Saturday, 18 June 2016

The super-killer in the US did last breath before the disaster: The panic is growing, the authorities are taking URGENT MEASURES

The National US Geological Survey published a report, which warns that the Yellowstone eruption threatens global catastrophe, but it will not happen soon. While US citizens can live in peace.

But while the government of the United States that the annual report reassured citizens, saying that there are no prerequisites for supervolcano eruption there, near the 13 June of the volcano occurred several dozens of major aftershocks force of more than 4 points, this did not occur with the 50-ies of the last century.

This serves as proof that "Volcano-killer" began to be active.

In social networks at once rose panic, because the Americans are constantly watching the situation with a lot of a supervolcano.

Just one strong push to the eruption process was launched.

Of particular concern was the fact that many websites with information about the disappeared volcanic activity in recent years, which laid out Internet users and some Internet informants altogether blocked.

So, the government is interested in the fact that the information on the state of the Yellowstone supervolcano fed in the form of not causing panic among ordinary citizens.

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