Tuesday, 17 May 2016

The biological aspect to undermine Yellowstone

Man - this is the crown of creation, the king of nature, the master of the world, all things ... Of course, he is more intelligent ant and other animals. The man, in fact, no animal. Well, a little bit primacy, of course, but - but it sounds good, and it is positioning itself high. I do not know what people think about this, for example, dolphins and African termites. I do not know whether the African termites have noticed that mankind exists. Not the point. We are on this planet, the most intelligent. We are each other constantly talk about it (sorry, a common language with the dolphins, and insects have not yet found. Just realized that the language they have). Anyway.

Here one zakovyka. Biological populations have no delusions of grandeur, but it has its own internal laws. And they are always fulfilled. ALWAYS. They can not be vparit that you are the king of nature, and on this occasion you wish a special relationship to their physiology. Mechanisms of implementation laid down in the genes so deeply that they can not get by any means. It can only be sympathetic to slow down than the last hundred years, we are busy. Banality, of course.

- And what does that mean in the future?

Nothing good. If we assume that the time interval generation human population in twenty years (as it should) - and the insects in a year, and given that they are older than mankind Well - differently on millionchik (especially termites), it turns out that the generation of the insects have been cosmic distance of their development civilizations. Yes, if you remove the human Ponte, the quotation marks in the word civilization set is not required. Although insects are not flown space (and we do not really). But it's not about that. All civilizations insects "zakuklilis" in its development on the same stage. Rigidly structured, caste society. Infinite running in a circle. Instincts. Not quite basic - but instincts. Propagate selected - the others play the role of warriors and subservient labor (although began with bisexual, like a man). And the bees, and termites, and ants, and bees - everything. WITH NO EXCEPTIONS.

- Well, the man is not an insect, - the attentive reader will say, disagrees with this prospect. Contrary author nothing to argue this fact. The man did not really insect. It is much more crap in the environment - and it does not clean, and the nature of his meaner. And the man himself is larger - that is indisputable factor of pride to all sorts of relatives of cockroaches. And the planet from its activities are already being felt nauseated. But whether these differences enough to avoid such a "brilliant" prospects? Even if we are talking about the probability of the development is clearly a dead-end branch on which these civilizations spinning for hundreds of thousands, millions of generations, not moving forward, where is the guarantee that we will not go the same road?

And it is absolutely zero chance of this can not be considered, as long as all the ancient civilizations on it turned.

- Come on, the author. Where are we, and where ants. Or is there, the bees.

- And what's the difference, anthropophilia? Ant many times stronger than a man. Do bees wonderful faceted vision. In both there is a language odors - pheromones fluctuations in terms of transmitting information in no way different from the vibrations of sound waves. Construction development and specialization, conducted the war, developing "city" - yes, you yourself aware of the obvious similarity of our civilization ...

- Stop the author. We won, computers, cars, books ... Music, inner peace is very developed ... I guess ...

Well, what about the inner world of the ant we know little. Can there be life emotionally richer. Maybe not. Judge it by looking at an ant-hill, it is to judge the plays of Shakespeare looking at London with the balloon. I do not understand. And the rest we are rich only a hundred and fifty years. This eight generations. Is it enough? Could it be that a computer dope, for example, is an analogue of the consistency of the odors with which the queen ant controls life, subordinating his will tens of thousands of individuals? Well approximately? And do not look if - suddenly navskidochku our sperm banks - and breeding animals frolicking there at the "beginning of the sample" cull affected by genetic ailments "commoners"? A caste system is far from you? Well, I agree, is far (except for India), but can not be seen whether its contours on the horizon? How many generations before her? Three? Five? Yes, such that stsementiruet tightly all the basic instincts ... A little bit of genetic engineering, and went to a new mladenchik (incubator, is healthy, doll-handsome) immediately predisposed to road works. And I am happy most of these road works, and obtained from him will be a useful member of society! In demand! And happy, like a termite obdolbivshiysya smells "in the hive," for the beer and the new computer toy ... Is Fiction?

- And what's the problem?

What do you think, what has caused the mysterious elite desire to decimate the world population? Well, except that they are maniacs, murderers, thieves, pedophiles, sadists and reptilians? (We rarely speak of superiors good))).

Oh, I almost forgot, it is assumed that there is a CA himself, and his plans, and not just a "plan" of the author. Just the facts. In the "developed" society is actively promoted LGBT distorted family values ​​(this is not the same thing), promoted abortion, genetically modified food, unhealthy lifestyle, is prohibited (West) to grow clean food on their own, experimenting with new viruses (AIDS, Ebola, Zico, strains flu), there is a direct vaccination infertility (Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa), "pulling culling" coffin immunity, forcibly mixed, distorted, destroyed traditional culture (Europe and the East, the fight against the Russian world), which inevitably gives rise to problems and massacre, and other cute antics. I did not mention the threat of a third world, because the war is "hot" in the reduction does not include the tools, too "dirty" and ineffective tool ... The third world can only happen as a failure (and the probability of failure is not small, we are almost at the world's crest crisis) ...

Of course, the combination of these signs may be apparent, reflected in the fevered imagination of the author. In fact, all of this probably came over to our world by accident - in the last fifty years. Coincidentally. But if the bus stop pulls something that seems to me the bus, then I would consider it a bus, not the same in the form of a spaceship with Aldebaran. Open information about it is excluded in the very logic of the process. No one had ever scored cows in front of the other animals. Herd can not "inform" - then it can not be kept. And observe the process of "indirect" - we have seen it all. Hide these actions completely impossible.

Or is it so ... natural consequence? Simply - have less to give birth ... Socio not met, huh? Well, in material terms.

It's natural instincts, gentlemen. It is inside every normal person. One hundred years ago, we lived nowhere near as rich - and there were no problems. Rabbits nervously twisted his ears, looking with envy at the men.

- So it is. Who got rich, thinking, security came, it seems to be holding back ...

I do not agree. Basic instincts security damn does not hold back. One hundred years ago, the emperors - Sheikh - padishahs did not differ from the total mass - except the number of mistresses. Rabbits even more nervously twisted their tails. Rabbits hundred years ago were generally nervous.

Reducing public works. We already undercut by three quarters, and we still doubt whether the accident. Not by chance. The process of moving. He is. He has already completed.

So. What does the reduction of the population? (By the way, it is almost not growing. This is the final stage).

Usually we give a lack of resources. Mol, and so, like everything is, but just was not enough ... So, Latin America, Africa, East, no offense ... Nothing personal ... Choose or red pill or the blue. There dyes different ... And - "prepare the ground" ...

Yes, this cause is significant. Man consumes a lot and a lot of crap. In the multitude of resources translates. But ... Here it is necessary to dissolve the flies from cutlets. Really crap - "brand new." In that "such a culture" - to shit on the street. And fuck everything that moves. (Culture, a special rite of initiation teen ... (Africa). And in a special way to eat fermented, stuhshuyu, fermented bird. Culture, gastronomy style (Eskimos) ... Add to cannibalism magic word "culture", Carl ...

But - despite all these exotic multicultural innovations RESOURCES colored guys almost do not spend. And it earn a bowl of sweet potato or rice.

It consumes a lot Western society. It consumes a lot of nonrenewable resources. HIGHLY. Prozhiraet all around on a deep, systemic level.

Again. The surface gloss of Western society is exquisite. But "in the depths of" this terrible parasite planet. Rare-earth metals, oil, gas, timber, fish in the oceans - all of this is consumed by the West. The "new" Europeans enrage many, but they are - so far - only the garbage in the streets. And that they sweep from time to time.

- So this is the case? Cause and must remain the "golden billion", so that everyone had enough?

No. It is this "golden" one billion and eats everything. The rest live in villages, and no one did not bother. If you remember their simple story, from time to time pererazmnozhatsya, sympathetic will cut each other, neighbors nabyut beautiful stuffed animals and sell them to a white guy in a pith helmet.


Why then remove the excess population of the Third World? Well, it does not fit into the economy, and Allah is with him. Let the mountains and the jungle samorazvoditsya. White guy in a pith helmet will sometimes have to integrate in their society lucky. Clearly, not entirely ... From light, from whom gemmule ...

That is how it was planned. Powerful, small size clusters sverhgorodov robotics. Space technology Contrary alive around the "Indians." Electronic locks, supervisors chips and all sorts of Dale, who did not zabaluesh not vorohnёshsya and not run away. From birth marked tightly.


Here are just destroy in this situation need not Third World. And Europe and the United States. Extra ballast extra people, so out of place that used to eat too much - and it is already in productive terms are interchangeable computers and robotics. By a strange coincidence, there is now unfolding and the main problems are closing nuclear power plants, the production of rolled and stopped investing in education ... On the technological wonders of so many people is required. And social programs in such volumes are not required to pay. In production chains are so many people is required. It's simple - the more parasites, the harder the economic system on which the carcasses are hanging. A system of work minus never lasts too long.

So yes, the hypothetical plan behind the scenes to reduce the excess population is quite logical. Inhumanity? May be. But it is quite logical. Similarly, the cows could present a shepherd reproach in antikorovih moods - at reduction of unprofitable herds. Shepherds are not sadists. They are practical people. A cow does not parrot - feed it for free, no one will. Moreover, to ensure social sphere, education and entertainment. And then another, and include the police when multicultural bull, stoned, begin to butt shepherd motorcycle - Paris or distribute, any rotting there on the news ...

But even that is not the point. And it does not fully explain "inhuman" trend. And we recall seeing him in a variety of manifestations. All of this could be to perform softer, smarter, not so quickly ... A "restrictors" obviously in a hurry.

Why? Resources, like, still enough. Oh, cheap food with plastic "pieces of fruit" and components, "identical to natural" nafastfudit without problems. In the oceans poke cities.

But slowly, slowly, the growth momentum is too great ...

From time to time nature shows us what happens to the biological populations, walked out of their natural bar. Locusts, ants, lemmings, squirrels, rabbits, deer, several species of fish ... Mechanisms practiced repeatedly. They are sharpened on the set of generations, were tested for millions of years. It is a law of biology. It - is integrated into the DNA. Chatter man about his own greatness does not mean anything to them. And they are always the same.

Splashed LIMITS FOR NATURAL VIEW self-destruct.

Biological programs. Life insurance, insurance of the planet, otherwise there would be no development, no diversity, and be splashed all over the world is now some kind of gray goo from amoebas devouring each other ...

Fortunately (for man) view is not completely destroyed - the Creator keeps the seed of "divorce", but the threshold of a "normal" population, this process usually skips a couple of orders of magnitude. I mean, a hundred times. Sometimes more.

"Normal" for the biosphere nenapryazhno world population of about five hundred million. Accent. Slipped him "a hundred times" - means leave five million.

- And technically this is the author?

Very fast. Always - very quickly.

- What kind of nonsense are you talking about, the author? People never locusts. I do not lemmings. Neither any rodents, such as rabbits or protein.

In Kiev Maidan to me (quite sincerely) said - yes any disturbances? Ukrainians are not Kyrgyz, and Uzbeks (there is something, by the way, has long pouspokoilos). I understand that argument is weak - all the same and they both Homo sapiens ... But we "squirrels" mammals (currently kto-to brilliantly joke, they say the author of a squirrel) ... Anyone interested can try to find out where and why happened to the great civilizations of America, disappeared before the arrival of the ships of Columbus ... How many times (according to unconfirmed rumors, of course), disappeared civilizations of antiquity, "catch" successful agricultural trend and safely overflowed niche of its range ... Well, someone, of course, can be considered, that the laws of biology just now stopped working. "Because the development of medicine" ... By the way, it is medicine that over the last century has advanced considerably our average life (thanks, of course), fairly "down" general immunity ...

Self-regulation "brood" biological population going through stress. Well, except for the brilliant primates, of course))).

Dramatically reduces immunity and expanding the usual range of all sorts of deadly "ailments". Growing intraspecific competition, flies "taboo" on cannibalism, reduced fertility (disappears and the desire to mate and "viability" of the seed), individuals crowding together, get off in huge flocks community, they have a general lethargy, activated a self-destruct program program.

And now the news of the volcano.

http://www.theprepperdome.com/north-american-continent-begins-cracking-in-wyoming-east-of-yellowstone-volcano/ - Pts. decent size tumor - fault in Wyoming (yes, this is where the Yellow Stone)

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