Saturday, 30 April 2016

The US government is secretly preparing a controlled explosion of the Yellowstone supervolcano

According to the military part of all recalls convulsive preparations for the new continental war: NATO against Russia. On both sides - the saber-rattling and demonstration of military capabilities. The steady increase in degrees in the speeches of politicians and experts. Active content in Europe all kinds of US weapons - from armored vehicles to the fifth-generation aircraft. Except for the deployment of the missile defense plans and relocation of US nuclear missiles to "Albion".

In economics, the relentless war of sanctions "on mutual destruction." On the European side blocking in several ways Russian "South Stream" and "Turkish Stream", including terrorist methods of pressure on the doubters (Macedonia) and financial blackmail (Greece). In response, - plans and signed contracts with China, which with their needs easily eat in the future all Russian gas for European destinations.

And suddenly, in the same St. Petersburg without any pre-hype and announcements signed an agreement on the third and fourth string "Nord Stream" from Russia to Germany. Without any coercion, and to the mutual satisfaction of the parties.

That's something no conspiracy absolutely clear: we have to fight together or friends houses? In short, that cooking: gas mask and stew reserves for a rainy day or a big bag of dollars?

With the global economy still fun. About the coming collapse of the world financial system is not openly say uporotyh amerofoby and homegrown conspiracy theorists, a few years ago, a highly respected representatives of the financial system itself from the leadership of the largest US banks such as Ji Pi Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Trillions of dollars in a panic rush about the world in search of "safe haven". The head of the largest financial Rothschild family, assets under management of which no one can even count, calmly declares that times earnings over and all forces should be thrown out to try to save the already "acquired by overwork" many generations. At the same time modestly fails to mention whether there are ways in principle.

And against this background, cheerfully looking at the camera calmly Russian president says that, in principle, the year of the Russian business could be called, and the next 2016 th, but it is better to make such symbolic and 2017 minutes. Was he making fun? After all, quite accurate to US intelligence, voiced by Obama, Russian economy is "in tatters." He is echoed by our own "guru" of the Economy and Finance, urging an immediate election of the president, according to Merkel, "has lost touch with reality."

In the US itself, in the words of preparing to defend the status of global hegemon from any attack from the outside, do not occur less remarkable things. Build a modern concentration camp, purchased billions cartridges million firearms and plastic coffins, the same volumes of more. And it is only in the public interest. Not less activity by talking about the upcoming ban on the free circulation of weapons and showing the population. In the southern states less than a month coming large-scale military exercises in the southern states, which did not please the population of these same states. Not pleasing to the extent that local security forces are preparing for it as active. This is not only to support the exercise, and for the possible protection of the population from their members.

This is much quieter in terms of hype in the media, but do not occur less exciting events in other parts of our suddenly become such a small world. In Latin America, the United States largest clans bought up millions of hectares of land. Real Estate in Australia and New Zealand is growing exponentially, recalling the classic inflation stock bubble, which in itself is based on the size of the local population is quite absurd. But if this attached information that individual parts of the Navy and Marine Corps for a couple of years they took custody of Australia, and itself, Australia has suddenly become a priority customer of the fifth generation of the latest American aircraft F-35, which the US Air Force has not really provided , everything looks a little different.

It is a curious event with massive sweeps of areas observed in Africa, which to a certain point at all was seen almost a sanctuary and a peaceful place for the former mining and new colonialists.

I will not bore the reader transfer other oddities of our time, I will say at once that there is a nonzero probability of such a development, in which all these oddities instantly find their perfect place and will look natural. Of course, this is Terry conspiracy theories and frank delirium of a madman, and yet ... No Cognitive Dissonance. Everything in its place and perfectly complement each other.

Let us imagine for a moment that all the talk about the prospects of the Yellowstone explosion - is not a myth, and costed a certain reality. And so it calculated that it was decided not to leave the event at the discretion of mother nature, and hold it in an artificially initiated and controlled with respect to the form. Brad it seems at first glance. If scientists calculate that explosion is inevitable in principle in the coming years and the scale of events in the natural flow of the eruption may differ at times (and it is), the initiation of an artificial explosion can dramatically reduce the level of uncertainty of the process.

The problem is that the worst scenario, the event is meant the formation of a nuclear winter around the world for a period of two to three years. Given the fact that the calculated temperature at this scenario is so low, that does not allow a person to survive on the surface, in principle, a three-year supply of food in the shelters, as are such large-scale shelter - it's fantastic worse than any conspiracy, this option is absolutely unacceptable for either anyone, including representatives of the so-called "world behind the scenes." In the end, to rule, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of subjects.

Artificial undermining the caldera seems able to limit the local effect of the explosion as to leave in livable condition large size of the Earth territory. In minimally destructive scenarios lifeless become only the US itself, Canada, Mexico, the north. In Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, there is a significant drop in temperature, but within reason (can survive). At the same time the artificial initiation of explosion Yellowstone has a great advantage for the hosts of today's global financial system. This is a classic force majeure, relieving them from any responsibility for the collapse of the previous system and the looting of the world in their own interests. The classical "all who should forgive."

And now take a look at the above facts through the prism of this crazy theory. all instantly it becomes clear with the Saudis. Continuation of friendship with the United States, in principle, does not make any sense. And as long as there is at least a little bit of time, it makes sense to try to wrap up the accumulated assets in the United States into something real that can bring advantages in the future. Nuclear energy - just the most it. In Europe, due to the propaganda sabotage good proplachennyh "green terrorists" atom banned. he did almost not developed at BV. In KSA has all chances to become one of the world's new energy centers, supplying electricity himself BV, and European countries. And fantastic 16 units fit perfectly into these plans. Given that most KSA be only one or two blocks.

all becomes instantly clear, too, With gas "flows" in Europe. Ever wonder why the same "Nord Stream" was almost a bang, screams hurt fines from Poland and the Baltic states no one was interested, and the "South" immediately began troubles and problems in which even extremely interested countries began to behave like cretins?

And it's simple. The "Nord Stream" is the owner. It is Germany, which with it only strengthens their influence on Europe, which fits perfectly into its idea of ​​a "new Euro Reich." When Yellowstone was Germany will be the main country that in its sole discretion may open someone tap, or may completely block the plug. In circumstances where no gas can be easily discarded skates from the cold - is not just a policy, it's a big geopolitics. Which, apparently, in the same Russian special problems does not cause. We, too, have a much better relationship with some rational thinking by the Germans, and even get rid of the US diktat, than with a pack of rabid and irresponsible EU bureaucrats. Because so quietly passed and signing an agreement to double the power of the "flow".

With the "South" harder. In its original form it was very flawed. A pile of small transit countries, each of which on occasion could begin to consider himself the navel of the earth. We have this on the history of Ukraine gorged on the tonsils. But the "Turkish" project differs radically. On the one hand, the first seated on the valve becomes Turkey. This abrupt change in its status. Turkey, which for decades unsuccessfully knocking at the EU door closed, suddenly becomes the one who will decide to freeze Europe or even pulled. Not all, Southern Europe, but it's a lot. Moreover, the point at which the gas pipeline will be the main host - the same, which will be forced to rest against any other gas pipeline going from Asia, if it is still someone decides to build. Although, apparently, did not have time ... In fact, Turkey is regaining its dominance over that part of Europe, which was under its influence during the time of the Sublime Porte.

But that's not all the "flourish". Where is the gas pipeline from Turkey? That's right, in Greece. It was in that country, which is so long and furiously trying to finish off the European creditors and which is totally awesome way successfully resists this phenomenal pressure. Who's the main and in fact only the final Greek lender? That's right, the same Germany. If you add up all the factors together, and add not unknown here Leviathan field, the basic design of which are located in Cyprus who share all the same, Turkey and Greece, there is a very interesting affair. Those Germany and Turkey links the many different strands, stretching from the depths of history. Now I will not undertake to determine exactly how it ends, but are more likely to Greece out of the EU-ended, and the Germans will get their lenders, but this time through the influence of an independent Greece. Especially because of its new status will allow it without any problems to pay its debts. Greece Will the in this case in any way by an independent party of the political process, can not say. Chances are not many, but the classifications may be quite different. Including depending on Russia policy.

Why are more expensive real estate in Australia and New Zealand, is no longer necessary to explain in this way. It is not surprising and the fact that the transfer of the US military power in the region. But on the movement of large masses of weapons and military equipment from the US to Europe will focus in more detail.

The fact that the West (as a model of civilization), and Russia - is very different. And so far all attempts of the West to push their supremacy over Russia and management of her sinking. In view of the future in the light of the theory of geopolitical changes in Russia with its vast territory and relatively small population density becomes almost the central region of the European type of civilization. And thus uncontrolled by the West. Significant climate change in Europe itself with the full unsuitability of population and infrastructure to low winter temperatures (which we are quite familiar) will inevitably lead to a series of strong European social disturbances up to local zones of sheer chaos. In this respect, Europe has only two principal outputs. Or by mass protest sweeps of any kind and a sharp reduction in its population to establish strict order by type of dictatorship, and at the same time lead to a balance of production and consumption of basic food necessities, or to try to expand its zone of influence to the east. That is, to repeat the path, which were Napoleon and Hitler.

It is unlikely that the second scenario is a priority, but taking into account the dependence on Russia for gas deliveries it is a forced necessity, if relations with Russia will develop not how this serves the interests of Europe itself ... For example, in the case of overlapping pipelines. To prepare for such an option already implemented a range of measures. And it's not just transportation to Europe of US military equipment and weapons. This immigration program and resettlement from North Africa and the Middle East. At the forefront is absurd. If you have to reduce its own population and crush the riots, why increase the potential of precisely those forces who is able to do most? But this is only at first glance. Europe's problem is that after two devastating wars of XX century indigenous Europeans have completely lost the spiritual capacity to conduct active military operations. So the people of Russia to conquer the impossible and nothing even try. Another thing - the poor people from Africa and the Middle East, that their activity and determination have already proved at least that made it to Europe. And plus those who have virtually nothing to lose, and the value of his own life for this category - a relative thing. This is the perfect army for the invasion, extras, organically complementing the few forces of Europe itself, the control of modern military equipment. Well, and plus to all this is the extras, ideal in the first scenario as the instigators of the riots.

Is it any wonder that Russia is preparing for such a scenario? On the one hand, strongly pedaliruet construction of "flow", and on the other, no less actively preparing to defend the state by military means. Full rearmament by 2020 year (the shortest possible time, when the same Europe would be able to mobilize its resources to another military adventure) is clearly not taken from the ceiling.

Yellowstone - point of no return is passed. Scientists are fleeing the US

With the constant growth of the dynamics, the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, which are already taking place in the world several times a week, there is a complete information vacuum. In addition to reports on the scene, the scale of destruction and the statistics of human victims, the media do not provide us with any information. Even seemingly natural in such cases, the public's expectations to receive the comments of scientists and specialists with detailed explanations of what is happening in the world remain unsatisfied.

All attempts to delve into the study of this problem run into a blank wall absence of any intelligible information. No statements of scientists, no reports of scientific conferences, no large-scale studies in this area to find the impossible, they simply do not. One gets the impression that the problem does not exist. But let me now only a blind man would not see what is happening and do not realize that civilization is on the verge of a grand disaster.

The only topic that is more or less media coverage, and that is largely due to the virtual impossibility to limit the leakage of information, because the situation is really critical - related events Yellostounskim reserve. Subject to the hearing so that even the Russian military openly participate in the debate on this issue. Since March 25, the newspaper "Military-Industrial Courier" published an article by Doctor of Military Sciences, the first vice-president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Colonel Konstantin Sivkova, from which it became known that the Russian law enforcement agencies not only closely monitoring the situation around Yellowstone National Park, located on the territory of our overseas partners, but they included it in its strategic defense plans. In particular, the expert said that at present the supervolcano is a guarantee of security and peace in the world, as in the case of the United States nuclear weapons against Russia, our troops will be enough to hit one target to the conflict from the military point of view, has exhausted itself. And this goal - Yellowstone. Interestingly, the article caused serious resonance and panic in the Western media. In particular, journalists, the British newspaper Daily Mail highlighted the scientific validity of the threat of the existence of North America and Western Europe in the case of alleged Russian Sivkov scenario enactment.

So, research is carried out, the state of affairs relating to natural phenomena on the planet is monitored and studied. The question arises: why the general public does not know anything about this? Why scientists are silent? Or is it the powers that be are doing everything to not leaked? If so, then this fact can only say that the situation is absolutely uncontrollable.

Still, I look for one fundamental report "about the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems ", which were published in November 2014 on its website the International Public Movement" ALLATRA ". link this scientific work - the result of an international group of scientists whose names are for obvious reasons not disclosed. In it provides information about the real situation on the planet (in the field of seismology, volcanology, climatology, etc.), analyzes the prospects of the development of events, reported on developments in the field of management of natural phenomena, which are supported by specific examples.

To verify the veracity of the information provided to me as a pragmatic and distant from this subject, comments of experts required. Luckily in Russia turned out to be my old friend, the scientist with a world-renowned specialist in the field of geophysics. During our meeting, it became clear that it is part of an international group of scientists ALLATRA SCIENCE and is co-author of the aforementioned report. We had a very interesting and informative conversation. With his permission, quote some excerpts from it:

- Our group was established in 1996. And now, almost 20 years we are engaged in full-scale research in the field of geophysics and geoengineering. Glad you pulled away from its military themes and paid attention to our report. In fact The situation is quite severe. As you know, over the past two decades have seen significant changes in the planet's geophysical parameters, the number and variety of anomalous phenomena, the frequency and magnitude of natural disasters. Striking spasmodic gain disasters in the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere. And this leads to a sharp release of huge amounts of extra energy, both external and internal. Since 2011, these processes have entered an active phase. Just look at the statistics of earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes over the past four years. Natural disasters increased considerably and very seriously gained in strength. Also, there is the acceleration of the movement of tectonic plates, the growth rate of the seismic, volcanic and solar activity, changes in Earth's magnetic field, the magnetic poles of growth of drift velocity, displacement of the Earth's axis, changing the albedo of the planet, its orbital parameters ... What I tell you? The report you have learned and understand the seriousness of the situation himself, so to me it makes no sense to repeat. Humanity has never faced similar challenges. And now we are rapidly approaching the peak of the event.

- Please tell us in detail what is actually happening on the territory of Yellowstone National Park? This information is now more than urgent.

- Attention of our group, which includes many prominent scientists, experts from different fields of science, focused on the Yellowstone Park in 2000. Since 2002 we have marked the formation of new geysers, deformation of the earth surface, the soil temperature increases to boiling point, the emergence of new cracks in the earth's surface, through which the emission of volcanic gases. The given observation, as well as the frequency of seismic activity, which since 2011 is constantly growing, they say that at this point the magma with increasing speed is rapidly coming to the surface. That is supervolcano awakening. The authorities of the USA, rather than think seriously about the possible ways to prevent future disasters or at least to resolve the issue with the notification and evacuation of the population, since 2004, have tightened regime visiting Yellowstone National Park, and information about current on-site processes fully coded .

- What are your predictions on the events group development prospects in this part of the globe? What to expect in the near future of mankind?

- Do you still not understand? You see, I took my family, with their children and grandchildren, and has moved from "the most democratic country in the world" ... you know where. What do you think why? Only a madman, a person is not taking care of their loved ones, will remain there. Well, or gulled fools consumer patterns possessed by illusions of building their own "bright future" in the framework of the "American Dream."

- That is, it is already possible to accept as a fact?

- The fact is that all events on earth are cyclical. We live in the period of activity of the Yellowstone caldera cycle that repeats, as it is known, every 640,000 years. This is what happens ... In fact, the tension rises and humanity expect big trouble. We pointed out in the report of everything. Unfortunately, this document no longer carries the character prediction, now he says the reality, with the form set out in the soft, so as not to scare people.

- There has been a frightening tendency to exacerbation of seismic activity in Japan. Of course, it affects the process of awakening the super Ira. According to the link contained in the materials of the report, the probability of destruction of the Japanese archipelago in the next 10 years is 70% and for 18 years - 99%. As far as the information is relevant today?

- Knowing that you love Japanese cars, I will answer this way: if you have plans to upgrade the car, do it without delay. The situation in Japan is deplorable. You know that we are artificially restrain her. But our capacity is limited. On this basis of the report, the forecasts - it is at the moment the description of the inevitable events that need to occur in the foreseeable future. If the course is not a miracle happens and soon our ability not significantly expand ...

- That is, it turns out that the report made a mistake and the situation is much more serious?

- I repeat, the information in the report is set out in a gentle manner. We did not pursue the aim to scare people, we just warn society. And once again I will turn your attention, Slavik, accounting report, we relied solely on their own resources, which at the moment, unfortunately, are not limitless. Therefore, let the readers draw their own conclusions ... And you still do not postpone a purchase of new Japanese cars.

- I heard you. Tell me, did the US government is not aware of the situation? Do not they are aware that they are sitting on a powder keg, and in the truest sense of the word?

- The question of the adequacy of many officials, not only the US, remains open in this regard. People cling to the ghostly illusions come up with some ridiculous excuses, get angry at "paranoid-scientists" (in their understanding), and often simply dismiss "all this nonsense". That is, in fact, there is a frank sabotage. You know, when I finally decided to dedicate himself to ALLATRA SCIENCE group? It all started on the enthusiasm and volunteering.

I was just wondering how the scientist: young men from around the world united by a single noble purpose - to serve society without borders. Opens up new unexplored horizons and promising directions in science, alternative knowledge. His head was spinning from the overflowing joy of doing something really worthwhile for all of humanity. But in 2002 an event occurred that demonstrated the lamentable situation. We studied the stress field in Yellowstone Septon reserve. The term "Septon field" we use within the group, if you are interested in more detail about him can learn to get acquainted with our report on physics. link

As a result of our research, it was found that the cavity of the caldera, filled with magma and solid rock, consists of two chambers - the upper and lower. It turned out that the size of the lower chamber is several times larger than the top, known at that time. We also recorded a rapid build-up of pressure in the lower chamber. It became obvious that a supervolcano awakening. Naturally, the first thing I did after receiving the results of our research - rushed headlong to communicate information to colleagues and friends "for big science." And here we began to happen strange events then for me. At first I listened condescendingly patted on the shoulder, say "everyone has his own fan, do not be mad." Then they began to publicly ridicule, and it ended up absolutely specific threats of physical violence ...

The details will not go. The lesson I learned from the first time, made the findings and determined to fully dedicate himself to ALLATRA SCIENCE group. We did not have anything to convince, we already understood the seriousness of the situation and be aware that we have to act now, tomorrow for us simply do not exist.

Fig. 1 Three-dimensional model of the underground cavity Yellowstone supervolcano. Brown is awarded the upper chamber. Red -

What did the representatives, so to speak, the official "science"? They are, as they have opened in such cases, all the information was classified, closed to public access, and it specialists and steel sit around and wait, watching the scene. But today, 13 years later, it turned out that they "had a full-scale investigation using advanced technology" and recently "discovered the secret": it turns out, the cavity under the Yellowstone caldera has two cameras! (Http:// Well, as always their favorite song: "We do not worry ...", "is not yet time for the eruption ...", "do not listen to alarmist ..." and so on . Where were you 13 years, miracle workers ?!

During this time, so you can just do. Yes, already deaf-blind madman clear picture! Is it so you can refer to such issues? After all, at stake are the lives of almost a billion people living on two continents of the Western Hemisphere! And you plan to do now? Hides your rescue ?!

I have the impression that the US government is living in some fantasy world inhabited by fairy-tale characters. They had seen their own heroic sagas, and is now waiting for the last minute primchitsya Santa and save them from imminent destruction. And in the background will be waving the American flag and playing the national anthem. Rave…

Since the beginning of 2014 we have been collectively agreed to provide information on impending earthquakes. So we tried to attract the authorities' attention to the need for immediate intervention in the situation, fueling the naive illusion that we will pay attention and render assistance. Well, or at least will not interfere.

But we are steadfastly ignored. Each thrust of which we have been warned in advance, informing the full amount of input data: the epicenter of the future earthquake, the depth, magnitude - came exactly in line with our stated forecast. Year we sent their findings. Year we hold back, not allowing the caldera to manifest itself in all its "beauty". The answer, we served only silence.

But there was "amusing" story in January this year. Once again, we reported about the upcoming fairly powerful earthquake, again focusing on the deplorable situation in the region. When told that the situation is holding back on their own and it is not necessary to panic, but it's time to think about the future. At first, everything went as usual: our message is ignored. But after the first shock of the predicted series of all officials of the Obama administration and their families urgently evacuated from the continent. At the same time the country was adrift. They fled, that even the military were not warned for the last, it should be noted, is very offended by his black president. The fugitives, however, soon returned, but stayed osadochek.

- Hmm, it would be funny if it were not so sad. Now in the world there is a serious confrontation between the US and Russia are comparable with the period of the Cold War. By studying the information from open sources and neochen become apparent that the Yellowstone caldera has become a bargaining chip in the confrontation of two civilizations - Western and Slavic. Already it is openly debate about the possibility of Russian nuclear strike in the national park. Called even accurate calculations required impact force.

- Trust me, it no longer has any meaning. In this situation, to shoot in America, is tantamount to firing at a corpse - only to waste ammunition.

- What is the state of the United States of America will cease to exist?

- First of all territorial. It's unavoidable. At least in the Western Hemisphere. And by the way, Throw aside his habit to divide people by nationality, and the planet in the country. Earth - our common home. And the trouble threatens every person living in this house, regardless of gender, nationality, religion or any other distinction invented by people. It would be a disaster on a planetary scale that will affect everyone. Do you understand? Do not forget that in North America is 23 states, and even 12 - in South America. This is the billion people who are the first to feel the full horror of the eruption.

- What is the situation in the United States itself? What happens in the information space? It is impossible to hide the obvious facts. The whole continent is reeling, it is obvious.

Fig. 2 Map of earthquakes in North and Central America, the second half of April - first half of May 2015

- The most striking thing is that nothing happens. Truthful information as such is practically no. Those fragments that reach people who are perceived as another "horror stories". Discussing about the future of social networks in the eruption of the Yellowstone, the Americans do not understand its scope. They look at the map and think of a mile from the national park to her house ... But you have to understand those who are in the subject have already sold all of its assets, property and urgently leave not just a country or continent and hemisphere. There remain only those who either do not have the information or is unable to leave America, or, knowing the truth, do not believe anything and builds self-centered, and therefore absolutely utopian plans for the future, which they do not.

Comments made by American enthusiast about the threat of an eruption of Yellowstone supervolcano

- The mind simply refuses to accept such information. In other words, the supervolcano explosion is inevitable?

- Even if I had gone with my family, how do you think? And not just with the family, and so to say, with a big family. We have evacuated their grandchildren, children with their wives and husbands, with their American relatives. They took all, of course, who we listen to. So everything is more than serious.

Here are underway "heated debate": will the eruption or not? Lord, come to your senses! It is already happening! While slow, but it is impossible not to notice. Since 2013 began the activation of the Yellowstone, and it is constantly growing. Now the situation has to be in such a stage that we have turned to their laboratories, observation posts and went beyond America. So the process is running and developing a unidirectional, events virtually irreversible.

- You say "almost", then there is hope still there? Though small?

- From the point of view of science and my practical observations - the question is solved. In reality, even if it sounds immodest, hope remains lay only ALLATRA SCIENCE. But without help from the outside chance we have virtually none. At least until we see them.

Our scientists continue to tirelessly work selflessly. I repeat, we are talking about the lives of the inhabitants of the Americas, Western Europe, Oceania, Japan ... the cost of human lives has been going on for billions. We do everything possible to the best of our ability, that even if you do not prevent a global catastrophe, or at least minimize the effects.

But you keep track of events at least the last three or four weeks on the planet. After the list is almost endless disasters. In the Philippines hit supertyphoon "Knowle" on Guam typhoon swept "Dolphin", the US walked the shores of tropical storm "Ana", in the north of Thailand was the strongest in the last 60 years of storm. Earthquakes in the last three weeks: Papua New Guinea is a series of aftershocks of magnitude 6 to 7.5; Mexico - 5.5-5.6; Indonesia - the power of tremors reached magnitude 5.9; Iran - 5 Series gravest earthquake that led to the massive destruction of infrastructure and loss of human life in Nepal magnitude 8; Thailand - strength shocks 4.6; New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Pakistan.

I'm not talking about Japan, which shakes every day. Floods in the same New Zealand, China, Afghanistan, Poland. In the US in general a complete set of climatic disasters: drought to snowfall, of abnormal amounts of tornadoes to earthquakes, details of which, however, are trying to hide. In China, among other things, hail the size of a hen's egg. And in Europe, look what's happening: the earthquake off the coast of France, Italy, intensified the volcano Etna, on the German walked anomalous storm, which brought in some degree of land the size of the ball for the game of golf, and other devastating tornado! Imagine a tornado in Germany! And the list can still continue.

Now back to the Yellowstone caldera. Judging by the dynamics of reactions occurring in its lower chamber, and there are now seeing a significant increase in pressure from the stage, so to speak, "quiet insanity" to "riot" remained a half-step. We just can not keep the whole cascade of events.

The fact is that we do not know yet what will be the final decision regarding the fate of our civilization. It depends not on us. But judging by recent events a disappointing response.

- To me the situation is clear. But the people there is a natural question to which I would ask you to answer. So: a group of scientists ALLATRA SCIENCE engaged in such serious issues - Geoengineering, tremendously advanced in their studies. You have reached the concrete, but from the point of view of official science fantastic results. Why do you not support international organizations, governments, the same of the United States? Why no one knows about you?

- Why do not know? Who we not only know the stakeholders, we are constantly trying to get in touch by representatives of the special services, the governments of various countries, all kinds of organizations. But the thing, you see, that we are not particularly interested in such meetings. At least in the format that we are trying to impose on these people. After all, what they want? What motivates these organizations and services? That's right, exclusively to the enslavement of people, capture new territories, resources and spheres of influence and destroy the competition in order to strengthen its illusory power. One gets the feeling that they were going to live in this little world forever.

They do not just want to work with us and control us. To us it is simply uninteresting. Our activities are aimed at protecting the interests of humanity as a whole. We do not divide people into races, nations, skin color, social status. We are sickened by all this worldly tinsel. That is why we prefer to work exclusively with individuals. In our ranks pour people who approach us first ideologically - honest, conscientious, professionals, people with pure thoughts and soul. For us, this is a defining criterion.

Yes, we are hard. Our options are limited, but we are not giving up. And we will continue its activities until recently. Our task is to save, if not all of humanity, then, at least, the greatest possible number of people. After all, human life is the highest value in the world.

- It is striking that about half-years in the information space actively twist "window" on the theme of climate control (meaning the technology "Overton Window" - author's note.). But smoke without fire, as we know, does not happen. Is it a bluff, and none of the governments of the world do not have technologies such as those possessed by your organization?

- Their motives are clear to us, as day. But I declare to you with authority - none of the governments of the world is not, and never will be, even a hundredth part of the knowledge and technology that we possess. All they are today - it's child's play, children games in the sandbox. Because they are guided by a thirst for power, their aims to enslave and control. Who with such people is to share knowledge? It's like a monkey and tease her hand grenade. Perhaps the most pertinent allegory in this case.

By the way, what do you think and what people are doing the powers, when catastrophic events is rapidly approaching its climax? They build for themselves the underground city of the capsule with a stock of food, drinking water, self-contained life support systems. During the construction of the most advanced modern technology. These cities can be up to 25 years in complete isolation from the outside world. The warehouse stocks are brought elite varieties of seeds of various crops. The expectation is that after the cataclysm the survivors will come to the surface and in the shortest time to restore civilization. Ironically, the total number of people who can accommodate all built underground cities, scattered throughout the world, is 144 000 people.

We have all these vain attempts observe with irony, because well imagine the power of the coming cataclysm. I just do not envy those unfortunates who find themselves in these capsules of death, if we can not defend the fate of civilization, and the decision to start global catastrophe will still be accepted.

- Yes, in this situation, to hope Santa Claus may candid only fools, and we can only act.

Military analyst and consultant

Vyacheslav Gromov

In the United States harvested 500,000 plastic coffins

America prepares plastic coffins, building concentration camps, trains police to suppress civil riots (risers figures of children and women). Teachings "zombies" and "Jade helm." Special police equipment. The fight against "zombie" is particularly characteristic. Frank nonsense as the legend, they say, the joke we have. And in fact, some working out combat stunned, the brutal, confused civilians ...;wap2 concentration camp (site with watchtowers guard barracks and barbed wire), about 800 coffins (quadruple), more than one million - by other infe - more than five million.(

Official explanation: None. The unofficial explanation - expected US dollar pyramid collapse, a sharp decline in living standards and a wave of unrest.

My guess: QUALITY preparations indicates a more severe prognosis. Authorities feared epidemics (coffins) and complete loss of control ( "sudden" impact of elements). If the volcano will not destroy the entire territory of the United States, and the territories of the survivors will have to restore the sense of control, need concentration camps.

Friday, 29 April 2016

The Third World War through the prism of the Yellowstone supervolcano

In recent years, the media is actively being discussed topic probability of World War III. Speakers analysts and specialists of all kinds: political scientists, sociologists, all kinds of semi-face and person, "approximate", futurologists, fortune-tellers, diviners, and so on. Called specific dates. The attention of people that a possible armed conflict is bound to be fraught with the use of nuclear weapons.

Scenarios likely developments. There have charges and accusations against those or other heads of state in the discharge of the already complicated international situation. All this leads to an increase in the wave of hysteria in society. Population is preparing for the upcoming events: build underground caches, bomb shelters, and sometimes the whole citadel. Stock up on food, drinking water, medicine, communications and so on.

Meaning, of course, in all this bustle is - enrichment of enterprising Delco, which are always promptly respond to market needs. But seriously, the oddity is that for some reason, no one bothered to think about the reality of such statements.

It's no secret that the US economy is in a terrible state. External public debt is rapidly approaching the mark of US $ 18 trillion. Pay that no serious external financial injections is not possible. The history of the twentieth century has shown that the US is well learned to "solve the problem" of external debt, unleashing military conflicts on the territories of other states. Confirmation of this I and World War II, as well as a list of local armed conflicts provoked by the special services of States. But America remains outside the conflict, acting as a "peacemaker" or included in the final stages of the war on the winning side, so as not to miss the redistribution of property and territories of the defeated parties to the conflict. And, as a rule, it remains the only "reliable partner" for placing capital at the time of the war. The result is always the same: the whole world is on fire, and the United States are thriving.

What are the prospects of such a scenario in the XXI century? Currently, only two states exist in the world, having sufficient capacity to conduct full-scale military action - Russia and the United States. Together they own 90% of all nuclear weapons in the world.

In an interview in the spring of 2014 the Spanish edition Lainformacion Major General Jesús Argumosa Pila, deputy director of the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies Athena Group, tried to explain the possible scenario of a large-scale military conflict between the US and Russia. According to him, to date, had the following balance of forces and means in the armed forces of the United States and Russia:

The number of soldiers in the United States amounts to 1.492 million in Russia - 845 000.

Strategic aviation planes, capable of carrying nuclear weapons: US - 154, Russia - 141.

Nuclear submarines: US - 140, Russia - 110.

Missile systems capable of carrying nuclear warheads: US - 450, Russia - 356. (Note: on January 2014 in Russia there were 489 standing on duty ballistic missiles and 2,038 nuclear warheads for them.)

The NATO General states that currently between US and Russian nuclear parity was formed, so imagine a military conflict between these two states in its pure form is almost impossible. If we take the ratio of nuclear power so-called "triad" - intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and strategic aircraft (heavy bombers) - it is about the same.

In turn, the US Department of State 1 September 2014 published a report, which states the fact that Russia for the first time after the collapse of the USSR has reached parity with the United States in the field of strategic nuclear weapons. Thus, Washington has acknowledged that Russia has regained the status that the Soviet Union achieved by the mid 70-ies of XX century at the cost of enormous efforts, and which seemed to us irrevocably lost after the collapse of the Union.

Also, the State Department report shows that at the moment Russia has 528 carriers of strategic nuclear weapons, which deployed 1,643 warheads, while the United States - 794 vehicles and 1652 nuclear warheads. By the way, in this case the Americans "modestly silent about" the fact of 5500 nuclear warheads, which allegedly "did not have time" (in 42 years!) To dispose of, and which are on standby. However, it turns out that the Russian strategic nuclear forces today is much more high-tech than in the US, as it provides the final parity in warheads significantly fewer strategic nuclear weapons carriers. And in the light of the adoption by the Russian leadership program of modernization and development of the armed forces by 2020, Russia's strategic nuclear forces will be 100%, rearmed with a new generation of missiles. And the Moscow detachment from Washington only increase.

As for the probability of nuclear conflict, the prospects he had no no matter how hard some nedolyudyam not want to. And everything is clear as ABC. To the United States won the nuclear standoff Americans will have to apply at the same time scoring strokes in several hundreds of targets on the territory of the Russian Federation. Russia, in turn, needs to be applied one effective strike in one place. And this place is Yellowstone National Park. Of course, both sides have nuclear attack warning system, detect enemy missiles, radars and many other means of protection. But you must admit that hundreds of targets and binding scoring attack on them, against one effective attack on a single target, do not go in any comparison. Russia is enough to concentrate its nuclear capability in a single point, time to make a start at least a couple of dozen rockets and the existence of the entire continent of North America will go into the past.

Yellowstone caldera - it is already a time bomb. The White House tries to keep the leakage of information associated with the real state of affairs in the National Park. But the situation is so critical that about it in the open, at their own risk, began to assert themselves employees of the reserve. So, January 29, 2015 geologist Hank Hessler said that may soon happen irreparable natural disaster - the eruption of Yellowstone supervolcano. Since 2013, the beginning of the activity of the volcano is constantly growing, and it became apparent that he wakes up.

According to officially published information in 2014 on the territory of the park it was recorded about 1,900 earthquakes of different magnitudes, the soils in some places up to 5 meters. The strength and number of shocks increases, which together with the fact that lifting the ground level on the territory of the caldera indicate impending disaster.

It has recently published the refined information on the volume of volcanic masses, ready to break out of the bowels of the earth. Thus, the total length of the volcano chamber filled with magma, sometimes mixed with hardened rocks, is about 90 km, width is 30 km, the depth ranges from 2 to 15 km.

By the degree of threat to US security probable eruption Yellowstone supervolcano government of the country was given the highest degree of danger, the so-called code red. By and large, Russia can be philosophically observe the scene, guided by ancient oriental wisdom, which calls for serenity: "If you want to win, sit quietly on his doorstep and wait until the past cast out your enemy's body."
For the same, to Yellowstone caldera woke magnitude of 6 points is enough earthquake. With regard to a nuclear strike on the territory of the national park, it should be noted that the seismic energy released by a nuclear explosion capacity of only 1 megaton is equivalent to an earthquake with a magnitude of about 7.2 points. What to speak of the consequences, which could result in a direct hit Russian missile "Topol-M".

Yellowstone supervolcano eruption will lead to irreparable consequences, it would be a global catastrophe on a planetary scale, which, however, almost touches the territory of Russia. From a military point of view, Moscow suddenly win the final and irrevocable victory. Since the force of the eruption is so powerful that, firstly, North America will cease to exist, almost completely disappearing under the waters of the two coupling oceans - the Pacific and Atlantic, and millions of tons of ash and rocks thrown from the bowels of the earth. Secondly, the tsunami caused by the eruption and earthquakes that will accompany it, will lay the British Isles, Western Europe is completely up to the Carpathian Mountains, Africa will suffer greatly. From the Pacific significant damage will be done in Australia, the countries of Indo-China, in fact to China and Japan. From the Russian territories affected by the tsunami struck the Kamchatka Peninsula, Sakhalin Island, to a much lesser extent, the Khabarovsk Territory, the Primorye Territory, the Chukotka. After a disaster, the only "island" of absolute well-being stay in Siberia.

Thirdly, during the eruption in the sky for a few hundred kilometers to take off millions of tons of pyroclastics, which are not only almost completely encompass the planet, resulting in abrupt climate change on Earth, but also in a few years will make it impossible to use aviation. In addition, in some areas live without a respirator masks for the face to be impossible, as the inhalation of volcanic ash is equivalent to the inhalation of tiny glass particles. That is, military action will stop and come to the forefront of the global nature of the rescue operation.

That eruption of Yellowstone volcano occurs naturally in the next 10 years - the science-based fact. And it's a real problem in the first place for the American society and the challenge for the United States Government. The leadership of America it must be occupied by the head, not the imperial ambitions of seizing new territories and expand markets. The President and the Congress should be concerned about the salvation of ordinary Americans. Because otherwise, millions of people remain one on one with the elements and will be doomed. Or throw them again to their fate, as it was done in January of this year, when, after a series of small earthquakes in Yellowstone Reserve, the government and the Office of the President Obama with families to save their skins, secretly and quickly enough left the country? Then, however, came back ...

Thursday, 28 April 2016

"Nuclear Tsunami" - detonate a nuclear charge in Yellowstone

From "reliable sources" in the security services of Israel it became known that the LIH intends to move from words to deeds and implement the project "Nuclear Tsunami" in life. Employees of the Mossad from several unrelated "reliable sources" found that militants not only seized technology, they have already collected a compact nuclear bomb capacity of one and a half megatons.

The device was manufactured in the United States, and there is now. Track his whereabouts at the moment is not possible in view of the high degree of caution and secrecy militants. However, Mossad experts say with absolute certainty that the goal of Islamic fanatics is Yellowstone National Park.

Guide LIH planned an unprecedented scale terrorist act - to detonate a nuclear warhead and awaken the Yellowstone supervolcano. Thus, the militants intend overnight defeat all infidels (unbelievers) "rotten West." They clearly are aware that the eruption of the giant volcano will cause massive loss of life, not only in North and South America, but also in Western Europe. This event will change the appearance of our planet will disappear island states (Japan, UK, Oceania, etc.), the continents will forever change his appearance. But North America will go almost completely under water Having closed the oceans. This is evidenced by recent calculations of scientists volcanologists and geophysicists.

In the United States built a huge bunker in Denver

Bunker area 25 km from the city (Manhattan area two), powerful - very powerful - underground construction under the guise of reconstruction of the airport. In terms of dredged material - a complex of several hundred thousand people, plus some kind of military infrastructure.

No official explanation: No (funny version that all airport requirements, with the exception). Unofficial version - rolls in conspiracy theories. Here and Masons, and a world government, and Satanists, as well as analysis of the frescoes and sculptures (really creepy and weird)

 This underground city for the part of the elite, who would dare to stay on the continent after the explosion of the volcano. The location is perfect. Over the Rocky Mountains from Long Valley, on a plateau, in the heart of the country, the most protected from the tsunami. Surprisingly close to Yellowstone (you can omit further south, in some Albuquerque), but - for the spine, and if we impose on the map map of Latin American states, then everything will fall into place. Deleting the maximum under the "white man's zone". This is the person to whom it generally makes sense to fight for the continent. Airport leaves the possibility of a large-scale evacuation.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Yellowstone. Terms of undermining the volcano and their rationale.

PROBABILITY force majeure events, allowing to restart the global financial system, the maximum in September and October this year. This is something seismic, "killing" the North American continent. Something that still happen in the near future without any interference "behind the scenes", and that would be provoked to a particular day, to make the process more or less manageable. The argument for such a strange assumption above, in the petals. The reasoning is not based on the theory of future disasters - many of them, they contradict each other, as expected when deliberate, take away the attention of false stuffing. The basis of her permanent make up and strange actions that have already taken the masters of the world over the past twenty-five years. And who actually destroyed the US dominance.


These gentlemen ruled the planet. And then suddenly "shot themselves." Raised China, Russia gave a breath, laid a bomb under Europe of tolerance, scored debt - to print some money vpadlu ...

Of course, all these actions can be explained otherwise. For example, idiocy - in different variations. And laugh with stupid, incompetent American politicians. That little earlier gouging us in the trash without a war and forced to pay tribute without occupation.

Why September?

Of course, the "Graphics" I have not. All the evidence circumstantial.

So. Of the major.

1. For the implementation of the activities after the explosion need to run like clockwork, efficient power structure, certain of its configuration, good interaction with the security forces. Key people who know how and what to take, allow this mechanism to do very, very much. This position is today the United States (administrative resources) exhausted by the end of this year. Moment direct "predgolosovaniya" voting innauguratsii and formation of the new government (and it will obviously be a new) is not suitable for such perturbations. As peresёdlyvat horse during horse racing.

Evacuation process now comes with huge challenges and a certain delay from the original plans - largely due to the actions of Russia. Active attacking configuration was composed over the last year three times already - and all three times properly neutralized. ( "Teachings" in March 2015 with the loss of Putin's provocation downed Boeing autumn together with the attack on the ruble and Turkish provocation winter). All this moves the part of the United States, which plays "against Russia" (there is another part). Each of these "attacks" combinations should be prepared for many months. Time guys left on the last attempt (of the most serious). And it is necessary to prepare very well to beat no longer work, so, it will be as drawn in time. It - September-October.

2. Sam undermine - technically - better and more effectively carry out after the next harvest, and before going into hibernation perennial plants in the Northern Hemisphere (it is more significant and more exposed to the effects). The difference is a full growing season - missing two years instead of three, or three years instead of four - depending on how you "work" to undermine the reality (and not in the calculations). Read more I wrote about it in the first petals and well-turned All in the comments.

3. In September 2015 was held a powerful, hysterical "pumping" of the media on the occasion of the next "end of the world" from a variety of sources, which clearly gave the green light. I suppose that this "boy who cried diligently" wolves "." Optimally rejects reflex to such warnings was triggered in September next year (later forgotten). Leaks that are unavoidable in forcing the real training, no one will take seriously.

4. The European "migration bomb" - for whatever she was laid - and activated (and the fact that this is not a random course of things, I think, do not need to disclose), next year will somehow worked. Or is it out of steam wasted and will be neutralized awakened the EU authorities (which is unlikely), or statehood will carry certain specified countries of Europe. (And the specifics, due to the absence of borders varies - ideal exposure). That's just the validity of his - until the next Christmas, a second wave still have twenty years to catch up. This card is necessary to play in '16 - and it is played. There will be many attacks.

5. the natural disaster, which can make adjustments to non-acidic, and risks which are increasing all the time. Plus, the last summer of peace, which was done on elite also wants.

6. The financial crisis (it is artificial, of course), which is teetering on the brink of the penultimate. Hold control overloaded debts of the world economy is becoming increasingly difficult.

7. "sale" of the US controlling stake in the IMF and frank leaving insoluble judicial problems with the WTO (Both the US and the Russian Federation). Nobody is going to "pay the claims." Something happened before.

8. Frank mobilization of security forces the main geopolitical players. Yes, the official reason - numerous confrontations. For a long time this load the global economy will not sustain.

9. Unprecedented church events. And the unequivocal announcement of the end of time from several religious leaders.

10. All the while deteriorating for "patriots" US general configuration of geopolitics. On upgrades weapons - and produce new - a situation for them will only get worse until 19-20 years. Further, they have much to beat, but so much time nobody will give them. Consequently, the "attack" they need as quickly as possible. But at the same time to prepare as best as possible.

More "small" the facts will not spread.

What can prevent the undermining of the volcano? (Let me remind you, we are in feverish author's hypothesis, therefore, it is assumed that there is a plan for himself)

1. Nature of its explosion. As for the outside observer it has almost no differences. In addition, he will be stronger provoked.

2. The collapse of global finance - to "X" date. If the situation will not keep - for whatever reason, and the dollar will collapse from its pedestal - one of the main reason to undermine disappear. For the part of the US elites that oppose Russia, it would mean defeat.

3. Extension office Obama - under any pretext - that will give additional time for preparation of the combination (for example, for another year).

4. Disruption combination counterplay China, Russia and "friendly" to them the US elites. Here there is a rate of not undermining the volcano, and the struggle for future power and "assembly centers". Therefore undermining himself "on time" without further steps to reformat the authorities almost does not make sense.

On the Pacific coast of the US. Regular disturbing materials have warned of an impending earthquake.;

However, no real signs Evacuation industry is not observed.

The plants strengthen, harvested in the mountainous part of the possible, but they remain on the coast.

Further. In California, a terrible, long-term drought, and the authorities do not try too hard to solve the issue. Without much cost savings reservoir. One year later, there will be no water.

This shale is almost not developed, the aquifer obviously cherish - unlike many other US territories and wasteful policy of open ponds in California itself.

There's also built desalination complex.

What follows from this? (Well, except for the assumption that everything is shaping up as a matter of). As is consistent with the basic hypothesis of the author?

Excellent agreement. Here is a map of the expected consequences of the eruption (a lot of them in the internet zone differ slightly)

The Pacific coast does not fall under the direct hit of a volcano.

The water in the reservoirs mercilessly spent as a regular resource that can not be saved and who will no longer be useful. Because as soon as the sharply reduced demand for it, along with the number of population and habitual way of life (swimming pools and lawns). In addition, during the upcoming seismic reservoir will still be destroyed, and izgazheny intruded, so it is best to empty them in advance. But underground aquifers better to reserve.

Industrial zone in place (in the mountains). And from this we can conclude that all the trouble in the previous link "Cascadia" and so on - and the truth, and lie at the same time. The truth is that the threat to the local seismic really significant. The lie is that "small" threat of an active PR and all reclaimed on this issue a lot of money designed to withstand much more similar in quality threat that can not articulate. California - will not wash. Decently will swing, wave hlestnёt from the ocean, but no more. Seismic reinforced structure will remain. All that is raised in the mountains - will remain. Yes, the area is seismically active, but under the main blow it misses. And all pumping out there (today) is aimed at scientists, refinement, strengthening, coordination, prevention, storage, and so on - but the strike, waiting for the real impact is not on the San Andreas Fault. This is so, flowers. Formal reason to be disturbed. Yellow berry slightly to one side.

A smaller-scale training is conducted by FEMA in the western and central states.

And - judging by the exhaustion of water in storage - to wait a little longer events.

What threatens the East Coast and a major tsunami will unwrap later.

And, "in line" news.

Another "problem" for US nuclear power plants. Recall, according to their version of the author should gradually close under the specious pretexts.;

In the United States, as befits a crumbling systems (weakening control) increases corruption.Коррупция_в_США

Switzerland, as expected from the first "petal", is fenced off from the EU problems. Guys have untied their own finances (franc), carried out a separate migration policy, separate sanctions policy, sponsored by "patriotism Swiss" (discussed payment by the local citizen's right - 2,000 euros) and so on. Let me remind you that this tiny, not to fight 600 years of the country's most powerful army and all its territory are one big bomb shelters and fortified - plus mountains. This "country - the bunker."

Turkey, as a potential site of the future assembly of complete chaos on BV, began openly to merge. Exactly on the previously announced script.

Iran, as a potential site of the future assembly of complete chaos on BV, exposed to new, frankly delusional shock - totally illogical from the point of view of common sense and the recent lifting of sanctions. Who believes that the greedy US 10.5 billion is needed and there is no policy - for God's sake. This slap in the face steeper claims Khodorkovsky and the beginning of a new combination in the collapse of the country. At the same topic fall claims for testing ballistic missiles. Exactly on the previously announced script.

Gold is taken not only from the US but also in Canada.

General Motors is recalling four hundred thousand of powerful off-road vehicles (as is clearly far-fetched reason). Yes, after a wave of seismic need it, off-road, and lots of it ...

On the water lowered the huge passenger ship, which is very similar to the ark ... Well, or someone from shipowners seriously believes that such a project (Passenger liner on 6000 passengers will pay off.)

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Yellowstone. How and why will the tsunami. The death of the US and Europe. The main threats to 2016-2017 years. What and when do ordinary family.

From the combination of the US signs fall under the powerful blow tsunami on the Atlantic side. It will probably be activated seismic New Madrid fault in the Great Lakes region (Rust Belt) .and - the undermining of the Yellowstone volcano, from which all should start. West Coast will suffer from "ordinary" conventional seismic and tsunami (not weak, but not catastrophic), and its own faults - a problem which is greatly exaggerated. Given the constantly ongoing there preventive measures West Coast stand as a complete infrastructure, although it will lose a lot of people (in this regard, except for the blank coffins - epidemic - no bother). (Roughly the same threatening Southeast Asia). At the east coast of the US chances are minimal. Well, yes, the Appalachians and all that ... After a wave - chaos and anarchy for decades. What will be in the central part personally I do not understand. It is flawed. Threats are listed by severity. Now, it will go chronologically.

1. Activation of the volcano. According to the calculations of the explosion must destroy one state completely (of course, we are not talking about exactly as administrative boundaries). Maximum explosion, which fear a "normal" scenario should not happen. Although the ash cloud, lava flows, seismic activity and other factors will not leave anyone indifferent. Those who are "stocked up popcorn" will not be disappointed - but is unlikely to be able to safely eat it. Do not expect to release the ashes to 50-70, sometimes predict (a key parameter for the duration of the "nuclear winter") are likely to "normal" 20-30. I mean, cooling to 2-4 years to 5-15 degrees. Sorry for the large spread, or rather does not work.

2. Activation of bookmarks in the Atlantic that will work, mimicking a conventional seismic.  It is very likely to continue. Hence - GIANT AIMED tsunami, several hundred meters (on the coast, of course, the ocean below), that the blow to the eastern part of the United States and Europe. Not only them. The wave goes and Africa, and in the Arctic, the echoes come to us. There are many aspects - suggest a counter-wave damping undermining smaller charges closer to the coast (in some places). So extinguish wildfires.

3. Activation of the New Madrid fault. Will this "man-made action" (nuclear charge), or is there still, and so on incense breathes, it does not matter. Based on many years of preparation of the US government, adjacent to the lakes area is doomed. Of course, the same applies to Canada. That time has taken out the most valuable for the elite - gold reserves ...

4. As an inevitable consequence of even only the first paragraph - the collapse of the global financial system.

5. Likely beginning of total war (not nuclear). Much will begin to work on pre-emption. Enabling EMR bookmarks disabling computers and accompanying crap most cities. And do not think that they are not in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. The consequences for cities, I think, obvious.

6. Possible activation of biological bookmarks. Home pandemics. Multiple simultaneous. Activation of other weapons of mass destruction.

7. It is unlikely a conventional war escalating into a global nuclear.

8. A partial (complete) failure of the satellite constellations (the ashes and the ashes not only) with all the consequences. The weakening of the technological capabilities of the army. The collapse of the survivors of the regional centers of power - with the use of nuclear terrorist attacks (and other WMD).

9. Trying to maintain control over the situation in the new civilization assembly points - and get it under control, where chaos reigns. I suppose that they will be completely successful. The time intervals are omitted.

10. Indeed, not until Christmas ...

Further. I'm not going to tell you how to do the oil lamp, filter the water and make fire by friction. These skills probably not superfluous, but my task is to minimize the risks of an ordinary family to slide into a situation where they will be in demand. All hands,. With all major threats. Sorry, stone, probably a farewell, so you have to short.

In cities.

VERY important to be able to sit in the apartment troubled period, if any, occur. (By the way, the likelihood that Russia pass this cup is high enough). It is a kind of concrete tower with a separate entrance - in the Middle Ages in these years kept the siege. Have a good door, Firearms and water storage solve the problem is almost guaranteed. Yes, plenty of inconveniences, but these things are not critical. No looters storming your door will not be - it is troublesome, dangerous and unprofitable. The same recipe helps with pandemic - a kind of internal quarantine. Of course, it is better (for all) to prevent the situation sliding into chaos. Much better. Therefore, any buildup of the state is now idiocy.

History shows many past emergencies, regaining control in cities happens pretty quickly. (Although today may be decomposed when it is not guaranteed). US in New Orleans were busy for almost a month. With that came under attack a single city the strongest country in the world.

Filters, respirators, water catchment, fats - that they are usually not enough - condensed milk, bleach, medicines, tools, means of communication (radio), diode lights with manual recharging. Heating - (Armenia lived as two years) in the flat tent and a candle. Firewood stoves for you is not enough. Warming of course. Separators (curtain). Polycarbonate instead of glass knocked out. Monocarbonate better, but it is more expensive glass triple. The stock of products on the balance the fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Usually there is a rabid bias in favor of carbohydrates. Instead of fish oil - someone within your means - natural cod liver oil. The same fish oil, only three times cheaper and tastier. Honey. Drying (electricity will not be for some time). Canisters round plastic for cereals - the duct run mouse. Do not be greedy, think about how you will maintain and update, if postponed. Books. Receiver.


Individually, but they are generally not suitable for shelter in troubled times. Crime is increasing, aid will not be big risks. In the situation to a level of 90 (for which, perhaps, nothing pops) - giving very much in demand in its traditional quality. But - do not try to make it the main "base". (Of course, the cottage cottage discord).

Townhouse. Great. The principle is the same as in the apartment. But - pay attention to the perimeter and communication with neighbors.

House near the village. Same as the cottage, plus neighbors.

The house is in a distant village, the village. Perfect option. Usually, it is impossible. Or what is it good for nothing. A sober assessment of their capabilities.

If you are able - Plant goat, geese, chickens. With a cow you do not manage (well, I am an ordinary urban residents). The animal should not compete with man for food resources (so little chickens).

All of this - on the option at the situation. She, unfortunately, also be taken into account.

IMPORTANT - KEEP PERFORMANCE OF THE STATE. Then all these troubles we will not be affected.

Simple, but working principle of prediction.

There are areas where the war (distemper) occur constantly. There are areas of relative stability. Most likely, this will continue (with some negative adjustments for the upcoming Cataclysm). The same applies to mudslides and floods. Amber and bones of mammoths very bad sign.

According to the Black Sea. With the rise of hydrogen sulfide layers can not only fire, but also the suffocating effect. In Africa, the "layered" lakes in similar situations, entire villages perished to the last inhabitant.

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