening. The authorities of the USA, rather than think seriously about the possible ways to prevent future disasters or at least to resolve the issue with the notification and evacuation of the population, since 2004, have tightened regime visiting Yellowstone National Park, and information about current on-site processes fully coded .

- What are your predictions on the events group development prospects in this part of the globe? What to expect in the near future of mankind?

- Do you still not understand? You see, I took my family, with their children and grandchildren, and has moved from "the most democratic country in the world" ... you know where. What do you think why? Only a madman, a person is not taking care of their loved ones, will remain there. Well, or gulled fools consumer patterns possessed by illusions of building their own "bright future" in the framework of the "American Dream."

- That is, it is already possible to accept as a fact?

- The fact is that all events on earth are cyclical. We live in the period of activity of the Yellowstone caldera cycle that repeats, as it is known, every 640,000 years. This is what happens ... In fact, the tension rises and humanity expect big trouble. We pointed out in the report of everything. Unfortunately, this document no longer carries the character prediction, now he says the reality, with the form set out in the soft, so as not to scare people.

- There has been a frightening tendency to exacerbation of seismic activity in Japan. Of course, it affects the process of awakening the super Ira. According to the link contained in the materials of the report, the probability of destruction of the Japanese archipelago in the next 10 years is 70% and for 18 years - 99%. As far as the information is relevant today?

- Knowing that you love Japanese cars, I will answer this way: if you have plans to upgrade the car, do it without delay. The situation in Japan is deplorable. You know that we are artificially restrain her. But our capacity is limited. On this basis of the report, the forecasts - it is at the moment the description of the inevitable events that need to occur in the foreseeable future. If the course is not a miracle happens and soon our ability not significantly expand ...

- That is, it turns out that the report made a mistake and the situation is much more serious?

- I repeat, the information in the report is set out in a gentle manner. We did not pursue the aim to scare people, we just warn society. And once again I will turn your attention, Slavik, accounting report, we relied solely on their own resources, which at the moment, unfortunately, are not limitless. Therefore, let the readers draw their own conclusions ... And you still do not postpone a purchase of new Japanese cars.

- I heard you. Tell me, did the US government is not aware of the situation? Do not they are aware that they are sitting on a powder keg, and in the truest sense of the word?

- The question of the adequacy of many officials, not only the US, remains open in this regard. People cling to the ghostly illusions come up with some ridiculous excuses, get angry at "paranoid-scientists" (in their understanding), and often simply dismiss "all this nonsense". That is, in fact, there is a frank sabotage. You know, when I finally decided to dedicate himself to ALLATRA SCIENCE group? It all started on the enthusiasm and volunteering.

I was just wondering how the scientist: young men from around the world united by a single noble purpose - to serve society without borders. Opens up new unexplored horizons and promising directions in science, alternative knowledge. His head was spinning from the overflowing joy of doing something really worthwhile for all of humanity. But in 2002 an event occurred that demonstrated the lamentable situation. We studied the stress field in Yellowstone Septon reserve. The term "Septon field" we use within the group, if you are interested in more detail about him can learn to get acquainted with our report on physics. link

As a result of our research, it was found that the cavity of the caldera, filled with magma and solid rock, consists of two chambers - the upper and lower. It turned out that the size of the lower chamber is several times larger than the top, known at that time. We also recorded a rapid build-up of pressure in the lower chamber. It became obvious that a supervolcano awakening. Naturally, the first thing I did after receiving the results of our research - rushed headlong to communicate information to colleagues and friends "for big science." And here we began to happen strange events then for me. At first I listened condescendingly patted on the shoulder, say "everyone has his own fan, do not be mad." Then they began to publicly ridicule, and it ended up absolutely specific threats of physical violence ...

The details will not go. The lesson I learned from the first time, made the findings and determined to fully dedicate himself to ALLATRA SCIENCE group. We did not have anything to convince, we already understood the seriousness of the situation and be aware that we have to act now, tomorrow for us simply do not exist.

Fig. 1 Three-dimensional model of the underground cavity Yellowstone supervolcano. Brown is awarded the upper chamber. Red -

What did the representatives, so to speak, the official "science"? They are, as they have opened in such cases, all the information was classified, closed to public access, and it specialists and steel sit around and wait, watching the scene. But today, 13 years later, it turned out that they "had a full-scale investigation using advanced technology" and recently "discovered the secret": it turns out, the cavity under the Yellowstone caldera has two cameras! (Http:// Well, as always their favorite song: "We do not worry ...", "is not yet time for the eruption ...", "do not listen to alarmist ..." and so on . Where were you 13 years, miracle workers ?!

During this time, so you can just do. Yes, already deaf-blind madman clear picture! Is it so you can refer to such issues? After all, at stake are the lives of almost a billion people living on two continents of the Western Hemisphere! And you plan to do now? Hides your rescue ?!

I have the impression that the US government is living in some fantasy world inhabited by fairy-tale characters. They had seen their own heroic sagas, and is now waiting for the last minute primchitsya Santa and save them from imminent destruction. And in the background will be waving the American flag and playing the national anthem. Rave…

Since the beginning of 2014 we have been collectively agreed to provide information on impending earthquakes. So we tried to attract the authorities' attention to the need for immediate intervention in the situation, fueling the naive illusion that we will pay attention and render assistance. Well, or at least will not interfere.

But we are steadfastly ignored. Each thrust of which we have been warned in advance, informing the full amount of input data: the epicenter of the future earthquake, the depth, magnitude - came exactly in line with our stated forecast. Year we sent their findings. Year we hold back, not allowing the caldera to manifest itself in all its "beauty". The answer, we served only silence.

But there was "amusing" story in January this year. Once again, we reported about the upcoming fairly powerful earthquake, again focusing on the deplorable situation in the region. When told that the situation is holding back on their own and it is not necessary to panic, but it's time to think about the future. At first, everything went as usual: our message is ignored. But after the first shock of the predicted series of all officials of the Obama administration and their families urgently evacuated from the continent. At the same time the country was adrift. They fled, that even the military were not warned for the last, it should be noted, is very offended by his black president. The fugitives, however, soon returned, but stayed osadochek.

- Hmm, it would be funny if it were not so sad. Now in the world there is a serious confrontation between the US and Russia are comparable with the period of the Cold War. By studying the information from open sources and neochen become apparent that the Yellowstone caldera has become a bargaining chip in the confrontation of two civilizations - Western and Slavic. Already it is openly debate about the possibility of Russian nuclear strike in the national park. Called even accurate calculations required impact force.

- Trust me, it no longer has any meaning. In this situation, to shoot in America, is tantamount to firing at a corpse - only to waste ammunition.

- What is the state of the United States of America will cease to exist?

- First of all territorial. It's unavoidable. At least in the Western Hemisphere. And by the way, Throw aside his habit to divide people by nationality, and the planet in the country. Earth - our common home. And the trouble threatens every person living in this house, regardless of gender, nationality, religion or any other distinction invented by people. It would be a disaster on a planetary scale that will affect everyone. Do you understand? Do not forget that in North America is 23 states, and even 12 - in South America. This is the billion people who are the first to feel the full horror of the eruption.

- What is the situation in the United States itself? What happens in the information space? It is impossible to hide the obvious facts. The whole continent is reeling, it is obvious.

Fig. 2 Map of earthquakes in North and Central America, the second half of April - first half of May 2015

- The most striking thing is that nothing happens. Truthful information as such is practically no. Those fragments that reach people who are perceived as another "horror stories". Discussing about the future of social networks in the eruption of the Yellowstone, the Americans do not understand its scope. They look at the map and think of a mile from the national park to her house ... But you have to understand those who are in the subject have already sold all of its assets, property and urgently leave not just a country or continent and hemisphere. There remain only those who either do not have the information or is unable to leave America, or, knowing the truth, do not believe anything and builds self-centered, and therefore absolutely utopian plans for the future, which they do not.

Comments made by American enthusiast about the threat of an eruption of Yellowstone supervolcano

- The mind simply refuses to accept such information. In other words, the supervolcano explosion is inevitable?

- Even if I had gone with my family, how do you think? And not just with the family, and so to say, with a big family. We have evacuated their grandchildren, children with their wives and husbands, with their American relatives. They took all, of course, who we listen to. So everything is more than serious.

Here are underway "heated debate": will the eruption or not? Lord, come to your senses! It is already happening! While slow, but it is impossible not to notice. Since 2013 began the activation of the Yellowstone, and it is constantly growing. Now the situation has to be in such a stage that we have turned to their laboratories, observation posts and went beyond America. So the process is running and developing a unidirectional, events virtually irreversible.

- You say "almost", then there is hope still there? Though small?

- From the point of view of science and my practical observations - the question is solved. In reality, even if it sounds immodest, hope remains lay only ALLATRA SCIENCE. But without help from the outside chance we have virtually none. At least until we see them.

Our scientists continue to tirelessly work selflessly. I repeat, we are talking about the lives of the inhabitants of the Americas, Western Europe, Oceania, Japan ... the cost of human lives has been going on for billions. We do everything possible to the best of our ability, that even if you do not prevent a global catastrophe, or at least minimize the effects.

But you keep track of events at least the last three or four weeks on the planet. After the list is almost endless disasters. In the Philippines hit supertyphoon "Knowle" on Guam typhoon swept "Dolphin", the US walked the shores of tropical storm "Ana", in the north of Thailand was the strongest in the last 60 years of storm. Earthquakes in the last three weeks: Papua New Guinea is a series of aftershocks of magnitude 6 to 7.5; Mexico - 5.5-5.6; Indonesia - the power of tremors reached magnitude 5.9; Iran - 5 Series gravest earthquake that led to the massive destruction of infrastructure and loss of human life in Nepal magnitude 8; Thailand - strength shocks 4.6; New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Pakistan.

I'm not talking about Japan, which shakes every day. Floods in the same New Zealand, China, Afghanistan, Poland. In the US in general a complete set of climatic disasters: drought to snowfall, of abnormal amounts of tornadoes to earthquakes, details of which, however, are trying to hide. In China, among other things, hail the size of a hen's egg. And in Europe, look what's happening: the earthquake off the coast of France, Italy, intensified the volcano Etna, on the German walked anomalous storm, which brought in some degree of land the size of the ball for the game of golf, and other devastating tornado! Imagine a tornado in Germany! And the list can still continue.

Now back to the Yellowstone caldera. Judging by the dynamics of reactions occurring in its lower chamber, and there are now seeing a significant increase in pressure from the stage, so to speak, "quiet insanity" to "riot" remained a half-step. We just can not keep the whole cascade of events.

The fact is that we do not know yet what will be the final decision regarding the fate of our civilization. It depends not on us. But judging by recent events a disappointing response.

- To me the situation is clear. But the people there is a natural question to which I would ask you to answer. So: a group of scientists ALLATRA SCIENCE engaged in such serious issues - Geoengineering, tremendously advanced in their studies. You have reached the concrete, but from the point of view of official science fantastic results. Why do you not support international organizations, governments, the same of the United States? Why no one knows about you?

- Why do not know? Who we not only know the stakeholders, we are constantly trying to get in touch by representatives of the special services, the governments of various countries, all kinds of organizations. But the thing, you see, that we are not particularly interested in such meetings. At least in the format that we are trying to impose on these people. After all, what they want? What motivates these organizations and services? That's right, exclusively to the enslavement of people, capture new territories, resources and spheres of influence and destroy the competition in order to strengthen its illusory power. One gets the feeling that they were going to live in this little world forever.

They do not just want to work with us and control us. To us it is simply uninteresting. Our activities are aimed at protecting the interests of humanity as a whole. We do not divide people into races, nations, skin color, social status. We are sickened by all this worldly tinsel. That is why we prefer to work exclusively with individuals. In our ranks pour people who approach us first ideologically - honest, conscientious, professionals, people with pure thoughts and soul. For us, this is a defining criterion.

Yes, we are hard. Our options are limited, but we are not giving up. And we will continue its activities until recently. Our task is to save, if not all of humanity, then, at least, the greatest possible number of people. After all, human life is the highest value in the world.

- It is striking that about half-years in the information space actively twist "window" on the theme of climate control (meaning the technology "Overton Window" - author's note.). But smoke without fire, as we know, does not happen. Is it a bluff, and none of the governments of the world do not have technologies such as those possessed by your organization?

- Their motives are clear to us, as day. But I declare to you with authority - none of the governments of the world is not, and never will be, even a hundredth part of the knowledge and technology that we possess. All they are today - it's child's play, children games in the sandbox. Because they are guided by a thirst for power, their aims to enslave and control. Who with such people is to share knowledge? It's like a monkey and tease her hand grenade. Perhaps the most pertinent allegory in this case.

By the way, what do you think and what people are doing the powers, when catastrophic events is rapidly approaching its climax? They build for themselves the underground city of the capsule with a stock of food, drinking water, self-contained life support systems. During the construction of the most advanced modern technology. These cities can be up to 25 years in complete isolation from the outside world. The warehouse stocks are brought elite varieties of seeds of various crops. The expectation is that after the cataclysm the survivors will come to the surface and in the shortest time to restore civilization. Ironically, the total number of people who can accommodate all built underground cities, scattered throughout the world, is 144 000 people.

We have all these vain attempts observe with irony, because well imagine the power of the coming cataclysm. I just do not envy those unfortunates who find themselves in these capsules of death, if we can not defend the fate of civilization, and the decision to start global catastrophe will still be accepted.

- Yes, in this situation, to hope Santa Claus may candid only fools, and we can only act.

Military analyst and consultant

Vyacheslav Gromov

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