Saturday, 7 May 2016

Anticipation of disaster: Mass closure of nuclear power plants in the US

Now let's look at the process of closing the nuclear power plant. All data in the public domain.Список_АЭС_мира

We have. US.

13 stations are closed until the end of the 80s. It's natural renewal, old and low-power station was closed - and they scattered, respectively, across the country. Elite is not disturbed sleeping giant.

In the late '80s before they reach extremely alarming information on the LCD (yes, I remember, exploded Chernobyl and all were terribly frightened. The causes of this explosion are still waiting for their investigation. Strongly suspect that amers Chernobyl scared no more than 11 of September. And there was such a the "unexpected").

The real threat during the eruption of the LCD is the seismic and tsunami. Natural all this, or man-made (bookmark) - does not matter.

What prompts in such a situation, common sense?

Check and double-check the possibility of an emergency stop, and "conservation" of each station. Rate the combination of wear, the technical scheme of the reactor and the natural landscape. Close riskiest nuclear power plant, leaving the rest slowly modifying its resources. Before the eruption of the planned twenty more years, albeit plow. But the new, of course, should not be built. And in the old threatened points better slowly closing. Had that pollution carried off across the globe.

To what extent this corresponds to reality? Completely. New build no more. NONE. (Not to cut the loot, and to put into operation).

In 1985, close the "Bonus" NPP. An old, low-power, is in the Rust Belt. In 1987, "La Crosse". The same ibid. In 1989 (presumably during the primary elite awareness about the volcanic threat) closed powerful "Rancho Seco" near Sacramento. Almost in the San Andreas area. Properly, it is reasonable. And a modern, powerful "Shore ham", which put into operation three years ago !!! Cause? Ostensibly protests. Yes, near New York. Everyone is afraid of Chernobyl (since that time has passed for three years) and remember the accident at Three Mile Island in 1979 (this station is very close). Here are just a very Three Mile Island for some reason does not close. This is idiocy, if you stick to the official version ( "afraid of failure"). But it is quite logical, given the threat of a tsunami. "Shore-ham" is too close to the ocean and Three Mile Island - it's mountains, the Appalachians.

Further. 1991 "Yankee" - nisin coast. 1992. "Troyan" - Coast and seismic San Andreas; one of the reactors, "San Onofre" - Coast. 1996 - Haddam Neck - Coast. 1997 Big Rock Point - Rust Belt; "Maine Yankee" - Coast. 1998 "Zion" - a huge plant in rust belt, both units a year will be released the film The Matrix, where Zion will be called the last city of people ... In the same 98 will close one of the "Millstone" units, and the remaining now frequent accidents, fire, inspection, a commission, the question ... This is also the coast.

Then as if in vain. Yankee distracted by the bombing of Yugoslavia. They control the entire process of "moving" from Russia's problems do not wait, you can not rush with the closing of the new stations. The pause, which was interrupted in 2013. Close the "Kewaunee County" - Rust Belt, "Crystal River" - the coast. And the remaining two - huge - power "San Onofre" - Coast. In 2014 it was added to the list of "Vermont Yankee" - as in the lowlands of the coast ...

What we have?

All Close stations were either in seismically active zones, or in the zone of apparent tsunami. Does this prove a threat on the part of the Yellow Stone? No, of course. It does not prove anything, and can be banal coincidence. However - it does not.

Oh yeah, blame was another station.

In 1989, it was closed "Fort St. vreyn" NPP is located in the mountains, in a fairly quiet seismic zone. Puzzle broken? Inconsistencies? A closer look, where is it?

And it just Denver. Where immediately after the closing of nuclear power plants begin to build the largest in the history of the underground, high-altitude refuge for American elites ...

Would you like to see on your bunker stood NPP?

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