Yellowstone endgame

Trump won. What's next?

Of the readers who worked with the animals, knows the simple truth. The herd relatively calmly responds to the disappearance of single calves (if they are obscured in a closed area). Thus gradually clogged all the livestock. But those same animals can become out of control if you see death of at least one of his friend, or "one blood." It's madness. Of slang in our area say not "clog" and "clean" The sad necessity should be executed as "comfortable" for cattle. Don't know any fool who would receive from this process pleasure. Difficult job – but without the hypocrisy to condemn it may, perhaps, only vegan.

Why this introduction?

Part of the American elites suffered a CATASTROPHE.

It wasn't an accident. Together has developed several forces.

Our Russian pressure (multidimensional, and it should not be underestimated).

Error pressing of headquarters Clinton (pinched, in many cases achieving the opposite electorate, the protest effect. Teaches Sambo (and judo), with any sudden pressure people reflexively react oncoming traffic).

A common "funny" figures trump – in contrast to Clinton, from which stinking carrion.

And closed, old, deaf protest by ordinary white man, a Christian, who totally got the "new" democratic tolerastov...

The result is a fabulous victory trump.

- So what's wrong, author?

 Nothing. It's wonderful. Not in the sense that the guy is Pro – this and some not, but there is reason to believe that he will play (at least something), it is in the interests of the United States, not puppeteers-cosmopolitans. And the US is to remain as a powerful country, it is necessary to drastically reduce costs. However, these details will paint without me. Wanting to be enough.

Focus on the conspiracy aspects. I served on Clinton if she loses the election? Exasperated by the word "conspiracy" may be satisfied by speculation that the old lady (and her team) no brains at all and failure is not laid. Or in any such scenario, planning to admit defeat, to kiss trump domes and go on the promised bench. And there is already Madonna will tell you what to do... salute Clinton prudently ordered, and probably crackers have fishes set aside? Or not? Or a relatively "neutral" variants were suggested a slightly different scenario? Why was hoisted into the air aircraft "judgment day"? Where and for what reason it was pulled from the US a huge part of the "insider"? Not even going to give links to material about this set. Or someone seriously believes in the integrity of the electoral system of the United States? Or similar quality Hillary? This creature is capable of anything. And, of course, been prepared "plan B". Not one. "C", "D", the list goes on. This is the standard policy.

Why Klintonsha surrendered an hour after the preliminary results, nothing trying to challenge?

So. Almost all the insurance options now COLLAPSED, unable to turn around.

Trump didn't just win. He won "in a foreign field". His administrative resource, of course, was also involved, but does not go to any comparison with the resource of the clan of the Clintons. And he won WITH the DEVASTATING ACCOUNT.

This is something nobody was expecting. No one at all. Positive for the trump factors (see above) played very well, the system of government gave the fatal crash.

The victory itself trump any plans behind the scenes are not violated (even though he was unwanted, extreme version). All this is relatively easy protested, thrown dirt are traces of "kremlevskogo" effect – down to the bricks the Spasskaya tower of the forgotten Russian "karuselschikov", then the rednecks, feeling instinctively that they have taken hard-won victory, start to smash the streets, martial law and rushed. Or overcomes Clintons (problem eliminated), or the reign of Obama can be extended for another few years, parallel to prolonging the disorder and reducing the consumption of fattened nation (problem eliminated). So the chances of trump's virtually no.

But he didn't just win. Victory trump ENCHANTING.

And this, it seems, was not expected. To arrange a force majeure in the current situation is quite difficult. (Although I'll try). Law-abiding Democrats in the blood – they are successfully trained from childhood. To contest SUCH number of votes is impossible. This go against the whole system. This is a revolution. It would not be scary, when quietly, in another country, under different slogans (well, there, the "friends of Syria", "for democracy in Libya", "against a corrupted Vlada") the entire list of "sacrificial bulls" on the half of the article will fit. But to score the sacred cow of democracy right within their own herd... which has not been done to the meat. It is still naively believes in the man I appreciate the voice and consumption, purchasing power, not healthy organs. The time has not come yet. This is how badass would that be to believe that YOUR purchasing power – without appropriate compensation work – can be beneficial to the global economy. But we digress. From a number of prepared safety scenarios become impossible. Aircraft the day of judgment will sit, empty-handed.

The MAIN option of force majeure, the much-needed financial behind the scenes to restart the global credit system, now becomes a "natural" disaster. It is very difficult to accuse Russia or China of the terrorist attacks, when the situation suits them obviously. And the cataclysm could take place – also in time, as earlier "just in time" "found" the huge Alaska oil reserves... They then, of course, will be reduced twenty times, but psychologically played his. For such a scenario and led a multi-year stream with Yellowstone, carefully spreading seismic hysteria (which is a library of films of Hollywood about it). And if in the past, a failed scenario, it was about the enslavement of the Pindos new territories and the final noose of any resistance (even if NOT on the basis of the dollar, but the operation was financially VERY positive), today we are about to do something "to save their belongings," and not to fall under investigation... Not to fat – although fat there – the Titanic to drown.

- So will this script activated? And when?

It is still unknown. In "combat readiness" given.

and ammunition has already gone.

- Are there other "natural" preparations?

I think there are. Not as extensive, but there are. And your number of tasks they solve. Italian events right whisper in that direction. A huge plus of alternatives – the relative calm of the metropolis. Therefore, better predictability of chains of events. A huge minus – an abscess of the volcano remains and the abscess itself will not disappear. Sooner or later it will turn really sudden fireworks, which can cover not merely the couple States and a dozen.

But now the guys not until the day after the problem, now you need to act quickly, in the simplest of scenarios, therefore, more likely still, the local force majeure.

Of course, the trump understands the fragility of his position – and every day will be to strengthen it, appears using the administrative resource. Many officials perceive this victory as a given and react accordingly – labisa the hand of the winner. Thousands of services across the country for team trump and thousands of obstacles to the Clinton plan. So their opponents have to act fast. VERY quickly.

Indeed, BEFORE Christmas.

If the combination did not add up (and it all the time and are still very skillfully destroy) the world will leave the band of turbulence and will move in a relatively predictable zone of conventional high politics. Neither the crisis in the financial system, no local wars, it does not negate these troubles do not pass by us but it will not avalanche and scree. And it will not bring down the very system of States.

As a bonus (many will be uninteresting, because irrelevant, adds a critical analysis of the Venus project. Gerasimovskaya the germ of one of the many programs behind the scenes that are scattered generously sponsored by and is literally on all occasions... Such pupae zagotovochki suddenly come in handy. It is easy to be generous when you have a printing press...

Looked a second time, someone sent the link, a new film (with repeats from earlier) of the Venus project. Who has not seen – do not bother. Especially I will not give the link, don't want PR. For those who are interested in criticism – text.

Impression negative. VERY negative. This competent divorce of the world's population in the interests of global corporations and other behind the scenes structures. Now try to argue.

It's unfortunate that the guy (in "American" language it is possible to use even grandpa, so it will remain), just draws a picture of a Communist appealing to the baser feelings of the society, but buttoning their garments in fight against pollution and it is corporations. Supposedly, everything in the world for all sufficient, and is competent to reallocate resources to automate everything, to abandon corporate interests and individual interests, and there comes universal happiness. That's just the apologists of this theory it will come. Such a heavy promenade. Aki "bright Maidan maibutnje" that in good faith he tripped himself Nebrat – klyunuv, by the way, VERY similar technology. People paint a wonderful picture – all the details, many details. I specify in it, in a supposedly meaningful discussions, just any garbage – type, round town will do or square. HOW to navigate to this picture – this conversation will not start. Fuck us such things? The main thing is to start. The recipe indicated – bid on EQUIPMENT and that's the bottom line CHIPIZATSIYA and refusing to support corporations and governments. Corporations, and so nobody in their right mind doesn't, work for wages, those who are "in proportion", so the appeal to real life is intended for those who have "foolish" to support their own state. Give them the Home – and you will have happiness. Bike paths, free, slaves, robots, and a round of the city... of Course not, but that's not the point. The essence of disguised treachery, which pulls in a strong sense.

But maybe the author is too hard on the good grandfather?

Maybe. That's just his argument with the replacement of fan blades (metal, cloth) does not assure the promise to destroy the old world order. He and this argument does not confirm, in addition to stories about their own baby genius. That might be true. Maybe FIB. But I wish this story was told by his teacher or someone else. In any case, this illustrates – and it is NOT the TOPIC. Does not the argument. Illustrated below are the 20 seem acres, on which they live since the early 80's. but for this time from Astana to a huge city was rebuilt. And what we have for the "blessed" part? Bear, deer, alligators and raccoons? Gee, I'm glad this is not a petting zoo. And several designs in the arched style, which needs to convince me of something global? I'm not a professional Builder, I live in district nine, but we have built during this time is comparable to the area – and the animals – the animals here are quite useful. And it (here) works. What I learn from this illustration "margin future cities"? This is an example that the guy created, built, selected, and laid the basis for the film, confirming its concept. At the EXPENSE of WHAT there live these wonderful in all respects alligators and raccoons? Due to what were building? Something tells me that were involved in external funding. Hence, the scheme does not work. It is not self-sufficient. Even the private model is not self-sufficient. The guy just takes outside money (yours or someone else's) and invests in these 20 acres. And what happens is not particularly impressive. Yes, the climate is good. But the climate is not to blame.

- And why the author believes that 20 acres in the film is not self-sufficient, not savecopyas, not reproduced, neither in energy terms, neither in monetary nor in physical? There's nothing about it do not speak.

So that's why. The guy is smart enough to be sure to mention this achievement, if at least one of these three items was held at the practice. But, apparently, to talk about. And so – just show us round the halls, and they say it's going to be cool... Everywhere and everyone is going to be. With bears and with raccoons. Want to live in nature, to run (plow robots, although robots are just not) and make friends with raccoons?

Of course I do. But how to achieve this?

Relax, give the right of all decisions of the initiative group (the ACTIVISTS), to introduce everywhere the technical control and to spit on the interests of their own States. And States is the only DEVELOPED economic structure that makes ECONOMIC SENSE takes care of its own population and to develop the infrastructure on its own territory. How they do it varies by state, but the meaning is. Corporations, for example, natives to the bulb.

Yeah, the guy in the movie rights, all the wars now for the raw materials. Read – for resources global systems. And the population is too raw resource. Don't overestimate. And what value is in this vein, we present in the happy world of the new prosperity with workers with robots? We consume any good, to ride bicycles and, as in ancient Greece (for example the film) philosophize? Someone, probably, Yes. Two to three percent. As always IN ANY society. After the Soviet total learning managed, this percentage can raise up to five to eight. It was a breakthrough, high-tech and space. Still half the world to this reserve rolls.

And what is "intelligently allocate the world's resources"? WHO are "global" resources that the participants in this project are going to "properly allocate"? And why should they be someone else to redistribute? Supposedly "intelligently"? You are there cormorants, and here I am in my childhood came up, as a fan to improve? Not convinced.

Yes, war is evil. An absolute evil. Yes, the costs and the crises inherent in the system. Yes, Yes, Yes - there's still a lot Yes. He declares many things which it is impossible not to agree. The CORRECT things. And then, NOT RELYING on given up to this examples of reports that you need to create a new society "round cities". AND DOES NOT SAY HOW IT PLANNED TO CREATE. The argument on principle – this is bad, this is bad, this is bad. But this here is good. Let's live well? Let's.


Robots will do everything? "Europe will help us"??? The magic of technology, based on which you can lounge around all sorts of fruity pear, which is abundant, and most sucked in the film the problem, and where do we spare time to do we??? Do not get bored from the huge material surplus?

What kind of technology, consistently, in detail, the methods of their implementation and the incentives to develop, in detail, I read. It's important, boy, you suggest the entire world to alter.

Yes, democracy does not exist (sorry for banality). OR controls everything the people – and then there is NO state. Is a Wild pitch, the Libertines, where nothing can be build, in which no learning, no production, no technology and quality of life. There is almost absolute freedom – the right to kill and be killed. Romantic, but usually not for long. OR all controlled by the state – tightening the screws on North Korea, so the resident is necessary in year three eggs (probably fake, but I read somewhere about their food standards), has the right to a labour camp and the right to sacrifice their lives in the border wars...

Again. Today the planet is controlled by the combination of four forces that act at the same time (paranoid opinion). Let the first is considered the most ancient of them – the world of religion. Here everything is clear. The second traditional state. Assume that they are "outdated" there are no serious grounds. It is a form of social organization based on the defined boundaries of the territory. Human history has shown itself is wonderful – as is interested to develop the territory and to improve the skills of the workforce. All States of the system in a limited field, are in a constant struggle for resources, which include not only raw materials, but also the population. To take another person's labor, to lure professionals – this is normal, beak clicking is not necessary. Best to chop off a concession for some rudnicka – a sweet deal. There is a third force – of the Corporation. This is a VERY serious players, not burdened with territory and social sphere. Work hard, real sharks of the world of Finance. And the fourth is behind the Scenes, whatever it was. A structure, (structure), notable even less than corporations. All four forces penetrate each other, all ultimately based on concepts of the human mind, here the concept and it is the main grind. You can cut off the media (to kill people), gnaw neighbors resources and territory, but win in the end, it is ideas.

So, for the Venus project, no idea, NO social technology. There is a beautiful picture, the dream of a freebie, as on the Maidan. All will be well if you gonna believe us. You want everything to be okay?

A clear picture of a happy flock. Sheep are concerned with the reproduction and tasty /potent weed. Bread and circuses, his mother iti.

That's only a pastoral pastures is not expected – at the sheep always have a direct purpose for which the shepherds distribute the machines or food. The people in the Venus project there are no features, in addition to plant. Therefore, the most kreep go to the authorities for the new elite, the rest are just overboard.


The opportunity – Yes, theoretically that is. As an exception, as the whim of those in power, there are isolated pockets of prosperity, scattered in time and space. As the system does NOT.

Fears of "False Flag" to Distract from Hillary ordeal as National Guardsmen in multiple states get call-up for 3:30 AM tomorrow - Multiple Military Convoys departing Multiple bases throughout USA

Internet explodes from many eyewitness reports from all over the country about how to move numerous and very large military convoys began collecting natsgvardeytsev, they ordered to report at 3:30 am on Saturday morning started very strong and unusual activity in almost all the major military bases in all states USA.

Conspiracy theorists have said that preparing a terrible falshflag (false attack), to divert public attention from the catastrophic news today about Hillary Clinton. If the conspiracy theorists are right, some falshflag can distract attention of the entire country for a week or two? Something great!

Here is a typical example of the growing flow of messages about these sudden hostilities:

- Collection of the National Guard has been activated, so that everyone will be at 3:30 am. I can not say much, but I know that ........ all to see within 3-6 days.
The consequences will be terrible.

- It does not matter who "elected" after the event.

- I live near a major military facility, it began a strong movement, a huge military convoy moving through the Southern and Northern Kentucky, Tennessee.

If you live near a major US military base, and you see or hear an unusual activity that indicates the possible mobilization of troops, please write in the comments to inform the public, or use our e-mail address If you have a photo or video, you can attach them.

UPDATE 1:27 AM EDT 29 October 2016 -

Hillary, Obama and Biden has canceled all public appearances after 31 October. It looks like a war friends.

Yes, we know that the FBI has resumed business, Hillary. But it may already be too late.

There was a smell of war or state of emergency.

More. . . .

According to the hacker group "Anonymous" leakage implies Hillary and Obama of treason!

They may even be willing to start WW3, to divert attention, and not thunder in jail? Some people do not doubt it for a second.

Fasten your seat belts, we do not know exactly what's happening, but it is better to make sure your supplies in order.

Russia and the US can start fighting

Now conspiracy.

Options for a future war.

Here is our scenario, we do not want, what would it be prophetic, perhaps, something will bring you into a state of depression, but something fun.

From what you know, nothing will change!

From the last letter someone wrote that we ukry, someone said that fake, people understand we do not care how you die, survive than those who think that I have not sinned, will survive are those who will be with the spark of life and the animals will not.

Information comes and we only record.

In the near future we are waiting for 3 military companies, after which the world will never be the same as you know it.

The company first - Asian.

Time points out that the beginning of events is necessary.

West will be in every way to put a spoke in the wheel, and then take control of the oil production in Syria and Iraq.

Turkey will make another "mistake", the quiet consent of their overseas curators, and even then nothing will stop Russia from land-based operations, it will be a landing operation, from the Caspian Sea, through Iraq.

The group is divided into two parts, one part will go to Turkey, united with the Kurds, the second to the south.

For the Western world it will be a shock.

By grouping, as well to join the Iranians. Together they will take for themselves all the oil production of Iraq, and then a powerful blow to break away from the LIH in Syria, they will be in the ring.

Saudis urgently mobilize the army, and then the end will come, and the Saudis ...

About Turkey we wrote, and here and Armenians will take part, for 2 months we reach Constantinople / Istanbul.

In Turkey, will be the first major battle, a new war, when 50,000 were killed on the day will be the usual statistics. It will not last for a long time (about 2 weeks), the modern Turks are not warriors, they are cowardly, tremble, do not stand up.

Meanwhile ....

Company second - European.

To slow the Russian advance in Turkey handy slowly smoldering wick in Ukraine.

It Dmitry wrote extensively, so dwell on this, we will not, in the end we are again in Kiev.

Meanwhile troops after regrouping Asian company is converted into a European company (and this will be the southern flank), Kiev - Central and after shat Sweden, Norway and Finland, will be and Leningrad - the northern flank.

The Persians also want the Jews to put blood, you also know the result.

The European company is divided into two stages.

Step One:

Serbs raise revolt against the usurpation of the country, of course we will go to them for help, Greeks miss troops without any problems, the military will be greeted as liberators from the Anglo-Saxon domination, but the southern group in the back hit Bulgarians together with Nato, this step will cause great sorrow.

South group will be broken.

Simultaneously with these events begin action in the north.

Thus ended the first stage of a European company.

Field full of events in the war enters China (although small battalions will be earlier)

Pacific company, we will not describe, but still at an initial stage, in conjunction with the Pacific Fleet will complete neutralization MF USA.

Once in Europe will be lost southern group will undermine the H-bombs at the bottom of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Caused by this tsunami washed away coastal towns, and most importantly, wash southern England with London and his queen.

Few will flood France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden. In America, wash New York and California.

Then begins what we have seen only in movies. The flight of the rocket at us - the US, let it be written, funny, but produced 160 missiles, their goal is only achieved 9 !!! (We are referring only to those that fly from the continent, as will be more and others). After they had shot, get an answer, it will be only for military purposes. We will release a total of 20 rockets - 19 will fall into the goal.

China sends us his grouping. Several million Chinese guys will do a complete sweep of the whole of North Africa, and the second part will go back through Turkey, where finally finish underground.

Because guys will have a lot in Africa, there are also a couple of bombs will blow up, but it will not stop them.

The second part of a European company:

The Chinese will go in 3 directions, the Balkans, landing in Italy, and via Gibraltar. Dad in a panic, not knowing what to do, will wash off in the states (by the way it is, he will bring the news about the fact that Europe has fallen).

Northern Front sort out for a month with a rebellious northerners and the central front, as in May '45, after 72 hours will march through the streets of Berlin.

Yes…. with the NATO group in Bulgaria is very strictly will understand, and will, so that there were in fact all NATO forces.

A second front would be Muslim fanatics, they are also a lot of nasty things done, but not so much that would stop the army.

Amer decide as follows: - Europe, Russian again ?! This time they did not get!

And run another 20 rockets, this time we sobem only one, and that would be sure, Europe poison, so that everything there will die, and our troops and the Chinese the same.

So we gradually come to the next chapter.

The company third - American.

In this part, we will use the already written prediction, with minor amendments, as believe that it is as close to the actual events, we allowed ourselves to add only a few strokes.

Landed our troops, 3 months after the defeat of the southern flank.

But let's start with China, poor course will get 2/3 of China's die.

Chuck Yungbrandt fully described the course of the war in the United States, he wrote to the American position:

"On October 21 - 132 427 Russian soldiers to invade the United States in the East (Delaware). In just a few hours before their armored forces landed on the coast of Virginia, the purpose of this bold stroke, to cause confusion. Armored vehicles will rush like a fan across the state, wreaking havoc, destruction and fires in cities.

This force is designed to sabotage, to distract our attention from the main places of landing.

Russian division landed in the small town of Milford, Delaware. Hence, tanks and self-propelled artillery quickly moving around the 39 highway 13, take Dover. The capital of the State of Delaware will be taken within an hour, without a single shot.

October 23 - approximately 1.8 million American soldiers will be involved in the reflection of Russian forces in the area of ​​Wilmington, Delaware. Although US troops will attack and fight with courage and perseverance, Russian troops dig in and survive the attack. A week later, Russian troops will move in an unexpected attack in the United States' central defense and welling in the open country. Panic and confusion will sweep the army, and the sudden appearance of a large number of fighter-bombers (our) would be horror these days.

Using breakthrough, Russian armored units rushing to the west. While the bulk of American armored forces will be forced to defend Washington. However, the object of Russian forces is not Washington, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Disagreeing widely to the north, Russian Army will cover Philadelphia, surrounding about a million American soldiers, they all die.

The US military will not be able to stop the advancement of Russia. The US Army will be destroyed when the defense of the south. The Russian army will pass through Virginia to North Carolina. Slow movement of Russian troops after a series of bloody battles. With the arrival of harsh winter and lack of supply, Russian stop in the Appalachian mountain ranges, about halfway between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg ...

West Coast - a month after the invasion of Russia in the East to the West Coast in three different places to attack China (ally want to take revenge for the destruction of cities) and ex-Japan (the day of reckoning has come for Hiroshima and Nagasaki), with significant assistance of the Russian fleet. Some Chinese forces landed in the Gulf of Uillapa, the second somewhere in the south of what was left of San Francisco, and others, Japanese and Chinese troops, five miles from the US-Mexico border.

West Coast Defence has lost its air and ground forces, which were sent to the East Coast. Chinese army troops surrounded and cut off from the mainland by the US Army. The Chinese will be strong enough to drive the US forces to the East. The Chinese and Japanese were to the north of Los Angeles, and later come to San Francisco.

After a winter disrupted supply of troops and movement of troops stopped on all fronts. Although it was a difficult winter for the Americans, but no less cruel for the Russian, Chinese and Japanese armies. In yet untouched by urban war arose factories and plants. All of our technology directed at the production of a large number of modern warfare.

The government tried to take a desperate attempt, using existing differences with the red Chinese and Japanese, but it was even, they submitted a single command - Russian. Lead is a whole group, a person is not a military man, he was overweight, of medium height, he will accidentally General, before the war, he was filming a movie, oh, if only to take control of their film industry and to find it, we would have a chance to win, but it is a mystery. The wild and barbaric strategy, calculate it, we have not been able to, he fought against the rules. The complete lack of logic of his actions repeatedly lead us to a complete collapse.

Philadelphia used Russian as the main naval base for the delivery of fuel and food. I have seen a gradual concentration of forces between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, southern Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. In late winter and early spring, the US Air Force once again appeared and prevented the Russian Air Force. Thousands of guns and rocket launchers Shoot volley by Russian defense. Millions of soldiers attacked violently, and Russian were stunned. The gap in the hundreds of miles was broken in the Russian defense. Russia had no reserves, they were doomed, and we knew it. We hoped that they will hunger supplies run out, as the Russian surrender Paulus at Stalingrad, but they fought.

One of the US Army again take Washington, DC, and Philadelphia, which will be their main goal. The American troops were advancing, and Russian military forces were on the wane. They lost the battle, and the battle is constantly retreating, they had no more than 30 thousand. US troops attacked Russian waves, and often victory passed from hand to hand, but despite our valiant efforts, Russian soldiers still stood firmly, and their general was like a god to them, his soldiers were fanatically committed, and not one, even under torture did not betray him. They were fighting and playing for time, and we are not as they could not understand why they prefer death, and do not give up.

Then there was one of the biggest airlift of troops in history. Russian troops were brought from Russia to the United States in large numbers, and the onset of the US army halted, taking Philadelphia. Since then, the US army fought desperately and hopelessly.

May 14 began a counteroffensive in cooperation with the Chinese and Japanese forces, which will eventually lead to the destruction of the remnants of the US Army in the Midwest, in the fields of Kansas, Missouri and Iowa.

It will pee treaty of surrender. The United States will cease to exist by the summer. Die 200 million Americans. Russian soldiers will bring ancestral custom. They are to marry our women from 12 to 40 years, which would give birth to children. Occupation regime leads benefits for those who have children from Russian, and after 10 years, we will all Russian, the language of the conversation and will they, the English language will be dying.

The Chinese will go to women who can not have children, and they would please the soldiers, these will be very much. The Japanese will be sadists, they will torture and torment of our men, most men undergo castration. Then Chinese and Japanese troops will go to India and other parts of Asia to consolidate everything into one empire. Chief of the Russian will be honored by all, even by us, but he will not rule.

In America, there will be more banks, life will be different, I'm glad and I grieve for the dead ....

At the end we would like to tell you what will happen in Russia:

- Nuclear attack would get 16 cities: Moscow, Murmansk, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok ... Many will missiles from submarines and small vessels, many of them reach the goal, do not be afraid of destruction will be, but not so global. The radiation is only in the midst of a 5 km. from it will be relatively easy.

- Men are not to be missed sorely.

- Will fight adolescents from 13 years of age and women 15.

When the war is over, will start a new industrialization, but not the one that was at the Union, will be the new technology. Communication will be organized in a different way.

Europe again inhabit in 5 years, it will be mainly Persians, Indians and Chinese, we will not go, because that itself will have to settle in the void.

And then come and "new" religion.

Forgot to write about the displacement of the poles, it will happen at the end of the first European companies to help our explosions. Ocean and washed away a little make some noise of the coastal towns.

We also incur severe losses in the total population die half.

At the end of the war in the villages live children and the elderly, and for many kilometers one.

The war will be 3 years (proactive), so sit on the stove no one has come out.

- From the book should Afanasva that our prophets said, that Siberia will turn yellow. Possibly, but not before the end the major fighting.

- The Chinese never will not fight for Europe (here lies).

- 2/3 of the book really do not need to read, there are things that confuse people and catch up with fear.

- Not so pessimistic as it may seem, most importantly, that there will come a golden millennium of humanity after the war, where there will be bankers, moneylenders, hrestyan and Muslims, this war will give impetus to the development, unfortunately, no other way to reach us.

So for the bright future of our ancestors can die.

 But it is better that it did not happen!

ANALYSIS: Election outcome scenarios reveal 95% chance of widespread post-election violence... streets of America to run red with blood

Mike Adams

Analysis of the possible results of the upcoming presidential election shows that America has only a 5% chance to remain calm after 8 November. This does not mean that violence will start shortly on November 9 but probably events will unfold in the day, and this will lead to an escalation of violence (with veroyanostyu 95%).

Here are a few scenarios that I see how things will unfold, based on all available information:

Scenario number 1) Trump wins elections

There are three additional scenarios as part of the result:

1A (10% probability) scenario: Trump wins the election, but the Democrats steal votes to claim victory, blocking voters

Despite the fact that Donald Trump won the election, the Democrats have bribed enough representatives of the Electoral College in favor of Clinton, even in contradiction with the voters of his state.

If this happens, it is safe to expect mass protests, violence, bloodshed and many legal problems in those states where electoral votes do not reflect the popular vote. There is no doubt that Trump's support American citizens will not accept "rigged" election results, where the electoral votes, in fact, stolen from the people. This can very quickly escalate into armed unrest and resistance when we observe how citizens marching through the streets and occupy key government buildings for the purpose of armed revolution against corruption.

1B scenario (probability 60%): Obama declares victory Trump invalid, arguing that Russian broke Vote

In my analysis of the most likely outcome of the upcoming elections, and Democrats have launched a version of this in advance with the absurd statement that "Russian" work with WikiLeaks and that Trump is a "puppet of Putin."

The purpose of all this - to create an excuse the fact that Trump's victory can be declared invalid by Obama. Despite all the talk among Democrats that they love and respect democracy, the simple truth is that they are deeply hate it (and do not trust him). There is almost no chance that Obama and the Clintons voluntarily cede power to Donald Trump.

If Obama declares victory Trump invalid, all hell breaks loose around the country, leftists arrange "full of terror" and the Patriots take up arms to defend democracy against the anti-American traitors in Washington, DC.

Scenario 1C (5% probability): Democrats take victory Trump and agree on a peaceful transition of power.

Even if Obama and Clinton acknowledged defeat and agree that Donald Trump - the next president, the liberal voters go crazy and start to destroy the buildings across America. You will see the riots breaking out everywhere. Obama can then use this to declare martial law, and if he wants to postpone the transfer of power to Donald Trump (or blame him for all the violence).

Remember that the Democrats have launched the mechanism of mass violence and organized it all over America ( They can easily organize riots, arson, explosions, and more in order to increase the chaos in the streets.

Scenario number 2) Clinton wins elections

 On the basis of current information (and taking into account how "official" fully rigged polls), in my analysis, there is only a 25% chance that Hillary Clinton wins the election. Here the sub-scripts within these 25%:

2A scenario (probability 20%): Clinton wins the elections, but Trump has challenged the legality of the election results.

This scenario is very likely, begins with legal problems in mass election fraud, but can quickly escalate into a military coup or a rebellion of armed citizens, where outraged Americans organize a march on Washington to overthrow the corrupt regime in power.

We must expect a huge bloodshed in this case. There is no doubt that about half of America simply can not and will not accept Hillary Clinton as president. It is too corrupt too evil and too dangerous. (Hillary Clinton - a serial criminal who should be charged and put in jail if America is still a country that respects the law.)

Scenario 2B (5% probability): Trump accepts the election results and said supporters to those who supported Hillary Clinton

If Clinton wins Trump admits that she won fair and square (which seems very unlikely), then he can publicly call upon all to back down and accept the presidency of Clinton.

I see that the probability of this is only 5%. And even then, many conservatives and patriots are so angry at the outcome that they can decide on their own protests.

95% chance of mass violence in one form or another

The result of this is that I see only a 5% chance of a peaceful, non-violent outcome of these elections. In most conceivable scenarios, America plunges into mass violence in one form or another.

This is a direct result of the extreme polarization of political opinion in America today, where we have a whole class of uneducated, ignorant supporters of Hillary Clinton, who can only watch CNN and have no idea that Clinton is corrupt criminals. Evidence of the depth of the Democrats of corruption in the project Veritas Veritas (part 3), which has just been released:

On the other hand, we have reported that the Americans have woken up to realize how these elections - their last chance to restore democracy by voting against a corrupt establishment.

These two groups can not reason with each other. They can not find a compromise and to be honest, you can not even talk with the Democrats, because they are all so zapropagandirovany and brain-damaged that they have completely abandoned the concept of "facts." (For them, "the fact" that says Hillary Clinton, while "false" is what Donald Trump says.)

We are so far from the realm of the mind right now. Faith in a lie Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton almost became a mental disorder, because their ideas are turned into such nonsense that only a mentally ill person can believe (or vote for them).

In fact, the vote on November 8 th - is not just a vote to determine whether America really insane reject corruption, Hillary Clinton is a vote to determine whether the lost mind of the American people collectively.

If Clinton wins, it means that we live in a society of zombies and insane cultists, who are a danger to everyone (including yourself).

Global global debt collapse will be initiated regardless of who wins

It is important to note that no matter who wins, the world global debt collapse is not far off, which means that the whole scam Global Governmenta infinite growth and high payouts will come to a catastrophic end. And it is mathematically guaranteed, regardless of who wins the presidential election.

You understand that if Donald Trump wins and takes the position of central banks of the world are deliberately push the system to crash and obvenit around Donald Trump.

Third Worldwar: the preparation is in full swing


As has recently been shown, it continues an active movement of military equipment for the destination which were different opinions in the United States. The most common: the technique of being taken to the ports. It is confirmed. If you google the topic about the war and about the ports - will be a lot of clips from the small port of insiders children and loaders, watching the maneuvers through smartphones:

Who was shooting a movie when - this question to the authors. The main thing that the video is, it a lot, the date of publication similar to the real.


In the glorious Montana ten days ago declared a no-fly zone over some circles drawn on the map.

For those who are not in the tank: the US has 150 Minuteman III ballistic missiles hidden near Malmstrom Air Base. This is Montana. Probably, if there will be some aircraft will be uncomfortable to shoot missiles at the course. Perhaps some other reason. But still strange.


USA was transferred to the Middle East planes to refuel in the air.

Probably at each air base in the world are flying tankers there. In any case, since the cases are known to be different. However, if we are talking about a mass transfer of tankers - so far assumed mass departures fighters. Where to fly?


 Diego Garcia, a wonderful small island in the Indian Ocean. Owned by Britain, leased by the US military base. In the early seventies of the last century all the natives were forcibly evicted: uncles in pith helmets robbed Papuans pet dogs and euthanized with gas. Then he showed his finger, and hinted that if not out - join the doggies. Since then, with insiders and valiant scouts on the island of tight, it is seen only in the Defense Ministry from space. At the same time no one report that we'll see in particular.

Fortunately for all of the good man was found from US government contractors - it is on the island is to build something, not digging (he Communication Specialist). With eyes round with fear brave scout specialist painted on any forum about the following:

- On the island of more aircraft than at any time in the last 9 years. They are so many that even the equipment put on the road

- The military base in space is no longer fit for them and built a tent-town shield.

- Usually on the basis of dusts several B-52s, but occasionally being moved to several new aircraft like the B-1 or B-2. More than one at a time, the contractor never seen. Who presented the basis of the entire fleet of new bombers.

- Airport runs at full speed, taking off and landing every minute. Departing from the base, the plane waited for the departure of the contractor in the queue, which was not previously had.

- All loading docks in the port busy, a lot of other ships is placed on the roads. Some contractor saw the bomb. Many bombs.

- On the basis of draconian security measures, the contractor demanded a pass to 8 times a day, which has never happened before. As he explained to friends the military - a test mode is entered if the job comes with a nuclear weapon.

By the way, in English-speaking blogs made by active consideration of the Russian post on Twitter

In the photo, allegedly made in Tatischevo area captured convoy, similar to transport nuclear weapons. Given that the Russian base located near Engels-2 bombers Tu-160 and T-95, it can be assumed where these cars were driving. So there are all reasons a little jittery.


Unknown US Navy officer threw one more reason to worry. In kindness he told local residents that Russian is not today or tomorrow embed Alaska. Local from the very shy a week sitting in basements.


And of course the biggest hit of the fall season - a statement Kremlin insider Markov on the war between Russia and the US will begin before the election on 8 November.

Makes the brand such a statement or did not do, there was healthy mentally, if still did - in this respect no one knows anything. But what is strange about the same time almost in the same way as if the Queen of England spoke - he said about the end times, and advised everyone to say goodbye to loved ones.

Many did not take this statement seriously strongly hinting on a yellowish news sources. However, these serious citizens for a moment forget that the Queen of England - it is also very serious. It is unlikely that the owner of a newspaper some will come to mind to attribute to the queen the words that she did not speak. Here and on the head can squeal, the British Empire and a fairly large hands MI6 rather long. But once wrote - then had a team more to shed light on the topic. A theme emerges quite grim: somehow sinister look, all these global military maneuvers. To put it in the style of a famous movie character - an unhealthy kind of a waste of time. It seems that today is not a big batch will begin tomorrow.