Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Yellowstone: US has no chance

What threatens the US population (called a community of different races, religions, and bluish-pink tolerant people I did not get in). What happened in Turkey - and how this relates to the idea of ​​the author's obsessive self-detonation of the Yellow Stone.

And yet - the author starts from the premise of reality Backstage (can be called the structure of another term), which carries quite competent management of major resource flows of humanity and determines the orientation of its civilizational development. Sometimes, on the way encountered difficulty (Putin and his comrades), but on the whole process goes quite on the level. Those who believe that everything around directs the "invisible hand of the market", and attempts to greedy and stupid Pindos earn a little bit more to denezhek printed, read my texts are not worth it.

And further. In order to understand the meaning of what is happening in the world (ek Unknown author ...), good be aware that management objectives can (sometimes) be very different from the traditional set - money and power. Unfortunately, on this insightful suggestions (they need more money and power!), We do not usually go away, and as a result understand the logic in opposing nearly impossible. It is not clear even how hostile is the management of the common man, or is it, on the contrary, it protects ...

The natives of the New World kogda-to failed to understand the white man - what he needs gold and paper with flourishes about the land and the buffalo and beautiful beads made of shells, necklaces of fangs, for example, almost do not need ... I do not understand for a long time - especially since white happy eating bison, grizzlies sometimes wore fangs ... But the driving force of civilization had come there were other, incomprehensible nature of the natives. And the US cavalry fought professionally, consistently, and not left in the raid "in the mood", as the Comanches ... As a result, Indian civilization has disappeared. The natives - yes, sympathetic stayed somewhere even joined, and quite a drunk on the reservation ...

Analogies, of course, is not direct, but to explain the incomprehensible actions of "partners" stupidity is not a sign of intelligence is not ... It follows from the foregoing that the money and power they are not interested ... Just - there's something else.

First of grustnom.Sudya for a variety of traits in the United States has no chance to continue in the same structural quality. Absolutely not.

Exactly the same applies to Turkey - regardless of whether we will improve relations with Erdogan ... STATE Turkey - is doomed. No, some of it is likely to remain, and even the "Sultan" has a chance to hold the reins of power, but "pereformat" - is inevitable. Hard, bloody, painful.

Exactly the same applies to the EU.

Only Russia and China have a good chance to avoid the terrible fate of disintegration. Far from being a hundred percent. But there is.

The main troubles - today (and already very long ago) are not between states, supposedly dividing the spheres of influence, resources and territories. It is a blessed, simpler time left in the past - in the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth. The state is no longer the basic structure of international politics, but only "one". Alternative (somewhat arbitrarily) can be called the "Corporation" ... These guys do not bother the development of territories, social sphere and other unnecessary attributes of well-being of the natives. They are also not interested in resource mobilization. Speaking to our usual aspects - the "clean money and power." Traditional elite of any country, it would seem, have the same objectives ...

- What is the difference?

Corporations do not develop the area. They rob them banal. The natives are not interested in them at all. Well, in the best case on the organs. (It's really good, because healthy bodies in a healthy body, and need at least some level of medicine and food ...). This process is called "globalization" - I'm exaggerating, but just a little. Unified web across the planet. Unified production and service network ... Local paradise for the elite in the most pleasant areas for living, well-trained staff, security, experts in electronics and robotics. All. The rest of the population is not more interesting gerbils in zoos. That is, it can be very sensitive prikormleny - if jerboa fun, why not, we are not animals? But it is not in the economic chain. Absolutely not. Ah yes, the electorate, market, consumption ... Do not make me laugh. Market-oriented non-productive element - it is wasted resources. It's so much fun, how to feed gerbils roasted peanuts and clean up after them shit special robots. Sometimes funny, but at the system level - NO. Jerboa switch to self or die. And because he was "brambory" that it will almost certainly die. About his voice the most important in politics, I will not even comment ...

That is to say, the immediate prospects for globalization. With electronic collars, yes.

"Statist patriots" now. They have something better?

The fact that they are connected with the population of the state by a certain moral, community (as opposed to the Vikings, cosmopolitan nomads). I would not overestimate this factor, but it exists. Few people remember, but even under serfdom in Russia was pleased with the life of the peasants saying about their masters. "Yes, we are yours. But you - our. " Here, a chain link. Mutual need and responsibility. In addition, and at times it is more important "statesmen" a priori monitor the development of controlled territories by providing them appropriate social programs possible because support "to the common man, for a family" does not disappear.

It is between these two management systems is now and there is a (long time) hidden war. The rest - all sorts of screens. It is in this confrontation superimposed unpleasant fact the threat of eruption of the Yellow Stone.

Now promise.

- Why the US has no prospects? What is terrible is known to the author?

Nothing, except that they turned the main production on their own territory and transported them in Southeast Asia (not so linear, of course, but this trend). This is the handwriting of the globalists.

- Maybe the police brutality in general is peculiar? Or is this nation?

Not at all. Those Anglo-Saxons (police) in England show a completely different behavior.

And do not assume that it happened somehow by itself. Accidentally. And just by chance rebuild the corresponding infrastructure camps packed with plastic coffins. (I mean, suddenly you may need to be buried - in order to avoid epidemics - a very large number of dead bodies ...).

Hard Police grown the same twenty years. This is also a link in the chain of the volcano, but not so obvious. Police have used against their own people, against the Madding Crowd, requiring a minimum of justice - and it will not be - and therefore know guys sometimes shoot at the pier

And the rest of the years to train on the confrontation. Through appropriate teachings. And this is important - because the control structures are needed under the control of security forces. But not the guys who are paid a salary for life, and at the critical moment they suddenly switched to the side of ordinary people ... Try to give orders to the police cannibalistic any horse town, where all the local campaigners, "zamotiviruyte" they shoot the neighbors. No money is not enough. Do not obey - and rightly so.

And it will need, and soon in the USA. And this is not the opinion of the author, this knowledge of those who in this way prepares the police.

So what are the prospects for the US?

Now Turkey.

State Department held a winning combination at the destruction of him leaving the country to Russia. If the coup failed - Turkey would be waiting for the fate of Ukraine. Erdogan survived. But the army suffered a crushing blow. Otherwise, it was impossible. Purge will. Now rely on will be very difficult this structure. And the Kurds (and not only the Kurds) will not be sentimental. It's tough guys. And direct contact with the territories of terrorists - a total turn to Islamization - no matter how orthodoxy Erdogan - absolutely does not coincide with the ideas of the revival of the Ottoman Empire. And even with the idea of ​​Turkey's regional leadership. And even with the idea of ​​keeping Turkey at all - at least some part of it. Because IDEA black banners (and it is there) denies the statehood of any country other than the Caliphate. And keep those fighters with a weakened army, and even at the turn to Islamization ... It guaranteed the collapse of the country, the loss of the territories. What, in fact, expected.

EU issues.

Those twenty years preached "tolerance" and "multiculturalism". It gradually wash cement in masonry. Like the wall still stands, but what it holds? Every man for himself. Even cells within the family left. When the fly "black swan" - and the Pope knows and said approximate intervalchik - Massacre will be terrible. The author wrote about the long-term goals and leisurely creation of the present situation. Who wants to see the entire palette of randomness and short-sightedness of European politicians - I will not argue. Who will offer an alternative explanation (logical) throughout the supply chain - with pleasure esteem. I really do not know it (it does not follow that it is not))).

"According to still consider a variant of the Yellow Stone most likely, no events, denying that scenario did not happen, on the contrary, everything is moving" on schedule. " The only slight slowdown in Europe today, in connection with which the EU expect the next surge of violence and terrorist attacks, most of the global players are interested in the destabilization of the area. What's happening in Paris last month was "too affectionate." Expected outflow of alleged white population of the EU is already gone. Who hears - go away from the coast. Who remains - at risk. " This is the eighth of glasses - from 2 June). Another quote from the same source: "Today it is clearly visible, both within the same strategy to destroy Iraq, Egypt, Syria, destroyed by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran. The area that would be surviving, there should be states that can serve as "assembly points". "

Unfortunately, everything is accurate.

Of course, all event-match version of a volcano may be random. Any incident - almost always - can be explained by some other, local factors ... (. Also coffins, perhaps ... they just do not comment) as it should be - no one will post your banner with the ultimate goal - it's painful, it is not like most the world's population ...

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